11 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Jagung Pulut Lokal Sulawesi Selatan Yang Ditanam Di Polibag Pada Berbagai Kombinasi Perlakuan Pupuk Organik

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    Research has been carried out through the utilization of organic fertilizer to improve the productivity of local maizecultivar originated from South Sulawesi. The study was conducted at the research station of Research Center for Biology,Cibinong Science Center. Corn seed were planted in polybag containing mixture of soil and compost, 6 and 2kg, respectively. The research were carried out by Randomized Complete Block Design arranged in factorial experimentwith four replications. The first factors are three types of local maize namely A: rice corn (pulut beras, BataraKoasa), B: waxy corn (pulut biji, Batara Kamu), C: pulut hibrida (hybrid cultivar). The second factors are 14 combinationtreatment as a mixture of LIPI organic fertilizer (Beyonic-StarTmik, Bio121, EM-121 and MegaRhizo) andanorganic NPK fertilizer. The variables observed were plant growth and production. The results showed that thehybrid cultivar had higher total corn yield productivity compared to the local one, although hybrid cultivar hassmaller plant biomass. Waxy corn (B) accession showed the weight, length and diameter of cob, and also the weightof 100 grains larger than rice corn (A). Fertilization treatments significantly affect the corn-cob productivity which isincludes the weight, length, and diameter units. Fertilization treatments such as EM-121 + (½ dose of NPK), BIO-121 + (½ dose of NPK), and Beyonic + (¼ dose of NPK) showed a good effect on plant, and it was not significantlydifferent with 100% NPK (full doses of NPK). The three corn cultivar showed different responses to fertilizationtreatments

    Pemanfaatan Salvinia Molesta D.s. Mitchell, Akumulator Merkuri Di Sawah Tercemar Limbah Penambangan Emas

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    Mercury is one of important contaminants in mine lands. One approach to remediaterisks from this metal pollutant is phytoextraction using hyperaccumulator plants. Theseremarkable plant species accumulate appreciable high concentrations of metals thando normal plants when the normal plants suffer yield reduction from metal phytotoxicity.Some plant species growing in gold mine contaminated areas indicated high toleranceand potentially effective in accumulating mercury in their roots and above groundportions. Salvinia molesta is one of them. This plant could be utilized as hyperaccumulatorfor cleaning up mercury contaminated sites. This research aim to study phytoextractionof mercury by Salvinia molesta and the effectiveness of mercury degradator bacteria onplant tolerance and mercury phytoextraction. In this study Salvinia molesta was grown inmercury contaminated liquid gold mine waste, added with Mercury (II) Chloride (HgCl2)0 ppm Hg, 10 ppm Hg, 30 ppm Hg and 50 ppm Hg. Mercury degradator bacteria wasapplied in the media. The results showed that Salvinia molesta was able to survive evenin media with high level of mercury concentration (50 ppm), although the number ofplant survival tend to decrease with the increase of mercury concentration. Variables ofsurface coverage and live plants decreased with the increase of mercury concentrationin the media. There was a close correlation between plant growth variables and mercuryconcentration in the media. The effects of mercury toxicity on plants seems to decreasein bacteria treated plants. It was indicated by the higher percentage of surface coverageand plant survival in bacteria treated plants than that of untreated plants up to 30 ppm Hg.Recovery from toxicity was shown in bacteria treated plants up to 30 ppm Hg. Mercuryaccumulation in plants tent to increase with the increase of mercury concentration inmedia. It can be concluded that plant performance was better and mercury concentrationdecreased in bacteria treated plants

    Uji Potensi Tumbuhan Akumulator Merkuri Untuk Fitoremediasi Lingkungan Tercemar Akibat Kegiatan Penambangan Emas Tanpa Izin (PETI) Di Kampung Leuwi Bolang, Desa Bantar Karet, Kecamatan Nanggung, Bogor

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    The research were carried out in Hg contaminated paddy field in Kampung Leuwibolang,Desa Bantar Karet, Kecamatan Nanggung, Kabupaten Bogor. The aim of this research is tostudy the potency of Salvinia molesta, Oryza sativa, Monocharia vaginalis, Limnoharisflava, Paspalum conjugatum, Cyperus monocephala, Centrosema pubescens, Mikania cordataand Commelina nudiflora to accumulate Hg from contaminated soil. The treatments werefertilizer: no fertilizer (as a control), NPK, manure and compost. The result showed that thegrowth of each plant was significantly different. The fertilizer treatments were significantlyaffected plant growth. The S. molesta showed the highest biomass followed by M. vaginalis,O. sativa and C. nudiflora. Meanwhile S. molesta also showed the highest capasity toaccumulate Hg/year followed by C. nudiflora, P. conjugatum dan M. vaginalis. Production ofbiomass and accumulation capasity of contaminant were the characteristic of accumulatorplant. Based on characteristic of hyperaccumulator plant, this research suggested that S.molesta, M. vaginalis, P. conjugatum, O. sativa dan C. nudiflora were selected forfitoremediation of Hg contaminated soil

    Pengembangan Teknologi Pembuatan Biopolimer Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi Dari Limbah Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays) Untuk Industri Makanan: Cmc (Carboxymethylcellulose)

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    Corncobs is agricultural waste that have ascent amounts every years. The purposes of this research were to obtain information cellulose alternative source from corncobs for material of CMC; get optimum condition of synthesis CMC with food grade of DS and the characteristic of pH, viscosity, purity CMC. Synthesis CMC through alkalization and carboxymethylation process. The variation of NaOH concentration are 7,93; 10,00; 15,00; 20,00; 22,07% in alkalization and variations amount of NaMCA are 4,5858; 5,0000; 6,0000; 7,0000; 7,4142 gram in carboxymethylation. The result was cellulose content in corncobs is 62,80 %. The optimum condition which obtained from 15% NaOH and 5,04 g NaMCA gave CMC with DS 0, 82 ; pH 7,64 ; purity 99,52 % ; and viscosity 25,40 cps

    Potensi Hipertoleransi Calopogonium Mucunoides, Centrosema Pubescens Dan Cajanus Cajan Yang Tumbuh Pada Limbah Penambangan Emas Terkontaminasi Sianida Dan Merkuri

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    Potency of Hypertolerance of Calopogonium mucunoides, Centrosema pubescensand Cajanus cajan . Grown on Gold Mine waste Media Contaminated by Cyanideand Mercury. Cleaning up contaminated environment by using green technology ofphytoremediation is urgently needed in the future. These plants will be utilized ashyperaccumulators for cleaning up the contaminated sites. The results of plant screeningshowed that some plant species, which grow in the contaminated areas, indicated hightolerance and potentially effective in accumulating cyanide and mercury in their rootsand above ground portions. Those plants are Calopogonium mucunoides and Centrosemapubescens. This research aims to examine the potency of three candidate plants i.eCalopogonium mucunoides, Centrosemapubescens and Cajanus cajan, that were grownunder three different media i.e tailing waste of PT ANTAM contaminated by cyanide,public mine or PET1 waste that were contaminated by mercury and non contaminated topsoil as a control. The results showed that all of the species were able to grow undercontaminated media and showed a considerable tolerance by indicated high cyanide andmercury accumulation in their shoot and root. Among those three plants, Centrosemapubescens showed the highest level of cyanide and mercury accumulation i.e 3.29 mg I-' CN (in the shoot), 34.72 mg I-' Hg (in the shoot) and 17.47 mg lk' Hg (in the root),followed by Calopogonium mucunoides i.e 14,97 mg I-' CN (in the root). Concentrationratio of CN and Hg accumulation in shoot/root of Centrosemapubescens was >I indicatingthat this plant, according to the definition can beconsidered as a hyperaccumulator

    Efektivitas EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetracetic Acid) Dalam Meningkatkan Akumulasi Timbal Pada Saccharum Spontaneum Yang 'Ihmbuh Di Limbah Penambangan Emas

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    Effectivity of EDTA (EthylenediaminetetraceticAcid) in Increasing Lead Accumulationof Saccharum spontaneum Grown Under Gold Mine Waste. Lead (Pb) isknown as one of a major metal contaminant in mine tailing. This metal has low solubility,and in many cases, is not readily available. In most soils capable of supporting plantgrow, the soluble Pb2+ levels are relatively low and will not promote substantial uptake bythe plant. In addition, many plants retain Pb2+ in their roots with only minimal trabsportto the aboveground plant portions. Therefore, it is important to find ways to enhance thebioavailability of Pb2+ or to find specific plants that can better translocate the Pb2+ intoharvestable portions for phytoremediation. The success of Pb phytoremediation is tohave significant Pb availability as well as a large quantity of plant biomass with high rateof growth. This experiment was conducted to obtain both purposes. Saccharumspontaneum which proven tolerant and dominant in contaminated area as well as potentialin producing high biomass was used in this research.The plants were grown in wastemedia added by 100 ppm, 200 ppm and 300 ppm of Pb. Ethylenediaminetetracetine Acid(EDTA) was applied to increase Pb availability and plant uptake as well as translocationto the aboveground portions. The results showed that the plant still capable of growingunder the highest level of Pb. EDTA increase Pb availability and plant uptake. Pb accumulationin the aboveground biomass of EDTA treated plants were relatively higher thanuntreated plants