17 research outputs found

    Higher Education Liaisons for Students Experiencing Homelessness: Role Preparation and Professional Development Needs

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    Homelessness among college students is an increasing concern on campuses across the U.S. Homelessness during college is associated with food insecurity, mental health concerns, and academic challenges including dropped classes, low GRE, and delayed degree completion. Homeless education liaisons—a role often filled by financial aid officers—are tasked with assisting students experiencing homelessness as the students navigate systems of support for basic needs while pursuing their degrees. Little is known about the perspectives or experiences of these professionals in terms of their role as a liaison. Our aim was to inform efforts to support these professionals by gaining an understanding of the knowledge and experiences of liaisons and their professional development preferences and needs. Based on survey data collected from 49 liaisons in four states, we identified gaps in understanding of college student homelessness, such as underestimates of the rate of student homelessness. We pinpointed areas of potential professional development including methods to identify and reach all students at risk for or experiencing homelessness and approaches for collaboration with community partners. We found that liaisons welcomed professional development and preferred online training and peer support as approaches to gain knowledge and skills to fulfill their critical roles

    Physically Abused Children’s Adjustment at the Transition to School: Child, Parent, and Family Factors

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    Childhood physical abuse predicts emotional/behavioral, self-regulatory, and social problems. Yet factors from multiple ecological levels contribute to children’s adjustment. The purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which the social-emotional adjustment of physically abused children in first grade would be predicted by a set of child-, parent-, and family-level predictors in kindergarten. Drawing on a short-term longitudinal study of 92 physically abused children and their primary caregivers, the current study used linear regression to examine early childhood child (i.e., gender, IQ, child perceptions of maternal acceptance), parent (i.e., parental mental health), and family relationship (i.e., sensitive parenting, hostile parenting, family conflict) factors as predictors of first grade internalizing and externalizing symptomatology, emotion dysregulation, and negative peer interactions. We used a multi-method, multi-informant approach to measuring predictors and children’s adjustment. Internalizing symptomatology was significantly predicted by child IQ, parental mental health, and family conflict. Externalizing symptomatology and emotion dysregulation were predicted by child IQ. Although a large proportion of variance in measures of adjustment was accounted for by the set of predictors, few individual variables were unique predictors of child adjustment. Variability in the predictors of adjustment for physically abused children underscores the need for individualized treatment approaches

    Independent and Interactive Contributions of Parenting Behaviors and Beliefs in the Prediction of Early Childhood Behavior Problems

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    This study examined interactions between parenting beliefs and parenting behaviors in the prediction of early childhood externalizing and internalizing symptom

    Peptide-MHC-I from Endogenous Antigen Outnumber Those from Exogenous Antigen, Irrespective of APC Phenotype or Activation

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    <div><p>NaĂŻve anti-viral CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells (T<sub>CD8+</sub>) are activated by the presence of peptide-MHC Class I complexes (pMHC-I) on the surface of professional antigen presenting cells (pAPC). Increasing the number of pMHC-I <i>in vivo</i> can increase the number of responding T<sub>CD8+</sub>. Antigen can be presented directly or indirectly (cross presentation) from virus-infected and uninfected cells, respectively. Here we determined the relative importance of these two antigen presenting pathways in mousepox, a natural disease of the mouse caused by the poxvirus, ectromelia (ECTV). We demonstrated that ECTV infected several pAPC types (macrophages, B cells, and dendritic cells (DC), including DC subsets), which directly presented pMHC-I to naĂŻve T<sub>CD8+</sub> with similar efficiencies <i>in vitro</i>. We also provided evidence that these same cell-types presented antigen <i>in vivo</i>, as they form contacts with antigen-specific T<sub>CD8+</sub>. Importantly, the number of pMHC-I on infected pAPC (direct presentation) vastly outnumbered those on uninfected cells (cross presentation), where presentation only occurred in a specialized subset of DC. In addition, prior maturation of DC failed to enhance antigen presentation, but markedly inhibited ECTV infection of DC. These results suggest that direct antigen presentation is the dominant pathway in mice during mousepox. In a broader context, these findings indicate that if a virus infects a pAPC then the presentation by that cell is likely to dominate over cross presentation as the most effective mode of generating large quantities of pMHC-I is on the surface of pAPC that endogenously express antigens. Recent trends in vaccine design have focused upon the introduction of exogenous antigens into the MHC Class I processing pathway (cross presentation) in specific pAPC populations. However, use of a pantropic viral vector that targets pAPC to express antigen endogenously likely represents a more effective vaccine strategy than the targeting of exogenous antigen to a limiting pAPC subpopulation.</p></div

    DC subsets are equally efficient in direct antigen presentation.

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    <p>(A) Mice were injected with ECTV, D-LN harvested and cells stained with antibodies to identify non-NK, non-B, non T cell, GFP<sup>+</sup> CD11c<sup>+</sup> DC subsets as: pDC (B220<sup>+</sup>CD11b<sup>-</sup>), CD8α (B220<sup>-</sup>CD8α <sup>+</sup>CD11b<sup>-</sup>), CD11b<sup>+</sup> (B220<sup>-</sup>CD11b<sup>+</sup>CD8α <sup>-</sup>). Nos. represent % of cells in 3 representative experiments using 3 mice per condition. (B and C) Mice were injected with NP-S-EGFP or NP-EGFP, D-LN harvested and stained as described in (A), with the addition anti- K<sup>b</sup>-SIINFEKL. Quantification of K<sup>b</sup>-SIINFEKL expression and efficiency was determined as described in <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004941#ppat.1004941.g002" target="_blank">Fig 2C</a>. Data are pooled from 3 experiments using 3 mice per condition. (D) Mice were injected with NP-EGFP or NP-S-EGFP, then D-LN cells were FACS sorted for EGFP<sup>+</sup> or EGFP<sup>-</sup> pDC, CD8α <sup>+</sup>, or CD11b<sup>+</sup> DC, as above. Each population was co-cultured with OT-I T<sub>CD8+</sub> that were then analyzed for proliferation as above. Data are pooled from 3 experiments, using 15 mice per condition to obtain sufficient cells. (E) As in (A), except for addition of anti-CD80 and anti-CD86 antibodies. Data are pooled from 3 experiments. All graphs show (mean ± standard error), P values *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, NS (not significant) using Student’s unpaired t-test.</p

    Antigen specific T cells relocate to the LN periphery where they interact with infected pAPC expressing antigen <i>in vivo</i>.

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    <p>(A and B) Localization of OT-I T<sub>CD8+</sub> following ECTV infection. NaĂŻve OT-I T<sub>CD8+</sub> were labeled with cell tracker CMTMR dye (red) and adoptively transferred. Mice were injected with NP-S-EGFP or NP-EGFP i.d., and 12 h.p.i., D-LN were harvested and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. (C, E, G, I) Mice were injected with NP-S-EGFP or NP-EGFP i.d., and 24 h.p.i. D-LN were harvested and stained for B220<sup>+</sup> B cells, CD169<sup>+</sup> macrophages, CD11c<sup>+</sup> DC and CD103<sup>+</sup> DC, and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. (D, F, H, J) High power view of interaction of naĂŻve OT-I T<sub>CD8+</sub> and ECTV-infected pAPC. The insets (D, F, H, and J) show 2-dimensional projections of one plane of the 3-dimensional datasets. Each image is representative of 3 experiments, with a minimum of 4 infected nodes per experiment.</p

    Treatment with TLR agonists <i>in vivo</i> inhibits viral infectivity but does not enhance direct antigen presentation.

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    <p>(A) Mice were injected i.v. with LPS, and 12 hr later splenocytes stained to identify DC, and examine expression of MHC class II, CD40, CD80, and CD86. Representative of 3 experiments, using 3 mice per condition. (B) CFDA-SE-labeled OTI T<sub>CD8+</sub> were adoptively transferred into mice that were then treated with LPS i.v. and 12 hours later injected i.p. with β<sub>2</sub>m<sup>-/-</sup> cells infected with NP-EGFP or NP-S-EGFP as above. Three days later, OTI T<sub>CD8+</sub> cell proliferation was determined by CFDA-SE dye dilution. Nos. represent % of cells representative of 3 experiments, using 3 mice per condition. (C) Mice were injected with LPS as above, and 12 h later, the mice were infected i.v with NP-S-EGFP. Twelve h.p.i., splenocytes were stained for DC subsets. Graphs depict ECTV-infection of DC (top panel, left) or DC subsets (top panel, right), and direct presentation by DC (bottom panel, left) or DC subsets (bottom panel, right). Data are pooled from 3 experiments, using 3 mice per condition (mean ± standard error). (D) Splenocytes were harvested and treated with LPS for 12 h, then infected with NP-S-EGFP (MOI = 10). Twelve h.p.i., cells were stained as described in (C). Graphs depict ECTV-infection of DC (top panel, left) or DC subsets (top panel, right), and direct presentation by DC (bottom panel, left) or DC subsets (bottom panel, right). Data are pooled from 3 experiments, using 3 mice per condition (mean ± standard error). (E) Splenocytes were treated with LPS for 12 h, then infected with NP-S-EGFP at the MOI indicated. Graphs depict infection of DC (top panel) and direct presentation by DC (bottom panel). Data are representative of two independent experiments (mean ± standard dev). P values *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, NS (not significant). Student’s unpaired t-test.</p

    EGFP<sup>+</sup> cells are infected by ECTV and directly present antigen in a TAP dependent manner.

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    <p>(A and B) Expression of EGFP 12 h.p.i with NP-EGFP i.d. or vehicle. D-LN were analyzed by flow cytometry (12 h.p.i) (A) or by fluorescence microscopy (6 h.p.i) (B) (Representative of 5 experiments). (C) C57BL/6.SJL cells were infected with ECTV wt or NP-S-EGFP <i>in vitro</i>, treated with UV-C and psoralen and injected i.v. into C57BL/6 mice. Positive control C57BL/6 mice were injected i.v. with ECTV NP-S-EGFP. Twelve hours later, spleens were harvested and recipient cells were analyzed for EGFP expression by flow cytometry (Representative of 3 experiments. Nos. are % of cells). (D) Expression of K<sup>b</sup>-SIINFEKL complexes by splenocytes 24 hr after immunization with NP-S-EGFP or NP-EGFP i.v. analyzed by flow cytometry (Representative of >10 experiments (n = 3 mice per condition per experiment) and nos. represent % of cells). (E) TAP1<sup>-/-</sup> or C57BL/6 mice were injected with NP-S-EGFP, as described in (D) (Representative of 3 experiments and nos. represent % of cells).</p