11 research outputs found

    Digital Europe – Chance for Job in Hungary

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    The 35 percents of EU total population use the advanced Internet services. This rate is very low and has to increase in the next years, because the employed person needs ICT user's skills. At the first level the digital literacy and at the second level the higher knowledge of ICT acquiring is very important, because nowadays, without these abilities it is not so easy to get qualified jobs in Hungary. In the information society it is very important to measure the digital literacy. For this measuring we have to ask the users to evaluate their own knowledge. In the World Internet Project evaluation we did not find a significant disparity between the evaluation of average Internet knowledge usage and that of the computer usage. In both cases, most people thought that their knowledge was good. Approximately every tenth person surveyed characterized his or her knowledge as outstanding and in a similar proportion the users thought their knowledge is weak. Taking part in organized courses and training can help to increase the digital literacy and ICT users’ skills. This taking part is decreasing parallel with increasing of age. That is why we need to take into account how we can connect these “older†people to the lifelong learning programmes, where we use the e-Learning tools. Nowadays, the importance of e-Learning is growing rapidly, partly due to the information and communication technologies in the information/knowledge-based society is developing. The goal is to enable the knowledge and skills to help the individual to become an active member of society, teamwork, motivation, and to possess the skills necessary for finding a place in the labour market.Digital Europe, digital literacy, e-Learning, Lifelong learning, Knowledge patent, education, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession, GA, IN,

    Best practices of GIS applications in the Hungarian agriculture

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    Information and analysis produced with the use of GIS applications efficiently support the work of the users of the software and decision makers irrespectively of they are a single person or the Hungarian Government. We primarily discuss the major agriculture applications – Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) and National and Regional Planning Information System (TeIR) – from the aspect of the sector which may save time, energy and money for its users. LPIS is exclusive national land parcel identification system of the procedures of agricultural subsidies. The data of this identification system can be used in the applying of European Union subsidies which are available in a geographical information system. TeIR can help such organizations, which deal with planning and developing activity and controlling at a sector level in decision making in connection with regional development and land use planning.Land Parcel Identification System, Integrated Administration and Control System, orthophotos, physical block, land development, Internet, Land Economics/Use, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, GA, IN,


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    A mobil kommunikáció, ezen belül a mobil Internet az agrárgazdaság számá-ra a használat hely és idÅ‘ függetlensége miatt fontos lehetÅ‘séget, gazdasági elÅ‘-nyöket, a vállalkozások, szervezetek számára hatékonyabb működést jelenthet. Széleskörű elterjedése, innovációs hatása és elÅ‘nyei gazdaságosan csak a technológia és a szolgáltatások hatásrendszerének figyelembevételével érhetÅ‘ el. A technológiai, társadalmi és gazdasági komplex hatásrendszer befolyásolja a gazdasági alkalmazások terjedését. Az alkalmazható eszközök köre folyamatosan bÅ‘vül, fejlÅ‘dik. Már ma is sok készüléktípus áll rendelkezésünkre: mobiltelefon, smartphone, PDA, laptop, TabletPC. A kommunikációs technológiák és szabványok körébÅ‘l kiemelhetÅ‘ a 3G és a WiFi szabvány. Társadalmi szempontból négy fÅ‘ csoport különíthetÅ‘ el: a mobilkészülék gyártók, a vállalkozások, a fogyasztók és a dolgozók. Az internettechnológia és a hálózat ma már sok területen az üzleti folyamatok alapvetÅ‘ kommunikációs eszközévé vált. A mobil eszközökkel való Internet szolgáltatások elérése pedig tovább növeli a lehetÅ‘ségeket. Az üzleti folyamat oldaláról vizsgálva a költségek, elÅ‘nyök, hátrányok markánsan megjelennek a különbözÅ‘ alkalmazási területeken. Napjainkban már a mezÅ‘gazdaságban és élelmiszeriparban, illetve az ágazat különbözÅ‘ szegmenseiben és feladataiban, mint például a szaktanácsadásban, precíziós gazdálkodásban, logisztikában, jól használható külföldi és hazai alkalmazások találhatók. Megállapítható, hogy a mobil internet nemzetközi és hazai fejlÅ‘dési trendjei, az Európai Unió kutatási és fejlesztési keretprogramjai a mobil szolgáltatások és alkalmazások széleskörű elterjedését segítik. A hazai mobilpiac elmúlt évekbeli gyors fejlÅ‘dése alapot adhat az új, nagysebességű mobil internet alkalmazások hasonló gyorsütemű elterjedésének. E rendszerek és szolgáltatások hozzájárulhatnak az agrárgazdaság, a vállalkozások, a vidék fejlÅ‘déséhez, jelentÅ‘sen támogathatják a termelési, kereskedelmi, szolgáltatási, termékkövetési feladatokat. A 2007-2014 idÅ‘szakra vonatkozó Nemzeti Fejlesztési Terv és Operatív Programok tervezésénél célszerű elÅ‘nyben részesíteni az EU által is preferált mobil technológiák és alkalmazások fejlesztését. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mobile communication and mobile internet can provide important opportunities, economic advantages for enterprises and organisations and support increased efficiency as it can be used anytime and anywhere. However, their wide spread economic use, their innovative effects and advantages can be fully achieved only if the background to the technology and service is appreciated. The complex technological, social and economic consequences affect the spread of economical applications. The choice of applicable equipment is continually increasing. Numerous types of instruments and equipment are available in these days such as mobile phones, smart phones, PDA, laptop, TabletPC and recently developed communication technologies and standards include 3G and WiFi. From the social point of view the following four groups of people play a role in this business: mobile phone manufacturers, enterprises, consumers and employees. Internet technology and network has become an essential communication tools in business life. The use of mobile equipment for linking to internet further widens its application. From the point of view of business life costs, advantages and disadvantages are apparent in various fields of applications. Numerous highly useful home and foreign applications are available nowadays for the agriculture and food industry, for their various segments and problem areas, such as consultancies, precision farming and logistics. Domestic and international innovations, research and development programs sponsored and coordinated by the EU advance a great deal the wider use of mobile internet services and applications. Rapid development of the domestic mobile market may provide the foundations for the rapid spread of high speed broadband internet services. These technologies and services may contribute to the development of farms, enterprises and the countryside and significantly support tasks in production, commerce, services and product tracing. When devising the National Development Plan and Operational Programs for the period 2007-2014 it is advisable to include the mobile technologies and applications preferred by the EU.mobil internet, mobil kommunikáció, agrárgazdaság, mobile internet, mobile communication, agricultural economy, Marketing, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,


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    A mobil kommunikáció, ezen belül a mobil Internet az agrárgazdaság számá-ra a használat hely és idő függetlensége miatt fontos lehetőséget, gazdasági elő-nyöket, a vállalkozások, szervezetek számára hatékonyabb működést jelenthet. Széleskörű elterjedése, innovációs hatása és előnyei gazdaságosan csak a technológia és a szolgáltatások hatásrendszerének figyelembevételével érhető el. A technológiai, társadalmi és gazdasági komplex hatásrendszer befolyásolja a gazdasági alkalmazások terjedését. Az alkalmazható eszközök köre folyamatosan bővül, fejlődik. Már ma is sok készüléktípus áll rendelkezésünkre: mobiltelefon, smartphone, PDA, laptop, TabletPC. A kommunikációs technológiák és szabványok köréből kiemelhető a 3G és a WiFi szabvány. Társadalmi szempontból négy fő csoport különíthető el: a mobilkészülék gyártók, a vállalkozások, a fogyasztók és a dolgozók. Az internettechnológia és a hálózat ma már sok területen az üzleti folyamatok alapvető kommunikációs eszközévé vált. A mobil eszközökkel való Internet szolgáltatások elérése pedig tovább növeli a lehetőségeket. Az üzleti folyamat oldaláról vizsgálva a költségek, előnyök, hátrányok markánsan megjelennek a különböző alkalmazási területeken. Napjainkban már a mezőgazdaságban és élelmiszeriparban, illetve az ágazat különböző szegmenseiben és feladataiban, mint például a szaktanácsadásban, precíziós gazdálkodásban, logisztikában, jól használható külföldi és hazai alkalmazások találhatók. Megállapítható, hogy a mobil internet nemzetközi és hazai fejlődési trendjei, az Európai Unió kutatási és fejlesztési keretprogramjai a mobil szolgáltatások és alkalmazások széleskörű elterjedését segítik. A hazai mobilpiac elmúlt évekbeli gyors fejlődése alapot adhat az új, nagysebességű mobil internet alkalmazások hasonló gyorsütemű elterjedésének. E rendszerek és szolgáltatások hozzájárulhatnak az agrárgazdaság, a vállalkozások, a vidék fejlődéséhez, jelentősen támogathatják a termelési, kereskedelmi, szolgáltatási, termékkövetési feladatokat. A 2007-2014 időszakra vonatkozó Nemzeti Fejlesztési Terv és Operatív Programok tervezésénél célszerű előnyben részesíteni az EU által is preferált mobil technológiák és alkalmazások fejlesztését. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mobile communication and mobile internet can provide important opportunities, economic advantages for enterprises and organisations and support increased efficiency as it can be used anytime and anywhere. However, their wide spread economic use, their innovative effects and advantages can be fully achieved only if the background to the technology and service is appreciated. The complex technological, social and economic consequences affect the spread of economical applications. The choice of applicable equipment is continually increasing. Numerous types of instruments and equipment are available in these days such as mobile phones, smart phones, PDA, laptop, TabletPC and recently developed communication technologies and standards include 3G and WiFi. From the social point of view the following four groups of people play a role in this business: mobile phone manufacturers, enterprises, consumers and employees. Internet technology and network has become an essential communication tools in business life. The use of mobile equipment for linking to internet further widens its application. From the point of view of business life costs, advantages and disadvantages are apparent in various fields of applications. Numerous highly useful home and foreign applications are available nowadays for the agriculture and food industry, for their various segments and problem areas, such as consultancies, precision farming and logistics. Domestic and international innovations, research and development programs sponsored and coordinated by the EU advance a great deal the wider use of mobile internet services and applications. Rapid development of the domestic mobile market may provide the foundations for the rapid spread of high speed broadband internet services. These technologies and services may contribute to the development of farms, enterprises and the countryside and significantly support tasks in production, commerce, services and product tracing. When devising the National Development Plan and Operational Programs for the period 2007-2014 it is advisable to include the mobile technologies and applications preferred by the EU


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    Learning Design has the potential to revolutionize e-learning by capturing the process of education, rather than simply content. By describing sequences of collaborative learning activities, Learning Design offers a new approach to re-use in e-learning. E-learning has a well developed approach to the creation and sequencing of content-based, single learner, self-paced learning objects. While definitions of Learning Design vary, the main elements tend to include greater focus on context dimensions of e-learning, a more activity based view of e-learning, and greater recognition of the role of multi-learner environments. While Learning Design does not exclude single learner, self-paced modes of e-learning, it draws attention to a wider range of collaborative e-learning approaches in addition to single learner approaches. This paper shows an example, which is applied to speciality of economic and rural development agricultural engineer at University of Debrecen and its implementation in the Learning Activity Management System. We created a learning design was implemented at this speciality with LAMS, which is a learning design editing and play back tool that puts the learning process, rather than collections of content, at the heart of e-learning

    Digital Europe – Chance for Job in Hungary

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    The 35 percents of EU total population use the advanced Internet services. This rate is very low and has to increase in the next years, because the employed person needs ICT user's skills. At the first level the digital literacy and at the second level the higher knowledge of ICT acquiring is very important, because nowadays, without these abilities it is not so easy to get qualified jobs in Hungary. In the information society it is very important to measure the digital literacy. For this measuring we have to ask the users to evaluate their own knowledge. In the World Internet Project evaluation we did not find a significant disparity between the evaluation of average Internet knowledge usage and that of the computer usage. In both cases, most people thought that their knowledge was good. Approximately every tenth person surveyed characterized his or her knowledge as outstanding and in a similar proportion the users thought their knowledge is weak. Taking part in organized courses and training can help to increase the digital literacy and ICT users’ skills. This taking part is decreasing parallel with increasing of age. That is why we need to take into account how we can connect these “older” people to the lifelong learning programmes, where we use the e-Learning tools. Nowadays, the importance of e-Learning is growing rapidly, partly due to the information and communication technologies in the information/knowledge-based society is developing. The goal is to enable the knowledge and skills to help the individual to become an active member of society, teamwork, motivation, and to possess the skills necessary for finding a place in the labour market


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    Learning Design has the potential to revolutionize e-learning by capturing the process of education, rather than simply content. By describing sequences of collaborative learning activities, Learning Design offers a new approach to re-use in e-learning. E-learning has a well developed approach to the creation and sequencing of content-based, single learner, self-paced learning objects. While definitions of Learning Design vary, the main elements tend to include greater focus on context dimensions of e-learning, a more activity based view of e-learning, and greater recognition of the role of multi-learner environments. While Learning Design does not exclude single learner, self-paced modes of e-learning, it draws attention to a wider range of collaborative e-learning approaches in addition to single learner approaches. This paper shows an example, which is applied to speciality of economic and rural development agricultural engineer at University of Debrecen and its implementation in the Learning Activity Management System. We created a learning design was implemented at this speciality with LAMS, which is a learning design editing and play back tool that puts the learning process, rather than collections of content, at the heart of e-learning.e-learning, Moodle, Learning Design, Learning Activities, LAMS, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Best practices of GIS applications in the Hungarian agriculture

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    Information and analysis produced with the use of GIS applications efficiently support the work of the users of the software and decision makers irrespectively of they are a single person or the Hungarian Government. We primarily discuss the major agriculture applications – Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) and National and Regional Planning Information System (TeIR) – from the aspect of the sector which may save time, energy and money for its users. LPIS is exclusive national land parcel identification system of the procedures of agricultural subsidies. The data of this identification system can be used in the applying of European Union subsidies which are available in a geographical information system. TeIR can help such organizations, which deal with planning and developing activity and controlling at a sector level in decision making in connection with regional development and land use planning

    Food Tracing and Interoperability of Information Systems in the Hungarian Meat Industry

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    The manufacture, distribution and retailing of foodstuffs became an extraordinarily complex business activity. The complete food chain must provide for the implementation of the strictest quality standards and safety regulations. Problems of food safety can be solved by keeping (and enforcing) applicable regulations, by introducing modern quality assurance systems, by making possible the traceability of products and their identification. The safety of product lines and tracing of products cannot be solved without using information systems of a certain level. During our research, it came to light that, generally, agrarian traceability struggles with many more problems. Companies try to live up to expectation, but they often apply different solutions with totally different approaches, while serving several different market aspects, depending on their customers. The conception of the Digital Business Ecosystem (DBE) has come, to build an Internet-based environment in which businesses will be able to interact with each other efficiently. The DBE solutions based on community philosophy are able to create applications, which can solve most of food traceability problems