116 research outputs found

    Nieuwe medische technologie en het streven naar het perfecte kind - ethische dilemma's

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    De ethiek van de onderzoeksopzet: gerandomiseerde heroïne-verstrekking

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    The anthropological tradition in the philosophy of medicine

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    Contains fulltext : 21263___.PDF (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Letters to Dr Frankenstein? : ethics and the new reproductive technologies

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    Contains fulltext : 20546___.PDF (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Het gen als ziel van de mens

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    Contains fulltext : 23996___.PDF (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    In memoriam Wim Klijn (1930-1995)

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    Contains fulltext : 24091___.PDF (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Assisted Suicide

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    Assisted suicide is a highly controversial practice and illegal in most jurisdictions around the world, although the number of countries that have decriminalized it is increasing. Public debates as well as legislative proposals and court judgments are often confounded by a failure to carefully distinguish assisted suicide from other end-of-life practices. Hence, this contribution will first seek to clarify the concept of assisted suicide. Next, the practice itself is briefly discussed, followed by a summary of current laws and regulations, and a cursory review of various sociocultural traditions and religious tenets in different countries around the world that appear to influence the ongoing practices and public opinions. In the last two sections, the ethics of assisted suicide is analyzed. Four sets of arguments (focused on pragmatics, consistency, rights, and benefits) favoring this practice are discussed first. In the final section, three sets of arguments against legalization (focused on pragmatics, the role of physicians, and the sanctity or inviolability of human life) are reviewed

    Ethische theorieën in praktijk

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    [Centenary of the Health Council of the Netherlands. V. Ethical-social issues]

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    Since its inception, the Health Council of the Netherlands has included normative aspects in its reports. Over the past decades, ethics and rights have received increasing attention, particularly since the establishment of the Standing Committee on Medical Ethics and Health Law in 1977. In particular, the ethical implications of bio-molecular life sciences (genetic counselling, genetic screening, research with human embryos) have been discussed in the Council's publications. The Council has also been involved from an early stage in the euthanasia discussion. It is accepted that policy advice concerning scientific developments implies normative considerations. However, the extent to which the Council's role is simply to highlight these considerations or to present conclusions remains a recurring question. In the latter case, priority is often given to the principle of respect for autonomy, while underestimating the significance of solidarity

    Ethiek en 'medical technology assessment'

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    Contains fulltext : 23839___.PDF (publisher's version ) (Open Access