20 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine how the influence of return on equity (ROE), net profit margin (NPM) debt to equity ratio (DER) on stock prices listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index listed on the IDX. This study uses profitability ratios with return on equity (ROE), net profit margin (NPM) variables and uses solvency ratios with debt to equity ratio (DER) variables as variables that show financial performance Based on predetermined sample criteria, the number of samples from companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic index, there are 11 companies that meet the criteria listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). In determining this sample researchers used a purposive sampling method. which is to determine samples with certain criteria. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis, classic assumption test and Multiple Linear Regression namely with data of research in the form of panel data. The results of this study indicate that partially the Return On Equity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM) variables have a significant effect on the stock price of company, the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) variable has no effect on the stock price. And simultaneously all variables have an influence on stock prices. Keywords: Return On Equity (ROE), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), and Stock Pric

    Effect of weekend admission on in-hospital mortality and functional outcomes for patients with acute subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)

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    BACKGROUND: Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) is an acute cerebrovascular event with high socioeconomic impact as it tends to affect younger patients. The recent NCEPOD study looking into management of aSAH has recommended that neurovascular units in the United Kingdom should aim to secure cerebral aneurysms within 48 h and that delays because of weekend admissions can increase the mortality and morbidity attributed to aSAH. METHOD: We used data from a prospective audit of aSAH patients admitted between January 2009 and December 2011. The baseline demographic and clinical features of the weekend and weekday groups were compared using the chi-squared test and T-test. Cox proportional hazards models (Proc Phreg in SAS) were used to calculate the adjusted overall hazard of in-hospital death associated with admission on weekend, adjusting for age, sex, baseline WFNS grade, type of treatment received and time from scan to treatment. Sliding dichotomy analysis was used to estimate the difference in outcomes after SAH at 3 months in weekend and weekday admissions. RESULTS: Those admitted on weekends had a significantly higher scan to treatment time (83.05 ± 83.4 h vs 40.4 ± 53.4 h, P < 0.0001) and admission to treatment (71.59 ± 79.8 h vs 27.5 ± 44.3 h, P < 0.0001) time. After adjustments for adjusted for relevant covariates weekend admission was statistically significantly associated with excess in-hospital mortality (HR = 2.1, CL [1.13–4.0], P = 0.01). After adjustments for all the baseline covariates, the sliding dichotomy analysis did not show effects of weekend admission on long-term outcomes on the good, intermediate and worst prognostic bands. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides important data showing excess in-hospital mortality of patients with SAH on weekend admissions served by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service.; However, there were no effects of weekend admission on long-term outcomes. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00701-016-2746-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The Neuronal Transition Probability (NTP) Model for the Dynamic Progression of Non-REM Sleep EEG: The Role of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

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    Little attention has gone into linking to its neuronal substrates the dynamic structure of non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep, defined as the pattern of time-course power in all frequency bands across an entire episode. Using the spectral power time-courses in the sleep electroencephalogram (EEG), we showed in the typical first episode, several moves towards-and-away from deep sleep, each having an identical pattern linking the major frequency bands beta, sigma and delta. The neuronal transition probability model (NTP) – in fitting the data well – successfully explained the pattern as resulting from stochastic transitions of the firing-rates of the thalamically-projecting brainstem-activating neurons, alternating between two steady dynamic-states (towards-and-away from deep sleep) each initiated by a so-far unidentified flip-flop. The aims here are to identify this flip-flop and to demonstrate that the model fits well all NREM episodes, not just the first. Using published data on suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) activity we show that the SCN has the information required to provide a threshold-triggered flip-flop for timing the towards-and-away alternations, information provided by sleep-relevant feedback to the SCN. NTP then determines the pattern of spectral power within each dynamic-state. NTP was fitted to individual NREM episodes 1–4, using data from 30 healthy subjects aged 20–30 years, and the quality of fit for each NREM measured. We show that the model fits well all NREM episodes and the best-fit probability-set is found to be effectively the same in fitting all subject data. The significant model-data agreement, the constant probability parameter and the proposed role of the SCN add considerable strength to the model. With it we link for the first time findings at cellular level and detailed time-course data at EEG level, to give a coherent picture of NREM dynamics over the entire night and over hierarchic brain levels all the way from the SCN to the EEG

    Airway smooth muscle as a target of asthma therapy: history and new directions

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    Ultimately, asthma is a disease characterized by constriction of airway smooth muscle (ASM). The earliest approach to the treatment of asthma comprised the use of xanthines and anti-cholinergics with the later introduction of anti-histamines and anti-leukotrienes. Agents directed at ion channels on the smooth muscle membrane (Ca(2+ )channel blockers, K(+ )channel openers) have been tried and found to be ineffective. Functional antagonists, which modulate intracellular signalling pathways within the smooth muscle (β-agonists and phosphodiesterase inhibitors), have been used for decades with success, but are not universally effective and patients continue to suffer with exacerbations of asthma using these drugs. During the past several decades, research energies have been directed into developing therapies to treat airway inflammation, but there have been no substantial advances in asthma therapies targeting the ASM. In this manuscript, excitation-contraction coupling in ASM is addressed, highlighting the current treatment of asthma while proposing several new directions that may prove helpful in the management of this disease

    Visualizing the Human Subcortex Using Ultra-high Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    On one Sobolev type mathematical model in quasi-Banach spaces

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    The theory of Sobolev type equations experiences an epoch of blossoming. In this article the theory of higher order Sobolev type equations with relatively spectrally bounded operator pencils, previously developed in Banach spaces, is transferred to quasi-Banach spaces. We use already well proved for solving Sobolev type equations phase space method, consisting in reduction of singular equation to regular one defined on some subspace of initial space. The propagators and the phase space of complete higher order Sobolev type equations are constructed. Abstract results are illustrated by specific examples. The Boussinesq-Love equation in quasi-Banach space is considered as application.Теория уравнений соболевского типа переживает эпоху бурного расцвета. В данной работе теория уравнений соболевского типа высокого порядка с относительно спектрально ограниченным пучком операторов, развитая в банаховых пространствах, переносится в квазибанаховы пространства. Мы используем уже хорошо зарекомендовавший себя при решении уравнений соболевского типа метод фазового пространства, заключающийся в редукции сингулярного уравнения к регулярному, определенному на некотором подпространстве исходного пространства. Построены пропагаторы и фазовое пространство полного уравнения соболевского типа второго порядка. Абстрактные результаты иллюстрированы конкретными примерами. В качестве приложения рассмотрено уравнение Буссинеска - Лява в квазибанаховом пространств

    High resolution MR anatomy of the subthalamic nucleus: Imaging at 9.4 T with histological validation

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    Using conventional MRI the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is not clearly defined. Our objective was to define the anatomy of the STN using 9.4 T MRI of post mortem tissue with histological validation. Spin-echo (SE) and 3D gradient-echo (GE) images were obtained at 9.4 T in 8 post mortem tissue blocks and compared directly with corresponding histological slides prepared with Luxol Fast Blue/Cresyl Violet (LFB/CV) in 4 cases and Perl stain in 3. The variability of the STN anatomy was studied using internal reference points. The anatomy of the STN and surrounding structures was demonstrated in all three anatomical planes using 9.4 T MR images in concordance with LFB/CV stained histological sections. Signal hypointensity was seen in 6/8 cases in the anterior and medial STN that corresponded with regions of more intense Perl staining. There was significant variability in the volume, shape and location of the borders of the STN. Using 9.4 T MRI, the internal signal characteristics and borders of the STN are clearly defined and significant anatomical variability is apparent. Direct visualisation of the STN is possible using high field MRI and this is particularly relevant, given its anatomical variability, for planning deep brain stimulation