17 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Portofolio Materi Sistem Pencernaan Kelas XI SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Instrumen Penilaian  Portofolio Pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan Kelas XI SMA yang layak dan sesuai dengan tuntutan penilaian Kurikulum 2013. Pengembangan instrumen penilaian portofolio ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari lima tahap, yaitu Analysis, Design, Develop, Implemetation, dan Evaluation. Kelayakan instrumen penilaian portofolio didapatkan berdasarkan 2 metode yaitu validasi oleh 4 validator dan pemberian angket respon guru yang diisi oleh 4 guru biologi SMAN 1 Bangil.Hasil penelitian berupa instrumen penilaian portofolio pada materi Sistem Pencernaan kelas XI sesuai tuntutan penilaian kurikulum 2013 mencakup pemetaan penilaian portofolio materi Sistem Pencernaan, tata cara penilaian portofolio, petunjuk pelaksaaan penilaian portofolio siswa, lembar konsultasi portofolio siswa, lembar penilaian diri siswa, tugas 1 siswa, rubrik penilaian portofolio tugas 1 siswa, tugas 2 siswa, rubrik penilain portofolio tugas 2 siswa, dan format penilaian portofolio siswa materi Sistem Pencernaan. Instrumen Penilaian Portofolio dinyatakan layak dalam segi validitas dengan persentase sebesar 97% dan mendapat respon positif guru biologi sebesar 90% dengan kategori sangat positif.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen penilaian portofolio pada materi Sistem Pencernaan kelas XI  layak digunakan dan sesuai dengan tuntutan penilaian Kurikulum 2013. Kata kunci: Kelayakan Instrumen Penilaian, Penilaian Kurikulum 2013, Penilaian Portofolio, dan Sistem Pencernaan.&nbsp

    Penerapan Lesson Study Pada Kegiatan Praktikum Mikrobiologi Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

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    Microbiology course is one of the compulsory subjects in the study program of education. This course requires implemented in two activities that is theory and practical. Limitations of equipment and materials in practical activities, the lack of detailed practical instructions for each topic, as well as the implementation of lab activities less systematically make this activity less than optimal. The development of psychomotor abilities and performance of students who are less maximized become another problem related to the achievement of learning objectives in accordance with the standards of competence in this course. Based on the above problems the researchers conducted a study on lab activities based lesson study. Selection of lesson study is done to correct deficiencies in each study appears from some observers and colleagues who participated in the activities of lesson study. Results from this study that practical activities based lesson study is able to improve the quality of learning and improving biology education students psychomotor ability at IKIP Budi Utomo Malan

    Pemanfaatan Salvinia Molesta D.s. Mitchell, Akumulator Merkuri Di Sawah Tercemar Limbah Penambangan Emas

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    Mercury is one of important contaminants in mine lands. One approach to remediaterisks from this metal pollutant is phytoextraction using hyperaccumulator plants. Theseremarkable plant species accumulate appreciable high concentrations of metals thando normal plants when the normal plants suffer yield reduction from metal phytotoxicity.Some plant species growing in gold mine contaminated areas indicated high toleranceand potentially effective in accumulating mercury in their roots and above groundportions. Salvinia molesta is one of them. This plant could be utilized as hyperaccumulatorfor cleaning up mercury contaminated sites. This research aim to study phytoextractionof mercury by Salvinia molesta and the effectiveness of mercury degradator bacteria onplant tolerance and mercury phytoextraction. In this study Salvinia molesta was grown inmercury contaminated liquid gold mine waste, added with Mercury (II) Chloride (HgCl2)0 ppm Hg, 10 ppm Hg, 30 ppm Hg and 50 ppm Hg. Mercury degradator bacteria wasapplied in the media. The results showed that Salvinia molesta was able to survive evenin media with high level of mercury concentration (50 ppm), although the number ofplant survival tend to decrease with the increase of mercury concentration. Variables ofsurface coverage and live plants decreased with the increase of mercury concentrationin the media. There was a close correlation between plant growth variables and mercuryconcentration in the media. The effects of mercury toxicity on plants seems to decreasein bacteria treated plants. It was indicated by the higher percentage of surface coverageand plant survival in bacteria treated plants than that of untreated plants up to 30 ppm Hg.Recovery from toxicity was shown in bacteria treated plants up to 30 ppm Hg. Mercuryaccumulation in plants tent to increase with the increase of mercury concentration inmedia. It can be concluded that plant performance was better and mercury concentrationdecreased in bacteria treated plants

    Crop Water Use and Potential Production Under Contrasting Water Regimes

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    Potensi Hipertoleransi Dan Serapan Logam Beberapa Jenis Tumbuhan Pada Limbah Pengolahan Emas

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    Potency of Hypertolerance and Metal Absorption of Some Plant Species Under GoldMine Waste. Degraded mined land is characterized by extreme of alkalinity or acidity, highconcentration of soluble salt and high concentration of heavy metals. Contamination of minedsoil and water affects not only on agriculture system but also on food chains andepidemiological problems. As soil metal can not be biodegraded, remediation of soil heavymetal risk has been a difficult and expensive goal. Remediation of hazardous soil is requiredto reverse the risk to humans and the environment. Recently there are several differentstrategies available for the clean up and restoration of contaminat6d soils i.e conventionalwhich is mainly engineering-base and phytoremediation which is a biological-base method.Phytoremediation is defined as: clean up of pollutants mainly mediated by photosyntheticplants.. In this research four species of plants i.e Mimosa pigra, Crotalaria juncea, Crotalariasp. and lpomoea sp. were studied their potencies as hypertolerant plants on the waste of PTANEKA TAMBANG and public mines of Pongkor and Cigaru. The results showed that theplants were able to grow and showing high tolerance to the contaminated media. The mosttolerant species was lpomoea followed by Crotalaria and Mimosa. The results raised someprospectsfor phytoremediation technology for rehabilitating contaminated mined lands