5 research outputs found

    Third-party Ownership in Football

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    "Third Party Ownership" is one of the restraint of Trade Law in Sport, whereby a third party acquires all or part of the player's economic rights for financing the player or injecting cash into the club. Contrary to  the common perception in the field, this mechanism does not grant the decision-making power of the contract to a third party, and therefore, this will not lead to a type of slavery or curtail a player’s freedom. As the result, it will not result in the third party’s interference in implementation of the contract which is in breach of Article 960 of the Civil Code and Article 18 of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players. In practice, various countries adopted different approached to the validity of this mechanism. The present study shows that by relying on economic efficiency and justice this mechanism merely entitles a third party to the player’s incomes in his future transfers without any unfair wealth transfer to third parties. FIFA regulations do not prohibit any investment by a third party, but they have banned him from influencing over club’s decisions. The mechanism could be introduced as a business model for football

    Economic Analysis of Proof of Causation in Environmental Torts

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    One of the common difficulties in the field of environmental torts is the proof of causation between the tortious conduct of the tortfeasor and the damage suffered by the victim. This problem, according to the principles of economic analysis of tort law, results in denial of tort claims which itself, encourages the tortfeasor to externalize costs of his hazardous activities, dilutes his incentives to reduce environmental risks in an optimal way, and finally, disturbs the deterrent function of tort law. On the contrary, in recent decades, it is widely accepted that the preventive principle plays a crucial role in sustainable development. The importance of preventive approach in environmental policies requires the tort law –as one of the means of such policies –to serve the aim of deterrence as well as compensation. With these points in mind, this paper first clarifies the three main situations in which the proof of causation is problematic. It then tries to analyze possible solutions of those situations, using an economic perspective and to propose the most compatible solution with deterrence and efficiency, namely using the proportional liability in specific categories of environmental accidents

    Legal Regime of Indirect Patent Infringement: A Comparative Study

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    According to the doctrine of indirect infringement, anyone who provides the causes of infringement or facilitate its occurrence will be liable for compensation for indirect infringement of patent rights, including contributory and inducing infringement. Civil liability arising from the indirect infringement, based on fault, is created if there is a direct infringement of the act or omission.There is no such entity in Iranian patent law, but by referring to some other laws, it could result in a sentence against the indirect infringer. However, if there is interest, the adoption of a specific rule is suggested in this field. Since Iran is a developing country, the authors of this paper believe that such an interest is not considered. The main questions posed in this article are: What are the requirements of the indirect infringement and what is the position of Iranian law in this respect? By conducting a comparative study under legal systems of generally developed countries and by placing a particular emphasis on the US Law and related case laws as the origin of this institution, this article discusses requirements of the indirect infringement and accordingly presents the position of Iranian law and appropriate proposals

    recovable of pure economic loss arise on breach of the contractual obligations The comperative study in the commercial contractual law and religious jurisprudence of Islam and Irania law

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    A kind of contractual damages is contractual pure economic loss or death of contractual interests. In the law of vestern countries, regarding to principl full compensation damags and because creating of expectory interst and reliance interst promisee, recovable of pure economic loss is admitted. But inverse, Legislator of IRAn in Waver of 522 Article of civil procedur law is not adimited capability of pur economic loss. Regarding to term of this article can said that death of contractual interests is inclusive this rule and is not recovable; But because ressitance of this rule to international commercial custem and usage, in thia article is try similar to usage in the vestern countries and international codes is explain necessity of revocable and display councurrent interpretation of 522 Article of civil procedur law; Because According to opinion of author, this kind of damages is related to violated undertaker and is related to her act and therefor ther are elementa of responsibility in the cases and is recovable

    اثر ثبت در مالکیت املاک از منظر نظام‌های حقوقی ایران و انگلستان با نگرشی بر اخلاق عمومی و بهداشت قضایی

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    Background and Aim: Clarifying the effect of registration on Estate ownership based on current necessities and legal capacities, in addition to a theoretical approach, has special importance in guiding policymakers and preparing legal and executive mechanisms. In this study, taking into account the role of estate registration and the importance of its effect in realizing or proving ownership, especially from the perspective of providing the components of public ethics and judicial health, the approach of the two legal systems of Iran and England was investigated. Methods: The current research has been carried out by descriptive-analytical method and using library (documentary) resources. Ethical Considerations: In writing this article, the principles of ethics in research, especially trustworthiness in citing texts and preserving the originality of the article, have been considered. Results: Estates registration can provide the goals of registration laws in the fields of security, justice and judicial health if it has a creative effect (ascertaining) in the realization of ownership. This is clearly foreseen in English law and can be deduced from the registration regulations in Iranian law. Conclusion: In English law, while using the effective and transparent method of electronic registration along with the adoption of a hybrid creation system, property registration and the inclusion of names of persons will lead to the transfer of ownership rights of estate and the possibility of legal possessions in the property. In Iranian law, various interpretations of registration regulations and reference to other laws have caused various theories and approaches, but considering the aims of the registration legislator and the necessities of property registration in the fields of public ethics and judicial health, there should be a causing effect for registration and registration procedures of estates. Please cite this article as: Zolfaghari M, Kazemi M, Badini H, Seifi Zinab GH-A. The Effect of Registration in Relation to Estate Ownership from the Perspective of Iranian and British Legal Systems with a View to Public Ethics and Judicial Health. Akhlaq-i zisti, i.e., Bioethics Journal. 2022; 12(37): e24.زمینه و هدف: تبیین اثر ثبت در مالکیت املاک با تکیه بر ضرورت‌های فعلی و ظرفیت‌های قانونی، علاوه بر رهیافت نظری از اهمیت ویژه‌ای در جهت‌دهی به سیاستگذاران و تمهید سازوکارهای حقوقی و اجرایی برخوردار است. در این مطالعه با در نظرگرفتن نقش ثبت املاک و اهمیت تأثیر آن در ثبوت یا اثبات مالکیت به ویژه از منظر تحقق مؤلفه‌های اخلاق عمومی و بهداشت قضایی، به مطالعه پیرامون رویکرد دو نظام حقوقی ایران و انگلستان پرداخته شد. روش: پژوهش حاضر به روش توصیفی ـ تحلیلی و با بهره‌گیری از منابع کتابخانه‌ای (اسنادی) انجام یافته است. ملاحظات اخلاقی: در نگارش این مقاله، اصول راجع به اخلاق در پژوهش به ویژه امانتداری در استناد به متون و حفظ اصالت مقاله، مورد توجه بوده است. یافته‌ها: ثبت املاک در صورتی می‌تواند اهداف قوانین ثبتی را در حوزه‌های امنیت و عدالت و بهداشت قضایی فراهم آورد که حائز اثر ایجادی (ثبوتی) در تحقق مالکیت باشد. این امر در حقوق انگلستان به صراحت پیش‌بینی شده و در حقوق ایران نیز از مقررات ثبتی قابل برداشت است. نتیجه‌گیری: در حقوق انگلستان، ضمن بهره‌گیری از روش مؤثر و شفاف ثبت الکترونیک در کنار پذیرش نظام ایجادی ترکیبی، ثبت ملک و درج نام اشخاص منجر به تعلق و انتقال حقوق مالکانه و امکان تصرفات حقوقی در ملک خواهد شد. در حقوق ایران تفاسیر ناهمگون از مقررات ثبتی و استناد به دیگر قوانین، نظریات و رویکردهای مختلفی را موجب شده است، لیکن با عنایت به اهداف قانونگذار ثبتی و ضرورت‌های ثبت املاک در حوزه‌های اخلاق عمومی و بهداشت قضایی، می‌بایستی اثری ایجادی برای تشریفات ثبتی و ثبت در دفتر املاک قائل شد