937 research outputs found

    Responsibility in Research on High Ability

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    The Nature and Development of Giftedness

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    Following a short discussion of conceptual and theoretical problems of giftedness, the methodological foundations and selected results of a (presently) four year longitudinal study are presented. This study is based on a multidimensional concept of giftedness: intelligence, creativity, social competence, musical ability, psychomotor ability (or practical intelligence). Both academic achievements and leisure activities, as well as cognitive and motivational personality factors and school and family socialisation conditions relevant to giftedness, were studied. During the second project phase developmental aspects and achievement analyses of gifted and normal students aged 6 to 18 years were the central aspects of the study. Finally, methodological problems in the identification of gifted children and adolescents as well as consequences for the nurturing of giftedness are discussed

    Perspectives on the Diagnosis of Giftedness

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    Projektziele, Untersuchungsergebnisse und praktische Konsequenzen

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    Beratung beim Ăśbergang von der Primarstufe zur Sekundarstufe I

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    Konzeption eines Beratungssystems fĂĽr Abiturienten und Studenten

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    Bildungsberatung und Lehrerbildung

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    Begriff und ideengeschichtliche Entwicklung der Bildungsberatung

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