338 research outputs found

    Fantastic facts : the supernatural in the ethnographic writings of Giraldus Cambrensis.

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    This thesis seeks to answer the question of what role supernatural themes and motifs played in allowing us a glimpse into Gerald of Wales’ sense of dualist identity. He is revered by many modern Welsh scholars as an early Welsh nationalist, even though Gerald did not always see himself that way, yet his life’s work was his battle for an independent Welsh see. I begin with a general discursive review of historiography in general and the various sub-genres by which Gerald’s work could be classified, followed, after a brief biography of Gerald himself, by a more detailed examination of the philosophical and theological classifications of the very meaning of the words ‘natural’ and ‘supernatural’ and how the two related to each other. With this contextual framework established specific examples from Gerald’s works are examined in greater depth, concluding with a discussion on the medieval definition of the ‘Other’ which, I believe was the key to understanding Gerald’s narratives and ultimately the man himself

    Book Review: Jeffrey Hanson and Michael R. Kelly, eds. Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought

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    A review of Jeffrey Hanson and Michael R. Kelly, eds., Michel Henry: The Affects of Thought (London: Continuum, 2012), 177 pp

    Alien Registration- Hefty, Ena G. (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    The Frobenius problem over real number fields

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    Given a number field KK that is a subfield of the real numbers, we generalize the notion of the classical Frobenius problem to the ring of integers OK\mathfrak{O}_K of KK by describing certain Frobenius semigroups, Frob(α1,…,αn)\mathrm{Frob}(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n), for appropriate elements α1,…,αn∈OK\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n\in\mathfrak{O}_K. We construct a partial ordering on Frob(α1,…,αn)\mathrm{Frob}(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n), and show that this set is completely described by the maximal elements with respect to this ordering. We also show that Frob(α1,…,αn)\mathrm{Frob}(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n) will always have finitely many such maximal elements, but in general, the number of maximal elements can grow without bound as nn is fixed and α1,…,αn∈OK\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n\in\mathfrak{O}_K vary. Explicit examples of the Frobenius semigroups are also calculated for certain cases in real quadratic number fields.Comment: 17 page

    Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Alkylpolyamine DS-96 Inhibits Chlamydia trachomatis Infection by Blocking Attachment and Entry

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    This is the published version. Copyright © 2014, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.Vaginally delivered microbicides are being developed to offer women self-initiated protection against transmission of sexually transmitted infections such as Chlamydia trachomatis. A small molecule, DS-96, rationally designed for high affinity to Escherichia coli lipid A, was previously demonstrated to bind and neutralize lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from a wide variety of Gram-negative bacteria (D. Sil et al., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 51:2811–2819, 2007, doi:10.1128/AAC.00200-07). Aside from the lack of the repeating O antigen, chlamydial lipooligosaccharide (LOS) shares general molecular architecture features with E. coli LPS. Importantly, the portion of lipid A where the interaction with DS-96 is expected to take place is well conserved between the two organisms, leading to the hypothesis that DS-96 inhibits Chlamydia infection by binding to LOS and compromising the function. In this study, antichlamydial activity of DS-96 was examined in cell culture. DS-96 inhibited the intercellular growth of Chlamydia in a dose-dependent manner and offered a high level of inhibition at a relatively low concentration (8 μM). The data also revealed that infectious elementary bodies (EBs) were predominantly blocked at the attachment step, as indicated by the reduced number of EBs associated with the host cell surface following pretreatment. Of those EBs that were capable of attachment, the vast majority was unable to gain entry into the host cell. Inhibition of EB attachment and entry by DS-96 suggests that Chlamydia LOS is critical to these processes during the developmental cycle. Importantly, given the low association of host toxicity previously reported by Sil et al., DS-96 is expected to perform well in animal studies as an active antichlamydial compound in a vaginal microbicide

    Simple Resazurin-Based Microplate Assay for Measuring Chlamydia Infections

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    This is the publisher's version. Copyright 2013 by the American Society for Microbiology.The conventional method for quantification of Chlamydia infection using fluorescence microscopy typically involves time- and labor-intensive manual enumeration, which is not applicable for a large-scale analysis required for an inhibitory compound screen. In this study, an alamarBlue (resazurin) assay was adopted to measure Chlamydia infection by measuring the redox capability of infected host cells in a 96-well format. The assay provided measurements comparable to those of the conventional microscopy method while drastically reducing the time required for analysis


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    Tenaga pendidik menjadi yang terdepan selama diselenggarakannya pendidikan di Indonesia. Kompetensi yang dimiliki guru menjadi cerminan kemampuan guru ketika guru menjalankan tugas yang dimiliki. Terdapat dua kompetensi yang menjadi hal utama untuk dimiliki guru yaitu kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional. Ketika terjadi perubahan kurikulum 2013 ini menyebabkan kebutuhan guru yang siap untuk mengimplementasikan di lapangan meningkat. Selain itu, kompetensi guru yang kompeten juga diperlukan sebagai kebutuhan di masa depan. Kondisi yang sebenarnya terjadi di lapangan yaitu guru di sekolah masih tidak memiliki kesesuaian kompetensi dengan mata pelajaran yang diampu. Dengan adanya masalah tersebut, dimana guru memiliki keterbatasan kompetensi maka dibutuhkan media pembelajaran aplikasi berplatform android untuk memudahkan siswa dalam memahami. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode Research and Development untuk pengembangan aplikasi. Sedangkan, dari data yang didapatkan dari penelitian kemudian akan dikumpulkan dan dianalisis menggunakan metode kuantitaif deskriptif. Hasil validasi media pembelajaran atau aplikasi routing mobile memperoleh presentase 80% yang dikategorikan layak untuk diimplementasikan. Berdasarkan penelitian kepada peserta didik dengan diberikan pretest dan posttest memperoleh rata-rata 44.85 untuk pretest dan 79.8 untuk posttest. Maka dapat menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dan perbedaan hasil yang signifikan dari rata-rata yang didapatkan

    Computational modeling of TC0583 as a putative component of the Chlamydia muridarum V-type ATP synthase complex and assessment of its protective capabilities as a vaccine antigen.

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    Numerous Chlamydia trachomatis proteins have been identified as potential subunit vaccines, of which the major outer-membrane protein (MOMP) has, so far, proven the most efficacious. Recently, subunit A of the V-type ATP synthase (ATPase; TC0582) complex was shown to elicit partial protection against infection. Computational modeling of a neighboring gene revealed a novel subunit of the V-type ATPase (TC0583). To determine if this newly identified subunit could induce protection and/or enhance the partial protection provided by subunit A alone, challenge studies were performed using a combination of these recombinant proteins. The TC0583 subunit alone and concurrently with TC0582, was used to vaccinate BALB/c mice utilizing CpG-1826 and Montanide ISA 720 VG as adjuvants. Vaccinated animals were challenged intranasally with Chlamydia muridarum and the course of the infection was followed. Mice immunized with individual antigens showed minimal alleviation of body weight reduction; however, mice immunized with TC0583 and TC0582 in combination, displayed weight loss levels close to those observed with MOMP. Importantly, immunization with a combination of recombinant subunit proteins reduced chlamydial inclusion forming units by approximately a log-fold. These protection levels support that, these highly conserved Chlamydia proteins, in combination with other antigens, may serve as potential vaccine candidates

    Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the DNA-binding domain of a Chlamydia trachomatis OmpR/PhoB-subfamily response regulator homolog, ChxR

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2009 by the International Union of Crystallography.Two-component signal transduction systems in bacteria are a primary mechan­ism for responding to environmental stimuli and adjusting gene expression accordingly. Generally in these systems a sensor kinase phosphorylates a response regulator that regulates transcription. Response regulators contain two domains: a receiver domain and an effector domain. The receiver domain is typically phosphorylated and as a result facilitates the DNA-binding and transcriptional activity of the effector domain. The OmpR/PhoB subfamily is the largest of the response-regulator subfamilies and is primarily defined by the winged helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif within the effector domain. The overall structure of effector domains is highly conserved and contains three defined elements that are critical for transcriptional regulation: a DNA major-groove binding helix, a DNA minor-groove binding wing and a transcriptional activation loop. These functional elements are often diverse in sequence and conformation and reflect the functional differences observed between individual subfamily members. ChxR from Chlamydia trachomatis is an atypical OmpR/PhoB response regulator homolog that has transcriptional activity in the absence of phos­phorylation. To facilitate the precise identification of the functional elements of the ChxR effector domain, this protein was cloned, expressed, purified and crystallized. Crystals were obtained from two separate mother liquors, producing two morphologically distinct crystals. The space group of both crystals was P43212 (or its enantiomorph P41212) with isomorphous unit-cell parameters; the crystals diffracted to 2.2-2.5 Å resolution
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