77 research outputs found

    College documentation bulletin number 18

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    Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Étudiants en situation de handicap et inclusion dans les collĂšges du QuĂ©bec"Comprend des rĂ©fĂ©rences bibliographiquesAlong with the continual growth in the number of students with disabilities in colleges over the past 20 years, the associated challenges have become increasingly more complex. Consequently, there has been a paradigm shift emerging that not everyone is ready to adopt. We are gradually moving towards a Universal Design (UD) approach that allows us to respond to the diverse needs of today’s student population. This bulletin is especially for you, the teachers who daily plan and implement the strategies, methods of evaluation and various measures to ensure that as many of your students as possible can succeed, regardless of their differences

    Detour Ahead : Overcoming Roadblocks to Educational Technology Use

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    The Adaptech Research Network recently completed a study comparing the views related to educational technology of 311 college students as well as 114 teachers who were nominated by their students for exemplary use of technology in the classroom. This presentation will address some student-teacher differences, the challenges regarding teachers’ use of educational technology tools and offer possible solutions. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own challenges and solutions.In Collaboration with Mary Jorgensen, Catherine Fichten & Laura King

    Satisfaction et réussite académique au cégep college satisfaction and academic success ; PA-2009-010 /

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    La prĂ©sente recherche a Ă©tĂ© subventionnĂ©e par le ministĂšre de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport dans le cadre du Programme d'aide Ă  la recherche sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (PAREA)Titre de l'Ă©cran-titre (visionnĂ© le 22 nov. 2012)Bibliogr

    Academic success of graduates with and without disabilities a comparative study of university entrance scores

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    Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 4 oct. 2013)Bibliogr

    Proceedings of the Ed-ICT International Network Montreal Symposium: Stakeholder Perspectives

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    The purpose of the bilingual (English-French) Montreal Symposium was to examine how different stakeholders could and should contribute and collaborate to ensure the accessibility of technology in postsecondary institutions to individuals with disabilities. A variety of experts were invited to ensure representation among the key stakeholders such as senior managers, technology specialists, legal experts, service providers, professors, librarians, publishers and students with disabilities

    Are students who are satisfied with their college experience more likely to be retained ? links between satisfaction, grade, sex and disability /

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    Également disponible en version papierTitre de l'Ă©cran-titre (visionnĂ© le 8 jan. 2012

    Employment Opportunities for College Graduates with Disabilities: A Step Forward

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    Since data show that students with disabilities graduate from college at the same rate as their nondisabled peers, it is time to examine employment of recent graduates. Here we report on a trend toward higher levels of employment for college graduates who were integrated into "regular" educational settings since the 1990s. To illustrate this phenomenon, we summarize our findings of a study on graduates with and without disabilities at three Canadian junior/community colleges

    L'accessibilité universelle en pédagogie : des avantages pour toutes et pour tous!

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    Disponible en anglais dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Universal Design of Instruction : A Win-Win Situation!"La notion d’accessibilitĂ© universelle nous vient de l’architecture. Elle suppose qu’il est possible de concevoir des produits et des environnements accessibles Ă  tous. C’est ce concept qui a par exemple conduit Ă  concevoir des dĂ©pressions dans les trottoirs aux intersections. Ces dĂ©pressions facilitent la circulation des personnes qui se dĂ©placent Ă  l’aide d’un fauteuil roulant, mais sont aussi utiles aux personnes qui promĂšnent un enfant dans une poussette oĂč Ă  celles qui transportent une charge Ă  l’aide d’un diable. Cet article prĂ©sente les neuf principes de l’accessibilitĂ© universelle en pĂ©dagogie ainsi que des exemples de maniĂšres de les appliquer. En adoptant cette approche, on fait en sorte que tous les Ă©tudiants puissent dĂ©velopper leur plein potentiel, et ce, mĂȘme s’ils sont en situation de handicap

    Universal Design of Instruction : A Win-Win Situation!

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    Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "L'accessibilité universelle en pédagogie : des avantages pour toutes et pour tous !"The concept of universal accessibility, which originated in the field of architecture, assumes it is possible to design products and environments that are accessible to everyone. It was this concept, for example, that led to the design of flush landings for sidewalks at intersections - a feature that helps, not only individuals who use a wheelchair, but also anyone pushing a baby stroller or transporting items on a dolly. This article introduces the nine principles of universal accessibility in education, as well as examples of how they can be implemented. By adopting this approach, we ensure that all students develop to their full potential, even if they are disabled
