32 research outputs found

    Workplace Environmental factors affecting Workplace Satisfaction of Novice Public Health Nurses in the Municipalities

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    This study aimed to examine workplace environment that affects the workplace satisfaction of novice public health nurses (PHNs). An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire was sent to 670 PHNs working at municipalities. The survey comprised basic attributes, a comfortable workplace scale (Japanese version), and workplace satisfaction. We classified the PHNs into two groups, “novice” and “others,” based on their years of experience. We compared the scores on the comfortable workplace scale between the two groups. Multiple regression analysis was performed with workplace satisfaction as the dependent variable and comfortable workplace scale as the independent variable. Three hundred and fifty (52.2%) PHNs returned the questionnaire. Novice PHNs highly appreciated “human relations” and “work discretion” in their workplaces. The scores of novice PHNs on “career development” were significantly higher than that of the others. Workplace satisfaction in novice PHNs was improved by “human relations,” “labor load,” and “connection with society.” “Career development” affected other PHNs’ workplace satisfaction, but it did not affect the novice PHNs.This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP24792556

    Professional identity components of novice public health nurses working for local government agencies

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    本研究は,新任保健師の保健活動の体験に基づく内容から職業的アイデンティティの構成要素を明らかにすることを目的とした.保健師経験2年目の新任保健師7名を対象に,職業的アイデンティティの意識を尋ねるための個別面接調査及び集団面接調査を実施し,帰納的アプローチによる質的記述的分析を行った. 分析の結果,新任保健師の職業的アイデンティティの構成要素として【力量不足の自覚】,【役割遂行への責任感】,【他者からの評価による存在価値の確認】,【活動の振り返りから得た自信】,【職業への誇り】,【目標のある自己研鍾】の6つのカテゴリーを得た.新任保健師の職業的アイデンティティを形成するためには,自身の保健活動を上司や先輩保健師と共に省察し,先輩保健師や住民等支援対象者,関係機関に支えられることにより,保健師として成長するための明確な目標をもって積極的に自己研績を行う事が重要である事が推察された.The purpose of this study was to clarify components that constitute novice public health nurses' professional identity acquired through their work experiences. Semi-structured 60-minute interviews were conducted on 7 novice public health nurses with work experience of 2 years for administrative agencies. Qualitative descriptive analysis by an inductive approach identified 6 categories pertaining to their professional identities: [1] awareness of a lack of professional competence, [2] sense of responsibility in pursuing their occupational role, [3] awareness of their worth based on evaluation by others, [4] professional confidence obtained through review of their actions, [5] sense of pride in their profession and their adaptability to the environment, and [6] clear goals for self-improvement based on their experiences. It is important for novice public health nurses to devote themselves positively to the profession with clear aims to improve their skills and attitude for development of professional identity. This can be achieved through reflection on their healthcare activities together with the advice and support from supervisors and/ or senior colleagues, and through their work experiences with local citizens.本研究は平成24-27年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金若手研究(B)(課題番号:24792556)助成の一部として実施しました


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    Cognition, Training, and Education of Nurses in Oral Feeding Assistance for Hospitalized Patients: A Comparative Study among Nurses in China and Japan

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    This study compared cognition, training, and education regarding oral feeding assistance provided to hospitalized patients among nurses in China and Japan. The participants included 401 nurses from two general hospitals (China, 141; Japan, 260). The survey items included demographic characteristics, cognition about who should assist with oral feeding, the need for professional knowledge and skills, supporting patients with particular needs, essential steps in oral feeding assistance, and evaluation of training and relevant education. In total, 107 Chinese (75.9%) and 184 Japanese (70.8%) nurses returned completed questionnaires. Compared to Japanese nurses, a larger proportion of Chinese nurses (5.6% vs. 42.1%, p < 0.001) responded that a “family member” should assist with oral feeding. Most (92.5% of Chinese and 98.9% of Japanese, p < 0.01) nurses recognized the need for professional knowledge and skills. In both groups, cognition was high for eating environment and aspects of patients’ physical condition, such as dysfunction and position, but inadequate for aspects of patients’ psychological conditions, such as emotional state and appetite. Limited learning experiences, such as attending lectures, undergoing training, and exposure to literature, were observed among Chinese nurses compared to Japanese nurses. Compared to Japanese nurses, Chinese nurses showed inadequate cognition concerning the role of nurses in oral feeding assistance. The degree of cognition regarding this assistance may be associated with relevant learning experiences. To improve the quality of oral feeding assistance and execution of related nursing duties, greater emphasis on oral feeding assistance is necessary in the Chinese nursing curriculum


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    本研究の目的は、定年退職した看護管理者が定年後もなお看護活動に携わる思いについて明らかにすることである。半構造化面接により、7人の対象者(年齢 : 58歳~60歳)のデータを分析した結果、4つのカテゴリー、13のサブカテゴリーが抽出された。定年についての考え方である【定年は自分探しの新たなスタート】、現在の自分を振り返り【ひたむきにさせる看護の魅力】、【役職を離れて獲得できた新しい役割の受容】、【尽きることのない看護への情熱】で構成されていた。そして、核となる思いは、【ひたむきにさせる看護の魅力】と、豊富な経験を活かしながら楽しむ【尽きることのない看護への情熱】と考えた

    Cross-cultural metathemes of Chinese and Japanese university students' perspective on parental care

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    IntroductionDue to declining birthrates and aging populations, parental care is going to place a greater burden on younger generations in the future, especially in East Asia where it is more common for children to provide care regardless of whether there is a national long-term care insurance program. Therefore, it has become important to understand the younger generation's views on parental care.MethodsAn explorative, metathematic qualitative study design was used. Data collection relied on semi-structured interviews, of which 19 Chinese and 19 Japanese university students were conducted from December 2021 to July 2022 using a snowball sampling method. Metatheme analysis was then used to identify broad cross-cultural metathemes and inter-relationships on parental care.ResultsThree parental care metathemes were identified for the perspectives of parental care: distrust of leaving parental care to others, responsibility to care for their parents, and importance of parent-child interactions about parental care.ConclusionTo improve social support for care, both countries must improve long-term care service delivery and healthcare systems and ensure that there is a trusting relationship between healthcare professionals and the public. Governments should also ensure that adult children receive assistance to balance their work, life, and parental care responsibilities. The findings provide several practical suggestions for improving healthcare systems in China and Japan through the younger generations' views


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    ニンチショウ カイゴ ノ コウテイテキ ニンシキ ニ チャクモク シタ カゾク エ ノ ジョウホウ テイキョウ ニ ヨル カイニュウ ト コウカ

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    認知症高齢者の在宅介護者が抱く介護の肯定的認識に関するリーフレットを用いた簡便な情報提供による介入が、肯定的認識の向上と介護負担感の軽減に与える効果を明らかにした。研究対象者は、研究協力施設の2施設を利用している認知症高齢者の主介護者20人とした。対象者は、介入群、対照群に無作為に割り当てた。介入として、肯定的認識に関するリーフレットを用いた情報提供を介護支援専門員が行った。介入群では、介入前、介入直後、介入1ヵ月後に自記式質問紙調査を行った。介護者の概要は、介入群では女性8人、対照群では女性9人であった。介入群の対象者では、介護の肯定的認識のみ得点の向上が認められ、介護負担感、認知症の行動・心理症状(BPSD)では、介入前後では変化がなかった。本研究の結果から、認知症高齢者の介護者の肯定的認識の向上には、肯定的認識への直接的な働きかけの効果と、リーフレットの内容をさらに充実させることで効果を高める必要性が示唆された。(著者抄録)The present study aimed to verify the efficacy of a simple, yet basic, method of support, specifically, the handing out of information leaflets on positive appraisal of caregiving and to evaluate whether this method increased positive appraisal of their tasks and led to a relief of burden for caregivers providing at-home care for patients with dementia. A total of 20 primary caregivers of patients with dementia using two facilitiesconsented to participate in this study and were randomly allocated to either an intervention or control group. Care managers were asked to provide the intervention group with leaflets promoting a positive appraisal of caregiving. Self-completed questionnaire surveys were conducted before intervention, immediately after intervention and one month after intervention to evaluate their positive appraisal of caregiving, caregiver burden and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) . Caregivers were predominately women in the intervention (n = 8) and control (n = 9) groups. Positive appraisal of caregiving increased in the intervention group at one month after intervention. No changes were observed for either caregiver burden or BPSD. The present findings suggest that the effects of providing caregivers with information leaflets are limited and that first-hand information should be the primary focus in order to encourage caregivers to have a higher positive appraisal of their tasks.研究報


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