52 research outputs found

    Expansion Trees with Cut

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    Herbrand's theorem is one of the most fundamental insights in logic. From the syntactic point of view it suggests a compact representation of proofs in classical first- and higher-order logic by recording the information which instances have been chosen for which quantifiers, known in the literature as expansion trees. Such a representation is inherently analytic and hence corresponds to a cut-free sequent calculus proof. Recently several extensions of such proof representations to proofs with cut have been proposed. These extensions are based on graphical formalisms similar to proof nets and are limited to prenex formulas. In this paper we present a new approach that directly extends expansion trees by cuts and covers also non-prenex formulas. We describe a cut-elimination procedure for our expansion trees with cut that is based on the natural reduction steps. We prove that it is weakly normalizing using methods from the epsilon-calculus

    Herbrand-Confluence for Cut Elimination in Classical First Order Logic

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    We consider cut-elimination in the sequent calculus for classical first-order logic. It is well known that this system, in its most general form, is neither confluent nor strongly normalizing. In this work we take a coarser (and mathematically more realistic) look at cut-free proofs. We analyze which witnesses they choose for which quantifiers, or in other words: we only consider the Herbrand-disjunction of a cut-free proof. Our main theorem is a confluence result for a natural class of proofs: all (possibly infinitely many) normal forms of the non-erasing reduction lead to the same Herbrand-disjunction

    Some observations on the logical foundations of inductive theorem proving

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    In this paper we study the logical foundations of automated inductive theorem proving. To that aim we first develop a theoretical model that is centered around the difficulty of finding induction axioms which are sufficient for proving a goal. Based on this model, we then analyze the following aspects: the choice of a proof shape, the choice of an induction rule and the language of the induction formula. In particular, using model-theoretic techniques, we clarify the relationship between notions of inductiveness that have been considered in the literature on automated inductive theorem proving. This is a corrected version of the paper arXiv:1704.01930v5 published originally on Nov.~16, 2017

    Project Presentation: Algorithmic Structuring and Compression of Proofs (ASCOP)

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    International audienceComputer-generated proofs are typically analytic, i.e. they essentially consist only of formulas which are present in the theorem that is shown. In contrast, mathematical proofs written by humans almost never are: they are highly structured due to the use of lemmas. The ASCOP-project aims at developing algorithms and software which structure and abbreviate analytic proofs by computing useful lemmas. These algorithms will be based on recent groundbreaking results establishing a new connection between proof theory and formal language theory. This connection allows the application of e cient algorithms based on formal grammars to structure and compress proofs

    On the Herbrand content of LK

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    We present a structural representation of the Herbrand content of LK-proofs with cuts of complexity prenex Sigma-2/Pi-2. The representation takes the form of a typed non-deterministic tree grammar of order 2 which generates a finite language of first-order terms that appear in the Herbrand expansions obtained through cut-elimination. In particular, for every Gentzen-style reduction between LK-proofs we study the induced grammars and classify the cases in which language equality and inclusion hold.Comment: In Proceedings CL&C 2016, arXiv:1606.0582

    Clause Set Cycles and Induction

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    In this article we relate a family of methods for automated inductive theorem proving based on cycle detection in saturation-based provers to well-known theories of induction. To this end we introduce the notion of clause set cycles -- a formalism abstracting a certain type of cyclic dependency between clause sets. We first show that the formalism of clause set cycles is contained in the theory of ∃1\exists_1 induction. Secondly we consider the relation between clause set cycles and the theory of open induction. By providing a finite axiomatization of a theory of triangular numbers with open induction we show that the formalism of clause set cycles is not contained in the theory of open induction. Furthermore we conjecture that open induction and clause set cycles are incomparable. Finally, we transfer these results to a concrete method of automated inductive theorem proving called the n-clause calculus

    Tree Grammars for the Elimination of Non-prenex Cuts

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    Recently a new connection between proof theory and formal language theory was introduced. It was shown that the operation of cut elimination for proofs with prenex Pi_1-cuts in classical first-order logic corresponds to computing the language of a particular type of tree grammars. The present paper extends this connection to arbitrary (i.e. non-prenex) cuts without quantifier alternations. The key to treating non-prenex cuts lies in using a new class of tree grammars, constraint grammars, which describe the relationship of the applicability of its productions by a propositional formula
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