23 research outputs found

    Latent class growth analyses reveal overrepresentation of dysfunctional fear conditioning trajectories in patients with anxiety-related disorders compared to controls

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    Recent meta-analyses indicated differences in fear acquisition and extinction between patients with anxiety related disorders and comparison subjects. However, these effects are small and may hold for only a subsample of patients. To investigate individual trajectories in fear acquisition and extinction across patients with anxiety-related disorders (N = 104; before treatment) and comparison subjects (N = 93), data from a previous study (Duits et al., 2017) were re-analyzed using data-driven latent class growth analyses. In this explorative study, subjective fear ratings, shock expectancy ratings and startle responses were used as outcome measures. Fear and expectancy ratings, but not startle data, yielded distinct fear conditioning trajectories across participants. Patients were, compared to controls, overrepresented in two distinct dysfunctional fear conditioning trajectories: impaired safety learning and poor fear extinction to danger cues. The profiling of individual patterns allowed to determine that whereas a subset of patients showed trajectories of dysfunctional fear conditioning, a significant proportion of patients (?50 %) did not. The strength of trajectory analyses as opposed to group analyses is that it allows the identification of individuals with dysfunctional fear conditioning. Results suggested that dysfunctional fear learning may also be associated with poor treatment outcome, but further research in larger samples is needed to address this question

    Hypersexual behavior in a large online sample: Individual characteristics and signs of coercive sexual behavior

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    Background and aims Despite the high prevalence of perceived problems relating to symptoms of hypersexual disorder (HD), important aspects remain underinvestigated. This study examines symptoms of depression, symptoms of problematic cybersex, and coercive sexual behavior in a large online sample from a German-speaking population. Methods In an online survey, N = 1,194 (n = 564 women) participated in this study and completed measures including self-report questionnaires to assess depressive symptoms (PHQ-9), HD (HBI-19), symptoms of problematic cybersex (s-IATsex), as well as questions characterizing participants sexually, including fantasies and actual sexual coercive behaviors. Results Men reported increased levels of HD symptom severity, pornography consumption, masturbation, and partnered sexual activity. Moreover, 59% of men and 18% of women reported fantasies of sexual coercion, whereas 21% of men and 4% of women reported acts of sexual coercion. Moderated regression analyses showed that symptoms of depression as well as sexual coercive fantasies and behaviors were associated with levels of HD symptom severity. Problematic cybersex, total sexual outlet (TSO), pornography consumption, and number of sexual partners were also associated with HD symptom severity. Interaction effects indicated that, in women, the connection of TSO as well as pornography was more strongly associated with levels of HD symptom severity than in men. Conclusions This survey indicated that levels of HD symptom severity are often associated with severe intra- and interpersonal difficulties. Furthermore, the amount of sexual activity seems to be more strongly connected to levels of HD symptom severity in women than in men

    Metacognitive Short-Term Intervention in Patients With Mental Disorders Following Cardiovascular Events

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    Background: Mental disorders are common among patients with severe cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Yet, there is a lack of easily accessible evidence-based treatments. Recent research indicates elevated prevalence of dysfunctional metacognitions in patients with mental disorders following cardiovascular events. As metacognitive therapy (MCT) is an established treatment to modify metacognitions, we tested if a brief metacognitive intervention via videotelephony is effective in this patient group. Methods: A brief MCT treatment was tailored to CVD patients and designed as a face-to-face internet-based intervention. Five patients with CVDs and comorbid mental disorders underwent a psychocardiological examination and diagnostic approach. Each patient participated in eight 50 min sessions via encrypted video messenger service. Metacognitions, depression and anxiety symptoms and quality of life were assessed by self-report measures pre- and post-treatment. Patients rated dysfunctional thought processes, current psychological impairment, and treatment satisfaction after each session. Intended follow-up measures were not reported due to missing data. Results: For most patients, the brief metacognitive intervention was associated with a decrease in dysfunctional metacognitions and a reduction of symptoms of anxiety and depression post-treatment. Psychological and physiological quality of life improved. Patients reported high satisfaction with the tailored treatment. Conclusion: Our results suggest that a brief internet-based metacognitive treatment may be a promising tool for patients with CVDs and comorbid mental disorders. Feasibility and acceptance of the intervention was rated high by the patients. Further research is necessary to support the preliminary findings and to adapt and evaluate the intervention in a controlled clinical trial setting. Copyright © 2022 Gebhardt, Caldarone, Westhoff-Bleck, Olsson, Hoeper, Park, Stapel, Breitner, Werth, Heitland and Kahl

    Improving mental well-being in psychocardiology—a feasibility trial for a non-blended web application as a brief metacognitive-based intervention in cardiovascular disease patients

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    Background: Many patients with cardiovascular disease also show a high comorbidity of mental disorders, especially such as anxiety and depression. This is, in turn, associated with a decrease in the quality of life. Psychocardiological treatment options are currently limited. Hence, there is a need for novel and accessible psychological help. Recently, we demonstrated that a brief face-to-face metacognitive therapy (MCT) based intervention is promising in treating anxiety and depression. Here, we aim to translate the face-to-face approach into digital application and explore the feasibility of this approach. Methods: We translated a validated brief psychocardiological intervention into a novel non-blended web app. The data of 18 patients suffering from various cardiac conditions but without diagnosed mental illness were analyzed after using the web app over a two-week period in a feasibility trial. The aim was whether a non-blended web app based MCT approach is feasible in the group of cardiovascular patients with cardiovascular disease. Results: Overall, patients were able to use the web app and rated it as satisfactory and beneficial. In addition, there was first indication that using the app improved the cardiac patients’ subjectively perceived health and reduced their anxiety. Therefore, the approach seems feasible for a future randomized controlled trial. Conclusion: Applying a metacognitive-based brief intervention via a non-blended web app seems to show good acceptance and feasibility in a small target group of patients with CVD. Future studies should further develop, improve and validate digital psychotherapy approaches, especially in patient groups with a lack of access to standard psychotherapeutic care

    Shifting Instead of Drifting – Improving Attentional Performance by Means of the Attention Training Technique

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    Background: The Attention Training Technique (ATT) as part of Metacognitive Therapy (MCT) has shown to be a promising treatment element for several psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. ATT predicts improvements of the ability to shift attention away from internal and non-relevant stimuli (e.g., ruminative thoughts) toward the relevant stimuli and aims to increase attentional flexibility and control. The current study investigated the impact of the Attention Training Technique on attentional performance.Methods: Eighty-five healthy participants (29 in two doses ATT, 28 in four doses ATT and 28 in the control group; 18–37 years of age) were administered a test battery for attentional performance before and after an intervention of two doses ATT (23 min duration) vs. four doses of ATT (46 min duration) vs. a control condition (non-intervention audio file via headphones. The test battery measured selective attention, inhibition, working memory, and attentional disengagement and comprised the following tasks: dichotic listening, attentional bias, attentional network, stroop, 2-back and a 3-back.Results: After ATT (both two and four doses), reaction time during dichotic listening was significantly faster compared to the control condition. Furthermore, reaction time to neutral stimuli in the attentional bias task was faster after four-doses ATT compared to two doses ATT and the control condition. We found a trend toward a reduced stroop effect for both ATT conditions compared to control group. There were no effects of ATT with regard to the attentional network task, the 2-back or the 3-back task.Conclusion: This first empirical evidence suggests that ATT promotes specific attentional flexibility in healthy participants. Based on the same mechanism, ATT may have beneficial effects on attentional performance in clinical populations and might be a promising tool in both healthy and clinical participants

    Neurobiological Mechanisms of Metacognitive Therapy – An Experimental Paradigm

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    IntroductionThe neurobiological mechanisms underlying the clinical effects of psychotherapy are scarcely understood. In particular, the modifying effects of psychotherapy on neuronal activity are largely unknown. We here present data from an innovative experimental paradigm using the example of a patient with treatment resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (trOCD) who underwent implantation of bilateral electrodes for deep brain stimulation (DBS). The aim of the paradigm was to examine the short term effect of metacognitive therapy (MCT) on neuronal local field potentials (LFP) before and after 5 MCT sessions.MethodsDBS electrodes were implanted bilaterally with stereotactic guidance in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis/ internal capsule (BNST/IC). The period between implantation of the electrodes and the pacemaker was used for the experimental paradigm. DBS electrodes were externalized via extension cables, yielding the opportunity to record LFP directly from the BNST/IC. The experimental paradigm was designed as follows: (a) baseline recording of LFP from the BNST/IC, (b) application of 5 MCT sessions over 3 days, (c) post-MCT recording from the BNST/IC. The Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder- scale (OCD-S) was used to evaluate OCD symptoms.ResultsOCD symptoms decreased after MCT. These reductions were accompanied by a decrease of the relative power of theta band activity, while alpha, beta, and gamma band activity was significantly increased after MCT. Further, analysis of BNST/IC LFP and frontal cortex EEG coherence showed that MCT decreased theta frequency band synchronization.DiscussionImplantation of DBS electrodes for treating psychiatric disorders offers the opportunity to gather data from neuronal circuits, and to compare effects of therapeutic interventions. Here, we demonstrate direct effects of MCT on neuronal oscillatory behavior, which may give possible cues for the neurobiological changes associated with psychotherapy

    Parasitism of the horse chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimic (Lep., Gracillariidae), in Serbia and Macedonia

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    A study concerning the parasitism of Cameraria ohridella , a pest of Aesculus hippocastanum invading Europe, has been carried out in Serbia and Macedonia in 1998 and 1999. From C. ohridella 14 species of parasitoids were reared, which are polyphagous and occur in the whole of Europe. Twelve of the species found belong to the Chalcidoidean family Eulophidae. The rates of parasitism at different sampling dates did not exceed 25 %. The results, when compared with data from central Europe, showed that C. ohridella most certainly does not originate from Serbia or Macedonia - the regions in which C. ohridella was observed for the first time - as an indigenous leaf miner on A. hippocastanum

    Disentangling the effects of reward value and probability on anticipatory event-related potentials

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    Optimal decision-making requires humans to predict the value and probability of prospective (rewarding) outcomes. The aim of the present study was to evaluate and dissociate the cortical mechanisms activated by information on an upcoming potentially rewarded target stimulus with varying probabilities. Electro-cortical activity was recorded during a cued Go/NoGo experiment, during which cue letters signaled upcoming target letters to which participants had to respond. The probability of target letter appearance after the cue letter and the amount of money that could be won for correct and fast responses were orthogonally manipulated across four task blocks. As expected, reward availability affected a prefrontally distributed reward-related positivity, and a centrally distributed P300-like event-related potential (ERP). Moreover, a late prefrontally distributed ERP was affected by probability information. These results show that information on value and probability, respectively, activates separate mechanisms in the cortex. These results contribute to a further understanding of the neural underpinnings of normal and abnormal reward processing

    No consistent startle modulation by reward

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    Previous studies have not clearly demonstrated whether motivational tendencies during reward feedback are mainly characterized by appetitive responses to a gain or mainly by aversive consequences of reward omission. In the current study this issue was addressed employing a passive head or tails game and using the startle reflex as an index of the appetitive-aversive continuum. A second aim of the current study was to use startle-reflex modulation as a means to compare the subjective value of monetary rewards of varying magnitude. Startle responses after receiving feedback that a potential reward was won or not won were compared with a baseline condition without a potential gain. Furthermore, startle responses during anticipation of no versus potential gain were compared. Consistent with previous studies, startle-reflex magnitudes were significantly potentiated when participants anticipated a reward compared to no reward, which may reflect anticipatory arousal. Specifically for the largest reward (20-cents) startle magnitudes were potentiated when a reward was at stake but not won, compared to a neutral baseline without potential gain. In contrast, startle was not inhibited relative to baseline when a reward was won. This suggests that startle modulation during feedback is better characterized in terms of potentiation when missing out on reward rather than in terms of inhibition as a result of winning. However, neither of these effects were replicated in a more targeted second experiment. The discrepancy between these experiments may be due to differences in motivation to obtain rewards or differences in task engagement. From these experiments it may be concluded that the nature of the processing of reward feedback and reward cues is very sensitive to experimental parameters and settings. These studies show how apparently modest changes in these parameters and settings may lead to quite different modulations of appetitive/aversive motivation. A future experiment may shed more light on the question whether startle-reflex modulation after feedback is indeed mainly characterized by the aversive consequences of reward omission for relatively large rewards

    No consistent startle modulation by reward

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    Previous studies have not clearly demonstrated whether motivational tendencies during reward feedback are mainly characterized by appetitive responses to a gain or mainly by aversive consequences of reward omission. In the current study this issue was addressed employing a passive head or tails game and using the startle reflex as an index of the appetitive-aversive continuum. A second aim of the current study was to use startle-reflex modulation as a means to compare the subjective value of monetary rewards of varying magnitude. Startle responses after receiving feedback that a potential reward was won or not won were compared with a baseline condition without a potential gain. Furthermore, startle responses during anticipation of no versus potential gain were compared. Consistent with previous studies, startle-reflex magnitudes were significantly potentiated when participants anticipated a reward compared to no reward, which may reflect anticipatory arousal. Specifically for the largest reward (20-cents) startle magnitudes were potentiated when a reward was at stake but not won, compared to a neutral baseline without potential gain. In contrast, startle was not inhibited relative to baseline when a reward was won. This suggests that startle modulation during feedback is better characterized in terms of potentiation when missing out on reward rather than in terms of inhibition as a result of winning. However, neither of these effects were replicated in a more targeted second experiment. The discrepancy between these experiments may be due to differences in motivation to obtain rewards or differences in task engagement. From these experiments it may be concluded that the nature of the processing of reward feedback and reward cues is very sensitive to experimental parameters and settings. These studies show how apparently modest changes in these parameters and settings may lead to quite different modulations of appetitive/aversive motivation. A future experiment may shed more light on the question whether startle-reflex modulation after feedback is indeed mainly characterized by the aversive consequences of reward omission for relatively large rewards