239 research outputs found

    Beyond-mean-field-model analysis of low-spin normal-deformed and superdeformed collective states of S32, Ar36, Ar38 and Ca40

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    We investigate the coexistence of spherical, deformed and superdeformed states at low spin in S32, Ar36, Ar38 and Ca40. The microscopic states are constructed by configuration mixing of BCS states projected on good particle number and angular momentum. The BCS states are themselves obtained from Hartree-Fock BCS calculations using the Skyrme interaction SLy6 for the particle-hole channel, and a density-dependent contact force in the pairing channel. The same interaction is used within the Generator Coordinate Method to determine the configuration mixing and calculate the properties of even-spin states with positive parity. Our calculations underestimate moments of inertia. Nevertheless, for the four nuclei, the global structural properties of the states of normal deformation as well as the recently discovered superdeformed bands up to spin 6 are correctly reproduced with regard to both the energies and the transition rates.Comment: 14 pages revtex4, 15 eps figures, 8 table

    Superdeformed Bands of Odd Nuclei in A=190 Region in the Quasiparticle Picture

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    We study the properties of the superdeformed (SD) bands of 195Pb and 193Hg by the cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method. Our calculations reproduce the flat behavior of the dynamical moment of inertia of two of the SD bands of 195Pb measured recently. We discuss possible configuration assignments for the observed bands 3 and 4 of 195Pb. We also calculate the two interacting SD bands of 193Hg. Our analysis confirms the superiority of a density-dependent pairing force over a seniority pairing interaction.Comment: 12 pages, 5 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Large-amplitude Qn-Qp collectivity in the neutron-rich oxygen isotope 20O

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    By means of HFB calculations with independent constraints on axial neutron and proton quadrupole moments Q_n and Q_p, we investigate the large amplitude isoscalar and isovector deformation properties of the neutron-rich isotope 20O. Using the particle-number and angular-momentum projected Generator Coordinate Method, we analyze the collective dynamics in the {Q_n, Q_p} plane. The parameterization SLy4 of the Skyrme interaction is used for all calculations in connection with a density-dependent zero-range pairing interaction. Our results show that already for this moderately neutron-rich nucleus the transition moments are modified when independent neutron and proton collective dynamics are allowed.Comment: 8 pages REVTEX, 5 eps figure

    Quantum fluctuations and stability of tetrahedral deformations in atomic nuclei

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    The possible existence of stable axial octupole and tetrahedral deformations is investigated in 80^{80}Zr and 98^{98}Zr. HFBCS calculations with parity projection have been performed for various parametrizations of the Skyrme energy functional. The correlation and excitation energies of negative parity states associated with shape fluctuations have been obtained using the generator coordinate method (GCM). The results indicate that in these nuclei both the axial octupole and tetrahedral deformations are of dynamic character and possess similar characteristics. Various Skyrme forces give consistent results as a function of these two octupole degrees of freedom both at the mean-field level as well as for configuration mixing calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IJMP

    GCM Analysis of the collective properties of lead isotopes with exact projection on particle numbers

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    We present a microscopic analysis of the collective behaviour of the lead isotopes in the vicinity of Pb208. In this study, we rely on a coherent approach based on the Generator Coordinate Method including exact projection on N and Z numbers within a collective space generated by means of the constrained Hartree-Fock BCS method. With the same Hamiltonian used in HF+BCS calculations, we have performed a comprehensive study including monopole, quadrupole and octupole excitations as well as pairing vibrations. We find that, for the considered nuclei, the collective modes which modify the most the conclusions drawn from the mean-field theory are the octupole and pairing vibrations.Comment: 10 pages LATEX, 8 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Solution of the Skyrme HF+BCS equation on a 3D mesh. II. A new version of the Ev8 code

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    We describe a new version of the EV8 code that solves the nuclear Skyrme-Hartree-Fock+BCS problem using a 3-dimensional cartesian mesh. Several new features have been implemented with respect to the earlier version published in 2005. In particular, the numerical accuracy has been improved for a given mesh size by (i) implementing a new solver to determine the Coulomb potential for protons (ii) implementing a more precise method to calculate the derivatives on a mesh that had already been implemented earlier in our beyond-mean-field codes. The code has been made very flexible to enable the use of a large variety of Skyrme energy density functionals that have been introduced in the last years. Finally, the treatment of the constraints that can be introduced in the mean-field equations has been improved. The code Ev8 is today the tool of choice to study the variation of the energy of a nucleus from its ground state to very elongated or triaxial deformations with a well-controlled accuracy.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Pairing correlations. Part 1: description of odd nuclei in mean-field theories

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    In order to extract informations on pairing correlations in nuclei from experimental mass differences, the different contributions to odd-even mass differences are investigated within the Skyrme HFB method. In this first paper, the description of odd nuclei within HFB is discussed since it is the key point for the understanding of the above mentioned contributions. To go from an even nucleus to an odd one, the advantage of a two steps process is demonstrated and its physical content is discussed. New results concerning time-reversal symmetry breaking in odd-nuclei are also reported. PACS: 21.10Dr; 21.10.Hw; 21.30.-x. Keywords: Mean-field theories; Pairing correlations; odd nuclei;Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    GCM study of hexadecapole correlations in superdeformed 194^{194}Hg

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    The role of hexadecapole correlations in the lowest superdeformed band of 194^{194}Hg is studied by self consistent mean field methods. The generator coordinate method with particle number projection has been applied using Hartree-Fock wave functions defined along three different hexadecapole paths. In all cases, the ground state is not significantly affected by hexadecapole correlations and the energies of the corresponding first excited hexadecapole vibrational states lie high in energy. The effect of rotation is investigated with the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov method and a zero range density-dependent pairing interaction.Comment: REVTeX file, 10 pages, 3 figures (available as postscript files upon request to [email protected]), submitted to Phys. Rev.
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