54 research outputs found

    Cell Origin of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Determines a Different Healing Performance in Cardiac Regeneration

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    The possible different therapeutic efficacy of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) derived from umbilical cord blood (CB), adipose tissue (AT) or bone marrow (BM) for the treatment of myocardial infarction (MI) remains unexplored. This study was to assess the regenerative potential of hMSC from different origins and to evaluate the role of CD105 in cardiac regeneration. Male SCID mice underwent LAD-ligation and received the respective cell type (400.000/per animal) intramyocardially. Six weeks post infarction, cardiac catheterization showed significant preservation of left ventricular functions in BM and CD105+-CB treated groups compared to CB and nontreated MI group (MI-C). Cell survival analyzed by quantitative real time PCR for human GAPDH and capillary density measured by immunostaining showed consistent results. Furthermore, cardiac remodeling can be significantly attenuated by BM-hMSC compared to MI-C. Under hypoxic conditions in vitro, remarkably increased extracellular acidification and apoptosis has been detected from CB-hMSC compared to BM and CD105 purified CB-derived hMSC. Our findings suggests that hMSC originating from different sources showed a different healing performance in cardiac regeneration and CD105+ hMSC exhibited a favorable survival pattern in infarcted hearts, which translates into a more robust preservation of cardiac function

    Quantitative Evaluation der Anforderungen an eine außerplanmäßige Professur an Deutschen Medizinischen Hochschulen [Quantitative evaluation of the requirements for the promotion as associate professor at German Medical Faculties]

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    [english] Background: First quantitative evaluation of the requirements for the promotion as associate professor (AP) at German Medical Faculties Material and methods: Analysis of the AP-regulations of German Medical Faculties according to a validated scoring system, which has been adapted to this study.Results: The overall scoring for the AP-requirements at 35 German Medical Faculties was 13.5±0.6 of 20 possible scoring points (95% confidence interval 12.2-14.7). More than 88% of the AP-regulations demand sufficient performance in teaching and research with adequate scientific publication. Furthermore, 83% of the faculties expect an expert review of the candidate´s performance. Conference presentations required as an assistant professor as well as the reduction of the minimum time as an assistant professor do only play minor roles. Conclusion: The requirements for assistant professors to get nominated as an associate professor at German Medical Faculties are high with an only small range. In detail, however, it can be seen that there still exists large heterogeneity, which hinders equal opportunities and career possibilities. These data might be used for the ongoing objective discussion.<br>[german] Hintergrund: Erste quantitative Evaluation der Anforderungen an eine außerplanmäßige Professur (APL) an Deutschen Medizinischen Hochschulen. Material und Methoden: Analyse der APL-Ordnungen auf sieben Zielparameter und Bewertung dieser mittels eines Scoring-Systems. Ergebnisse: Der Gesamtscore für die APL-Leistung von 35 deutschen Medizinischen Fakultäten beträgt 13,5±0,6 von 20 möglichen Punkten (95% Konfidenzintervall 12,2-14,7). Die überwiegende Anzahl (>88%) der APL-Ordnungen fordert hierbei hinreichende Leistungen in der Lehre und Forschung verbunden mit wissenschaftlichen Publikationen. Zudem erwarten 83% der Fakultäten eine Begutachtung der Leistungen. Kongressarbeit sowie die Verkürzung der Mindestzeit als Privatdozent spielen eher untergeordnete Rollen.Schlussfolgerung: Die APL-Anforderungen an Privatdozenten Medizinischer Fakultäten sind, den Gesamtscore betrachtet, hoch und mit nur geringer Streubreite. Bei genauerer Betrachtung der Einzelparameter zeigt sich jedoch ein uneinheitliches Bild, was im Hinblick auf die Chancengleichheit und Karrieremöglichkeiten der Kandidaten kritisch hinterfragt werden sollte. Für die objektive Diskussion sollten die Daten und Werte dieser Arbeit genutzt werden können

    Digitalization in Medicine: Are German Medical Students Well Prepared for the Future?

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    The German healthcare system is facing a major transformation towards digitalized medicine. The aim was to find out the attitude and the degree of preparation of upcoming medical professionals for digital medicine. By means of an online survey, medical students from 38 German faculties were asked about different topics concerning digitalization. Most students (70.0%) indicated that they had not had any university courses on digital topics. Thus, only 22.2% feel prepared for the technical reality of digitalized medicine. Most fear losing patient contact because of digitalized medicine and assume that the medical profession will not be endangered by digitalization. Security systems, data protection, infrastructure and inadequate training are cited as the top problems of digitalization in medicine. Medical students have major concerns about incorrect decisions and the consecutive medicolegal aspects of using digital support as part their treatment plans. Digitalization in medicine is progressing faster than it can currently be implemented in the practical work. The generations involved have different understandings of technology, and there is a lack of curricular training in medical schools. There must be a significant improvement in training in digital medical skills so that the current and future healthcare professionals are better prepared for digitalized medicine

    Experimental Models to Study Skin Wound Healing with a Focus on Angiogenesis

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    A large number of models are now available for the investigation of skin wound healing. These can be used to study the processes that take place in a phase-specific manner under both physiological and pathological conditions. Most models focus on wound closure, which is a crucial parameter for wound healing. However, vascular supply plays an equally important role and corresponding models for selective or parallel investigation of microcirculation regeneration and angiogenesis are also described. In this review article, we therefore focus on the different levels of investigation of skin wound healing (in vivo to in virtuo) and the investigation of angiogenesis and its parameters

    Kurz zum Klima: Rohstoffmärkte im »Superzyklus«

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    Dieser Artikel diskutiert die Gründe der aktuellen Preisverfälle auf Industrierohstoffmärkten, sowie deren volkswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen auf Deutschland und rohstoffexportierende Länder

    Oxytocin effects on experimental skin wound healing

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    Oxytocin (OXY) has significant effects on mammalian behavior. Next to its role in lactation and social interactions, it is described to support better wound healing as well. However, direct OXY effects on wound healing and the regeneration of the microvascular network are still not clarified. We therefore examined the effects of OXY and an OXY receptor antagonist [atosiban (ATO)] on skin wound healing, focusing on epithelialization and neovascularization

    Localized eosinophilic fasciitis (Shulman’s disease) as a differential diagnosis of nerve compression syndrome

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    A 46-year-old man presented with clinical signs of nerve compression syndrome of his right ulnar nerve as confirmed by nerve conduction studies. Unexpectedly, clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a subcutaneous tumor of 5×2 cm above the ulnar groove. Surgical exploration and histopathology of biopsies demonstrated the nerve distended and entrapped into an eosinophilic, inflammatory tissue. This rare condition is consistent with localized eosinophilic fasciitis, with no systemic manifestations. There are reports of isolated forearm versions of the disease. However, none occurred with the entrapment of a peripheral nerve appearing as a peripheral nerve tumor, yet. Consequentially, the presented patient would not have benefitted from further surgical neurolysis or tumor debulking, as eosinophilic fasciitis is an inflammatory and systemic disease. The patient’s symptoms decreased spontaneously after 4 weeks of postsurgical treatment, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Altogether, this case proved the necessity to regard even rare diseases as a potential cause of entrapment of peripheral nerves. This should lead surgeons to critical, differential diagnostic thinking and suggest that systemic diseases may be encountered during surgery due to their capability to mimic peripheral nerve tumors

    Improving Vascularization of Biomaterials for Skin and Bone Regeneration by Surface Modification: A Narrative Review on Experimental Research

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    Artificial tissue substitutes are of great interest for the reconstruction of destroyed and non-functional skin or bone tissue due to its scarcity. Biomaterials used as scaffolds for tissue regeneration are non-vascularized synthetic tissues and often based on polymers, which need ingrowth of new blood vessels to ensure nutrition and metabolism. This review summarizes previous approaches and highlights advances in vascularization strategies after implantation of surface-modified biomaterials for skin and bone tissue regeneration. The efficient integration of biomaterial, bioactive coating with endogenous degradable matrix proteins, physiochemical modifications, or surface geometry changes represents promising approaches. The results show that the induction of angiogenesis in the implant site as well as the vascularization of biomaterials can be influenced by specific surface modifications. The neovascularization of a biomaterial can be supported by the application of pro-angiogenic substances as well as by biomimetic surface coatings and physical or chemical surface activations. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the geometric properties of the three-dimensional biomaterial matrix play a central role, as they guide or even enable the ingrowth of blood vessels into a biomaterial

    Free Flaps for Skin and Soft Tissue Reconstruction in the Elderly Patient: Indication or Contraindication

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    Background: Increased lifespan and the improvement of medical treatment have given rise to research in reconstructive procedures in elderly patients. Higher postoperative complication rates, longer rehabilitation, and surgical difficulties remain a problem in the elderly. We asked whether a free flap in elderly patients is an indication or a contraindication and performed a retrospective, monocentric study. Methods: Patients were divided into two groups (YOUNG 0&ndash;59 years; OLD &gt; 60 years). The endpoint was the survival of flaps and their dependence on patient- and surgery-specific parameters using multivariate analysis. Results: A total of 110 patients (OLD n = 59) underwent 129 flaps. The chance of flap loss increased as soon as two flaps were performed in one surgery. Anterior lateral thigh flaps had the highest chance for flap survival. Compared with the lower extremity, the head/neck/trunk group had a significantly increased chance of flap loss. There was a significant increase in the odds of flap loss in linear relation to the administration of erythrocyte concentrates. Conclusion: The results confirm that free flap surgery can be indicated as a safe method for the elderly. Perioperative parameters such as two flaps in one surgery and transfusion regimens must be considered as risk factors for flap loss
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