29 research outputs found

    Non-coherent LED Arrays as Ground Beacons for Small Satellite Optical Communications Systems

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    Free space optical communication systems typically require receiving telescopes on the ground to be a co-located, high power, unmodulated laser transmitter to serve as a beacon for locating the ground station. Unfortunately, these lasers may be costly and subject to regulations on optical power and frequency of use, which would not apply to a non-coherent light source. A directed LED optical beacon for use with free-space laser communication downlink systems is designed, constructed, and tested. The beacon, consisting of an array of 80 green LEDs, produced 15.9 Watts of optical power at a peak wavelength of 528 nanometres with a beamwidth of 8.12 degrees FWHM. The beacon was tested at the Wallace Astrophysical Observatory in Westford, Massachusetts. On-orbit imaging was accomplished by an on-orbit Cubesat in collaboration with the Aerospace Corporation using a camera with a silicon CMOS detector and a 7.9 mm optical aperture. The LED beacon is easily identified in a series of 5 images taken by the CubeSat, demonstrating the viability of the use of a non-coherent LED arrays as optical communication uplink beacons

    Ground-Based 1U CubeSat Robotic Assembly Demonstration

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    Key gaps limiting in-space assembly of small satellites are (1) the lack of standardization of electromechanical CubeSat components for compatibility with commercial robotic assembly hardware, and (2) testing and modifying commercial robotic assembly hardware suitable for small satellite assembly for space operation. Working toward gap (1), the lack of standardization of CubeSat components for compatibility with commercial robotic assembly hardware, we have developed a ground-based robotic assembly of a 1U CubeSat using modular components and Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) robot arms without humans-in-the-loop. Two 16 in x 7 in x 7 in dexterous robot arms, weighing 2 kg each, are shown to work together to grasp and assemble CubeSat components into a 1U CubeSat. Addressing gap (2) in this work, solutions for adapting power-efficient COTS robot arms to assemble highly-capable CubeSats are examined. Lessons learned on thermal and power considerations for overheated motors and positioning errors were also encountered and resolved. We find that COTS robot arms with sustained throughput and processing efficiency have the potential to be cost-effective for future space missions. The two robot arms assembled a 1U CubeSat prototype in less than eight minutes

    The Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi) CubeSat: optomechanical design validation and laboratory calibration

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    Coronagraphs on future space telescopes will require precise wavefront correction to detect Earth-like exoplanets near their host stars. High-actuator count microelectromechanical system (MEMS) deformable mirrors provide wavefront control with low size, weight, and power. The Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi) payload will demonstrate a 140 actuator MEMS deformable mirror (DM) with \SI{5.5}{\micro\meter} maximum stroke. We present the flight optomechanical design, lab tests of the flight wavefront sensor and wavefront reconstructor, and simulations of closed-loop control of wavefront aberrations. We also present the compact flight DM controller, capable of driving up to 192 actuator channels at 0-250V with 14-bit resolution. Two embedded Raspberry Pi 3 compute modules are used for task management and wavefront reconstruction. The spacecraft is a 6U CubeSat (30 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm) and launch is planned for 2019.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figues. Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Austin, Texas, US

    Laser-Guide-Star Satellite for Ground-Based Adaptive Optics Imaging of Geosynchronous Satellites

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    In this study, the feasibility and utility of using a maneuverable nanosatellite laser guide star from a geostationary equatorial orbit have been assessed to enable ground-based, adaptive optics imaging of geosynchronous satellites with next-generation extremely large telescopes. The concept for a satellite guide star was first discussed in the literature by Greenaway and Clark in the early 1990s ("PHAROS: An Agile Satellite-Borne Laser Guidestar," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2120, 1994, pp. 206-210), and expanded upon by Albert in 2012 ("Satellite-Mounted Light Sources as Photometric Calibration Standards for Ground-Based Telescopes," Astronomical Journal, Vol. 143, No. 1, 2012, p. 8). With a satellite-based laser as an adaptive optics guide star, the source laser does not need to scatter, and is well above atmospheric turbulence. When viewed from the ground through a turbulent atmosphere, the angular size of the satellite guide star is much smaller than a backscattered source. Advances in small-satellite technology and capability allowed the revisiting of the concept on a 6U CubeSat, measuring 10×20×30 cm. It is shown that a system that uses a satellite-based laser transmitter can be relatively low power (~1 W transmit power) and operated intermittently. Although the preliminary analysis indicates that a single satellite guide star cannot be used for observing multiple astronomical targets, it will only require a little propellant to relocate within the geosynchronous belt. Results of a design study on the feasibility of a small-satellite guide star have been presented, and the potential benefits to astronomical imaging and to the larger space situational awareness community have been highlighted

    Folded Lightweight Actuator Positioning System (FLAPS)

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    Precision actuation of mechanical structures on small spacecraft is challenging. Current solutions include single-use actuators, which rely on pyrotechnics and springs, and multiple-use actuators, which typically consume more size, weight, and power than available on CubeSats. The Folded Lightweight Actuated Positioning System (FLAPS) demonstrates the use of a simple rotary shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator in a bending architecture, along with a feedback control loop for repeatable and precise deployment. The FLAPS mechanism consists of a pair of SMA strips mounted to a hinge assembly, with one side attached to the CubeSat bus and the other to the deployable element. A custom actuator shape was manufactured using oven annealing. SMA actuation is achieved using joule heating. Feedback control is provided by a closed-loop PID control scheme, feedback sensor, and controller board. The FLAPS actuator is currently being developed for CubeSat solar panel positioning and drag control. Other potential FLAPS applications include aperture repositioning, deployable radiators, and steerable antennas. The FLAPS team will validate the actuator system in a microgravity environment on a parabolic fight in late 2019

    Integration and Testing of the Nanosatellite Optical Downlink Experiment

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    CubeSat sensor performance continues to improve despite the limited size, weight, and power (SWaP) available on the platform. Missions are evolving into sensor constellations, demanding power-efficient high rate data downlink to compact and cost-effective ground terminals. SWaP constraints onboard nanosatellites limit the ability to accommodate large high gain antennas or higher power radio systems along with high duty cycle sensors. With the growing numbers of satellites in upcoming scientific, defense, and commercial constellations, it is difficult to place the high-gain burden solely on the ground stations, given the cost to acquire, maintain, and continuously operate facilities with dish diameters from 5 meters to 20 meters. In addition to the space and ground terminal hardware challenges, it is also increasingly difficult and sometimes not possible to obtain radio frequency licenses for CubeSats that require significant bandwidth. Free space optical communications (lasercom) can cost-effectively support data rates higher than 10 Mbps for similar space terminal SWaP as current RF solutions and with more compact ground terminals by leveraging components available for terrestrial fiber optic communication systems, and by using commercial amateur-astronomy telescopes as ground stations. We present results from the flight unit development, integration, and test of the Nanosatellite Optical Downlink Experiment (NODE) space terminal and ground station, scheduled for completion by summer of 2017. NODE’s objective is to demonstrate an end-to-end solution based on commercial telecommunications components and amateur telescope hardware that can initially compete with RF solutions at \u3e10 Mbps and ultimately scale to Gbps. The 1550 nm NODE transmitter is designed to accommodate platform pointing errors \u3c 3 degrees. The system uses an uplink beacon from the ground station and an onboard MEMS fine steering mirror to precisely point the 0.12 degree (2.1 mrad) 200 mW transmit laser beam toward the ground telescope. We plan to downlink to an estalblished ground terminal at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Optical Communications Telescope Laboratory (OCTL) ground station as well as the new low-cost 30 cm amateur telescope ground station design to reduce overall mission risk. Moving beyond our initial laboratory prototyping captured in Clements et al. 2016 we discuss recent progress developing and testing the flight electronics, opto-mechanical structures, and controls algorithms, including demonstration of a hardware-in-the-loop test of the fine pointing system, for both the space and ground terminals. We present results of over-the-air testing of the NODE system, as we advance from benchtop to hallway to rooftop demonstrations. We will present thermal and environmental test plans and discuss experimental as well as expected results

    Thermomechanical design and testing of the Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi) CubeSat

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    The Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi) is a 6U CubeSat that will operate and characterize the on-orbit performance of a Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) deformable mirror (DM) with both an image plane and a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (SHWFS). Coronagraphs on future space telescopes will require precise wavefront control to detect and characterize Earth-like exoplanets. High-actuator count MEMS deformable mirrors can provide wavefront control with low size, weight, and power. The DeMi payload will characterize the on-orbit performance of a 140 actuator MEMS DM with 5.5 μm maximum stroke, with a goal of measuring individual actuator wavefront displacement contributions to a precision of 12 nm. The payload is designed to measure low order aberrations to λ/10 accuracy and λ/50 precision, and correct static and dynamic wavefront phase errors to less than 100 nm RMS. The thermal stability of the payload is key to maintaining the errors below that threshold. To decrease mismatches between coefficients of thermal expansion, the payload structure is made out of a single material, aluminum 7075. The gap between the structural components of the payload was filled with a thermal gap filler to increase the temperature homogeneity of the payload. The fixture that holds the payload into the bus is a set of three titanium flexures, which decrease the thermal conductivity between the bus and the payload while providing flexibility for the payload to expand without being deformed. The mounts for the optical components are attached to the main optical bench through kinematic coupling to allow precision assembly and location repeatability. The MEMS DM is controlled by miniaturized high-voltage driver electronics. Two cross-strapped Raspberry Pi 3 payload computers interface with the DM drive electronics. Each Raspberry Pi is paired to read out one of the wavefront sensor cameras. The DeMi payload is ~4.5U in volume, 2.5 kg in mass, and is flying on a 6U spacecraft built by Blue Canyon Technologies. The satellite launch was on February15,2020 onboard a Northrop Grumman Antares rocket, lifting off from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. We present the mechanical design of the payload, the thermal considerations and decisions taken into the design, the manufacturing process of the flight hardware, and the environmental testing results

    Nanosatellite optical downlink experiment: design, simulation, and prototyping

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    The nanosatellite optical downlink experiment (NODE) implements a free-space optical communications (lasercom) capability on a CubeSat platform that can support low earth orbit (LEO) to ground downlink rates>10  Mbps. A primary goal of NODE is to leverage commercially available technologies to provide a scalable and cost-effective alternative to radio-frequency-based communications. The NODE transmitter uses a 200-mW 1550-nm master-oscillator power-amplifier design using power-efficient M-ary pulse position modulation. To facilitate pointing the 0.12-deg downlink beam, NODE augments spacecraft body pointing with a microelectromechanical fast steering mirror (FSM) and uses an 850-nm uplink beacon to an onboard CCD camera. The 30-cm aperture ground telescope uses an infrared camera and FSM for tracking to an avalanche photodiode detector-based receiver. Here, we describe our approach to transition prototype transmitter and receiver designs to a full end-to-end CubeSat-scale system. This includes link budget refinement, drive electronics miniaturization, packaging reduction, improvements to pointing and attitude estimation, implementation of modulation, coding, and interleaving, and ground station receiver design. We capture trades and technology development needs and outline plans for integrated system ground testing.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Research Fellowship ProgramLincoln Laboratory (Lincoln Scholars)Lincoln Laboratory (Military Fellowship Program)Fundación Obra Social de La Caixa (Fellowship)Samsung FellowshipUnited States. Air Force (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering. Contract FAs872105C0002

    MEMS Deformable Mirrors for Space-Based High-Contrast Imaging

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    Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Deformable Mirrors (DMs) enable precise wavefront control for optical systems. This technology can be used to meet the extreme wavefront control requirements for high contrast imaging of exoplanets with coronagraph instruments. MEMS DM technology is being demonstrated and developed in preparation for future exoplanet high contrast imaging space telescopes, including the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) mission which supported the development of a 2040 actuator MEMS DM. In this paper, we discuss ground testing results and several projects which demonstrate the operation of MEMS DMs in the space environment. The missions include the Planet Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Recoverable Experiment (PICTURE) sounding rocket (launched 2011), the Planet Imaging Coronagraphic Technology Using a Reconfigurable Experimental Base (PICTURE-B) sounding rocket (launched 2015), the Planetary Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Recoverable Experiment - Coronagraph (PICTURE-C) high altitude balloon (expected launch 2019), the High Contrast Imaging Balloon System (HiCIBaS) high altitude balloon (launched 2018), and the Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi) CubeSat mission (expected launch late 2019). We summarize results from the previously flown missions and objectives for the missions that are next on the pad. PICTURE had technical difficulties with the sounding rocket telemetry system. PICTURE-B demonstrated functionality at >100 km altitude after the payload experienced 12-g RMS (Vehicle Level 2) test and sounding rocket launch loads. The PICTURE-C balloon aims to demonstrate 10(-7) contrast using a vector vortex coronagraph, image plane wavefront sensor, and a 952 actuator MEMS DM. The HiClBaS flight experienced a DM cabling issue, but the 37-segment hexagonal piston-tip-tilt DM is operational post-flight. The DeMi mission aims to demonstrate wavefront control to a precision of less than 100 nm RMS in space with a 140 actuator MEMS DM.DARPA; NASA Space Technology Research FellowshipOpen Access JournalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    BeaverCube: Coastal Imaging with VIS/LWIR CubeSats

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    BeaverCube is a student-built 3U CubeSat that has two main objectives: one science objective and one technology objective. The science goal of BeaverCube is to demonstrate that it is possible to develop and apply platforms that can leverage statistical relationships between temperature and co-varying bio-optical properties, such as light absorption by colored dissolved organic matter. The technology goal of BeaverCube is to demonstrate electrospray propulsion for CubeSats, enabling more coordinated and targeted science missions among multiple spacecraft. The science objective for BeaverCube involves measuring temperature and color, which are key oceanographic properties, through a low-cost platform. Temperature and salinity are used to determine the density of watermasses. This is then used to physically classify them. Thermohaline circulation is a part of large-scale ocean circulation that is driven by global density gradients created by surface heat and freshwater fluxes. Thermohaline circulation plays an important role in supplying heat to the polar regions; it influences the rate of sea ice formation near the poles, which in turn affects other aspects of the climate system, such as the albedo, and thus solar heating, at high latitudes. Small- and meso-scale ocean features such as fronts and eddies canal so be identified and tracked solely using sea surface temperature properties. BeaverCube will track warm core rings on the Northeastern section of the US coast, one of the regions in the world that is heating the fastest due to climate change. Wide geospatial coverage with near-simultaneous measurements of thermal and bio-optical ocean properties by a CubeSat has the potential to address many important oceanographic questions for both basic science and Naval applications. The majority of space-borne optical oceanographic parameters observed from CubeSats rely on atmospheric corrections to provide useful data. BeaverCube will both obtain data and help determine to what extent supplemental data will still be required for atmospheric corrections. BeaverCube will make sea surface and cloud top temperature measurements using three cameras: one visible and two FLIR Boson LWIR cameras. In-situ measurements will be coordinated with an array of ocean buoys to support calibration and validation. The student team successfully tested the LWIR camera on a high-altitude balloon launch in November 2019 to an altitude of 110,000 feet, demonstrating the imaging functionality in a near-space environment. The technology goal for BeaverCube is to demonstrate the operation of the Tiled Ionic Liquid Electrospray (TILE2) propulsion technology from Accion Systems, Inc. for orbital maneuvering. BeaverCube will be deployed in Low Earth Orbit from the International Space Station. The plan is to change the altitude of BeaverCube by 480 meters using 50 micro-Newtons of thrust, detected by an onboard GPS receiver. With a goal of launching in late 2020 or early 2021, BeaverCube passed Critical Design Review in Spring 2020, with subsystems designed and procured, including components from AAC Clyde Space (power), ISIS (ADCS), Near Space Launch (BlackBox with GlobalStar simplex radio and NovAtel GPS), and others (OpenLST radio and Raspberry Pi based C&DH board). Assembly and integration prior to environmental testing are planned for late summer 2020