67 research outputs found
The Relationship of Perceived Reality of Sinetron Anak Jalanan and Anti Social Behavior
The research was conducted to explain a potential link between antisocial behavior and how children made sense of television program, Anak Jalanan. A survey was conducted on 248 children from 10-12 years old in Semarang with a non-random sampling technique. Besides, a correlation technique was used to examine a relationship. The results confirm that perceived reality on the show is related to children\u27s anti-social behavior. The findings bring about a warning alert to families, communities, and organizations that have concerns about the impact of media on children. They should reunite their efforts to do a more massive movement to make the media content more children-friendly. Parents also need to employ parental mediation at home to reduce the negative impact of such television programs on their children
The Correlation Between Advertising Exposure, Sales Promotion and Brand Image with Consumer Loyalty in Using Telkomsel Cash (T-cash)
Business competition among cellular operators of Indonesia in these last years have caused Telkomsel, as the market leader of cellular operator brand in Indonesia, experienced a decline of market share. Telkomsel tried to overcome this by taking a strategic action for business development with presenting its new e-money service called “T-Cash”. Although the number of T-Cash consumers keeps increasing, but data from T-Cash Media Update 2016 shows that the goal for number of T-Cash consumers contribution is yet to be reached. And because of that, great actions are needed to keep the loyalty of T-Cash consumers. The purpose of this research is to know the relation between advertising exposure, sales promotion and brand image with T-Cash consumers loyalty. Population for this research is T-Cash consumers who have been exposed by advertising and promotions from T-Cash. Whereas the sample for this research is taken from 60 respondents by using purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis analysis which is conducted by using Kendall's Tau-b correlation analysis shows that : First, there's a positive correlation between advertising exposure with loyalty of T-Cash consumers showed by significant value of 0.02 and correlation coefficient value of 0.332. This presents a weak relation with positive value for relation direction. This tells that bigger increase of advertising exposure will cause bigger increase in T-Cash consumers loyalty and vice versa. Second, there's a positive relation between advertising exposure and sales promotion with T-Cash consumers loyalty showed by significant value of 0.014 and correlation coefficient value of 0.243. This presents a weak relation with positive value for relation direction. This tells that bigger increase of sales promotion will cause bigger increase in loyalty T-Cash consumers and vice versa. Third, there's a positive relation between brand image with T-Cash consumers loyalty showed by significant value of 0.007 and correlation coefficient value of 0.259. This presents a weak relation with unidirectional relation. This tells that better brand image will cause bigger increase in T-Cash consumers loyalty and vice versa. Related to these results, the writer recommends Telkomsel to offers not only persistent sales promotions, but also can be extremely creative promotions like discount vouchers for holidays, prize promotions for competitions, etc. Thus, T-Cash consumers loyalty can be increased
The Correlation of Interpersonal Communication Relations Quality of Health Workers and the Level of Education of Patients with Patient Satisfaction Level on Inpatient Service in Tugurejo General Hospital Semarang
The high amount of criticisms submitted by patients through concerning the poor communication between patient with doctor and nurse is the background of this research. Patients who have filed the complaints came from different levels of education. Hence, it is feared that the quality of communication of health personnel and the level of education of the patient will impact on patient satisfaction level. This study itself aims to determine the relationship between the quality of interpersonal communication of health personnel and patients education level on inpatient services in Tugurejo Hospital Semarang. This type of research is Explanatory. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with 50 respondents. In this study, the Rank Paralletric Rank Kendall "s Statistical Correlation method was used as a hypothesis test tool. The results of the first hypothesis test showed that there is a significant relation between Interpersonal Communication Quality of Health Personnel with Patient Satisfaction Level on Inpatient Service at RSUD Tugurejo Semarang with significant value of 0,000 < 0,01 and correlation coefficient value of 0.685 with strong relations level. The results of the second hypothesis test showed no significant relations between the Level of Patient Education with Patient Satisfaction Rate in Inpatient Service at Tugurejo General Hospital Semarang. It is recommended for doctors and nurses at the hospital to improve the quality of communication by not forgetting to greet, to smile, or to greet at the beginning of the meeting with the patient because it can form a good first impression (good impression / initial assessment of someone who only just met) which is good for patients
Radio Idola Semarang Activities to Build Brand Engagement in Listeners
Radio Idola is one of the private radio News and Talk in Semarang, which has a very diverse audience (heterogeneous). In 2016 the fourth wave according to the Nielsen survey, radio Idola is the only radio News & Talk, which is ranked the top 10 best radio in the city of Semarang. The study aimed to find out how is the activities of radio Idola to build brand engagement on the listeners. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with post-positivism paradigm to help analyze and find facts based on reality. This study uses a case study approach, using the Mass Communication theory, the theory of Technological Determinism, Radio Programming and Brand Engagement. The study was conducted to seven informants who are internal staff of radio Idola Semarang. The first results of radio Idola activities to build brand engagement is listening and monitoring. This activity is about the capability of radio Idola to create a new culture of mutual guide and help fellow listeners through the power of social media and instant messaging owned. Radio Idola as a communicator has a function to inform the listeners quickly and precisely, radio Idola also be channeling public opinion, media persuasion, educate and entertain. Radio Idola accept any public complaints related to public services around. Secondly, community management show that any program that is on the radio Idola is derived from the tagline Memandu & Membantu. The programming process of radio Idola is done through planning, production, execution, monitoring and evaluation. The listeners are very well demonstrated by the presence of the audience at each of off-air even radio Idola held in the end of the month which always achieve the target. Third, community participation show that Radio Idola has a special Whatsapp group listeners and has 37.759 listeners who join in their fan page facebook. Listeners can participate in on air program to speak their mind also give the positive comments about their services in social media. Identify Advocates show that radio Idola has loyal listeners in overseas that still listening radio Idola via streaming. Radio Idola has not had a brand ambassador who comes from a loyal listener to be representative in order to introduce a wider radio Idola as a brand
Hubungan Daya Tarik Sponsorship Dua Kelinci dan Afiliasi Kelompok dengan Minat Beli
TITLE : RELATIONS THE ATTRACTIVENESS SPONSORSHIPDUA KELINCI TO REAL MADRID AND AFFILIATEGROUP WITH INTEREST BUYNAME : MUHAMMAD ABDUSSHOMADNIM : D2C 007 057The research was motivated by the phenomenon of competition between DuaKelinci with Garuda in the category of branded products packaging peanuts. DuaKelinci chose Real Madrid sponsorship partner to raise brand awarness and itsbrand image as a product that is close to the football world and to be able tocontinue to compete with the market leader in Indonesia packing peanuts, Garuda.The population in this study are football lovers in the city of Semarang. Becausethere is no exact number of football lovers in the city of Semarang, the authordetermines its own number of samples to be taken in this research is as much as50 samples. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling.Researchers using interviews with a research instrument in the form of aquestionnaire for data collection. Based on the research, the attraction sponsorshipDua Kelinci to Real Madrid has a positive relationship with the buying interest. Itis seen from the significance value of 0.001 which indicates that the relationshipbetween variables is significant with a correlation coefficient of 0.414. Whileaffiliate groups also have a positive relationship with the buying interest, as seenfrom the significance value of 0.003 which indicates that the relationship betweenvariables is significant with a correlation coefficient of 0.403. Based on researchcompanies need to utilize other marketing programs in addition to programsponsorship Dua Kelinci to Real Madrid in order to raise interest in purchasingthe prospective consumer audience. In addition, Dua Kelinci can benefit appealbesides the attractiveness of football clubs, for example utilizing the domesticappeal of celebrity is more familiar among the people of Indonesia compared toclub football abroad.Keywords: Affiliate Group, Dua Kelinci, Packaging Peanuts, Interests Buy, RealMadrid, SponsorshipHUBUNGAN DAYA TARIK SPONSORSHIP DUA KELINCI DANAFILIASI KELOMPOK DENGAN MINAT BELISalah satu program PR adalah pemberian sponsor (sponsorship) padabeberapa kegiatan. Sponsorship atau pemberian sponsor adalah dukunganfinansial untuk suatu acara, kegiatan, subyek, lembaga, atau bahkan individu yangdianggap memang pantas untuk menerimanya. Sponsorship merupakan pemberiandukungan keuangan atau bentuk-bentuk dukungan lainnya kepada pihak penerimaagar keuangan si penerima tetap lancar dan menjadi lebih kokoh. (Jefkins:1997:170). Pemberian sponsor atau sponsorship menjadi salah satu program yangpaling banyak dipilih karena dukungan massa yang cukup kuat dalam sebuahacara ataupun kegiatan. Pensponsoran bisa jadi merupakan salah satu bentukpengiklanan ataupun menjadi bagian dari pemasaran, akan tetapi bisa jugamenjadi taktik PR. Kegiatan yang cukup banyak menerima sponsorship saat iniadalah olahraga. Hampir setiap kegiatan olahraga mendapat dukungan finansialyang cukup besar. Hal ini disebabkan semakin merakyatnya kegiatan olahragasehingga pemberian sponsor ini merupakan salah satu cara terbaik dalammenjangkau pasar konsumen secara massal. Dengan besarnya kegiatan peliputanmedia setiap kegiatan olahraga maka peliputan untuk pihak penyedia sponsor jugasemakin besar. Contoh dari kegiatan olahraga yang mendapatkan sponsorshipantara lain adalah Djarum Indonesia Open (Badminton), Djarum Indonesia SuperLeague (Sepakbola), Sampoerna Proliga (Voli), Biskuat Tiger Cup (Sepakbola),dan Pocari Sweat Futsal (Futsal).“Dua Kelinci Official Sponsor Real Madrid Presents: IndonesiaMenggiring Bola”, atau yang kemudian lebih popular disebut Dua Kelinci –Indonesia Menggiring Bola, merupakan event sponsorship awal dari Dua Kelincisebagai official launching sponsor tersebut. Tujuan program ini tentu saja sejalandengan objektif yang telah ditetapkan. Dua Kelinci ingin membentuk brandawareness serta brand image sebagai produk yang identik dengan sepakbola
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