7 research outputs found

    Towards A Design Of A Software-Defined Manufacturing System Based On A Systematic Literature Review For Enabling A Decentralised High-Rate Electrolyser Production

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    Hydrogen is critical for the transition to an environmentally sound and reliable energy supply. This transition requires large capacities of performant and cost-effective electrolysers. Although performant electrolysers already exist, they cannot yet be manufactured at a high rate in series production. The project H2Giga-FRHY is researching a reference factory for large-scale production of electrolysers, developing new production and testing modules. As an essential building block of the reference factory, a research group at Fraunhofer IPA is designing and implementing a comprehensive software-defined manufacturing system (SDMS), which supports the decentralized high-rate production of electrolysers and allows for far-reaching insights regarding high-rate capability, quality, and cost of products, processes, and technologies involved. For the SDMS implementation, different enterprise architecture (EA) approaches are considered and evaluated in the scope of a structured literature review with respect to criteria arising from the project context and related research questions. In this paper, an approach to designing a software-defined manufacturing system is described, and its necessity is based on the use case-specific criteria discussed

    Long-term development of the sediment dynamics of proglacial streams in three alpine catchments

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    Due to glacier melting since the end of the Little Ice Age, the system of proglacial streams has experienced significant changes. This motivates the question about long-term developments of sediment dynamics in these stream channels with ongoing glacier melting. Previous studies showed cycles of aggradation and degradation in proglacial streams. On the long term, some discovered an aggrading system and others a balanced ratio. However, no long-term data of channel sediment dynamics for several decades and multiple catchments that would enable a comparison have been discussed to date. Within the project “Sensitivity of High Alpine Geosystems to climate change since c. 1850” (SEHAG), historical digital elevation models (DEMs) were generated from aerial images dating back until 1953. Moreover, from the 2000s on, airborne LiDAR datasets and DEMs based on drone images are available. Numerous DEMs of difference were generated for the three alpine catchments studied by the SEHAG project: Kaunertal and Horlachtal (Tyrol, Austria), and Martelltal (South Tyrol, Italy). These catchments differ regarding their location respective to the alpine main divide and also regarding their percentage of glaciation. This database enables the comparative investigation of sediment dynamics within the main channel system over decades. Our preliminary results show mainly accumulation next to the glacier tongue, but subsequently a reworking of this accumulated material by channel incision until the channel system reaches a state of stability some years or decades after deglaciation

    Multidecadal changes of structural sediment connectivity in alpine catchments

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    Sediment connectivity is defined as the potential of a catchment to route material through itself. It is a system property that regulates the propagation of geomorphic changes through a catchment and is therefore a factor of its sensitivity to climatic change. In well-connected catchments, changes are effectively propagated; where the coupling of hillslopes to channels, or between channel reaches is poor, changes may remain localised. Structural connectivity itself is not a static property; it can be affected by process-response feedbacks, gradual or rapid changes, for example as a consequence of extreme events. In this study, we use a multi-method approach to investigate changes in structural sediment connectivity over time periods of up to 70 years in three alpine catchments. First, we calculate the Index of Connectivity (IC) and corresponding change maps to identify areas and time periods with major changes in structural connectivity. The required multitemporal digital elevation models (DEMs) are computed with historical aerial images and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry, more recent DEMs are obtained from ALS surveys. The channel networks as targets are manually mapped using the DEMs and orthomosaics. The second approach for selected areas makes use of multitemporal geomorphological maps, digital elevation models and graph theory. The geomorphological maps were produced based on historical orthomosaics, DEM derivatives and DEMs of Difference. The landforms in the geomorphological maps form the nodes of a graph, and edges connecting the nodes along the direction of flow represent potential or actual sediment transfer between them. The graphs reflect the system structure for a certain point in time; graph metrics can be used to assess the structural connectivity including spatial differences and temporal changes

    Testing the predictive capability of the Index of Connectivity (IC) on a 2022 debris-flow event considering the spatial variability of the forcing

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    Sediment connectivity is an important property of geomorphic systems reflecting the potential to route material through themselves and hence modulating the propagation of geomorphic changes. While the relevance of the concept is clear, connectivity cannot be measured directly and the discussion on the best methods to quantify connectivity is still ongoing. Probably the most frequently used approach is based on the index of connectivity (IC) as it was developed by Borselli et al. (2008) and later adapted by Cavalli et al. (2013) for alpine catchments. This index aims at quantifying the structural connectivity that is governed by the spatial configuration and properties of system components. Nevertheless, the predictive capabilities of this index for functional connectivity, i.e. the actual transfer of sediment between the system components, have not been conclusively validated with field data. Most importantly, previous studies have, to our knowledge, not taken into account the spatial variability of the hydrometeorological forcing that leads to different functional connectivity in locations with similar structural connectivity. In this study, we use a unique dataset to test the predictive capability of the IC for hillslope-channel coupling of debris flows in the Horlachtal, Austria (described by Rom et al., 2023). The dataset consists of aerial imagery and two airborne LiDAR digital elevation models from which n=156 debris flows were mapped and quantified that were triggered by intense rainstorms on July 20th and 23rd, 2022. For this event, adjusted radar data (INCA data from the Austrian meteorological survey, ZAMG, and measurements from weather stations within the study area) give a high-resolution account of the spatial distribution of rainfall intensities and sums. Using these data, each debris flow was characterised with respect to (i) the meteorological forcing that affected its contributing area, (ii) morphometric properties of the latter, (iii) its sediment volume, and (iv) its runout length indicating functional connectivity, i.e. the degree of coupling to the main channel. Then we assessed the influence of structural connectivity (indicated by the IC) and hydrometeorological forcing on the observed functional connectivity. To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the predictive capacity of the IC taking into account the spatial variability of the forcing. Among others, our results show that the IC is significantly higher for those debris flows that reached the main channel, compared to those that did not

    Changes in sediment connectivity due to a heavy precipitation event in lower Grastal, Tyrol

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    Sediment connectivity is an important factor regulating the propagation of change in alpine geomorphic systems. Such changes include altered discharge rates and the exposing of unconsolidated material due to glacier melt. Whether increasing sediment supply and transport capacity lead to an increase in sediment yield at the catchment outlet depends, among others, on the coupling of sediment sources to the channel network. Connectivity is not a static property – but is subject to continuous and sometimes rapid change, especially in catchments with high process dynamics. Major hydrogeomorphic events affect functional connectivity and have the capacity to change structural connectivity. In this study we investigate the changes in functional and structural sediment connectivity due to a major precipitation event in Grastal (Austria) in July 2022. With regard to sediment transfer, the investigated lower Grastalbach is longitudinally decoupled from the glacier forefield by a lake. Due to a high debris flow activity in the catchment, a lateral coupling to adjacent talus slopes exists at some points. During the event, several debris flows delivered sediment into or deposited it nearby the channel. While this represents a temporary change of functional connectivity, a major relocation of the main channel took place and the fluvial corridor was restructured in some parts. To assess these changes, two surveys were conducted in the weeks after the event: One UAV survey covering the fluvial corridor and one helicopter-based ALS survey with additional image capturing, covering the whole catchment. Those data have been used to generate post-event orthomosaics and digital elevation models. Similar surveys have been carried out in the years before, hence pre-2022 DEMs and orthomosaics already exist. On this basis, two geomorphological maps are created, one reflecting the pre-event and one the post-event system structure. These maps are used to derive toposequences and sediment cascades. In addition, a DEM of difference was calculated, which is used to detect sediment fluxes and hence to validate the coupling between landforms. Our research also highlights the merits of rapid post-event surveys to document and quantify changes (attributable to a single event), and to understand their implications for system structure

    Quantitative Long-Term Monitoring (1890–2020) of Morphodynamic and Land-Cover Changes of a LIA Lateral Moraine Section

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    Aerial photographs of the European Alps usually only reach back to the middle of the 20th century, which limits the time span of corresponding studies that quantitatively analyse longterm surface changes of proglacial areas using georeferenced orthophotos. To the end of the Little Ice Age, this leads to a gap of about 100 years. Using digital monoplotting and several historical terrestrial photographs, we show the quantification of surface changes of a Little Ice Age lateral moraine section until the late second half of the 19th century, reaching a total study period of 130 years (1890–2020). The (initial) gully system expands (almost) continuously over the entire study period from 1890 to 2020. Until 1953, the vegetation-covered areas also expanded (mainly scree communities, alpine grasslands and dwarf shrub communities), before decreasing again, especially between 1990 and 2003, due to large-scale erosion within the gully system. Furthermore, our results show that the land-cover development was impacted by temperature and precipitation changes. With the 130-year study period, we contribute to a substantial improvement in the understanding of the processes in the proglacial by analysing the early phase and thus the immediate response of the lateral moraine to the ice exposure