15 research outputs found

    Analysis of seasonal variation on river hydromorphology in Pelus River, Perak, Malaysia

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    Pelus River were located in cascading area, which some party took this area as one of the potential area for new hydro-plant area. Pelus River discharges into the Perak River about 10 km downstream of Chenderoh and the gradients in the upper courses are steep where some river can drop to more than 50 m. Total catchment size for Pelus catchment area is estimated about 328.1794 km². The long of main Pelus River is estimated at 22.11 km. The relationship between rainfall and water level were positively strong where R²= 0.84925. The rating curve show the correlation between water level and discharge are positive strong with R²= 0.9976. It is clearly identify that rainfall has given strong impacts on the discharge of Pelus River. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to study the river profile characteristic of Pelus River, which, to achieve the expected outcomes that are to produce the alternative way such as using hydrology navigation to control optimum river characteristic if any development occurs the river basin. The need to analyze the impact of seasonal variation in river morphology is due to most of the sediment transported by the rivers through the inlet in the high flow season. River discharge analysis is important in order to know the linked with channel efficiency, water supply, flood control, or the way in which people in Pelus area use the river

    Environmental influences on fish assemblages of the Upper Sungai Pelus, Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia

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    This study evaluates the current environmental influences on fish assemblages of the upper Sungai Pelus, Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Fish samplings and habitat characterizations were conducted at three significant different months, which were on dry (June 2014), wet (August 2014) and moderately wet seasons (April 2015). A total of 510 individual fish were collected from the study, which consist of four orders, nine families, 20 genus and 21 species of fishes. Cyprinidae was the biggest family, followed by Bagridae, Balitoridae and Sisoridae. Neolissochilus hexagonolepis was the only species documented under the nearly threatened list, even their individual number and occurrences were the highest recorded. The readings of environmental variables, such as water temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, biological oxygen demand and total suspended solids were regarded as normal for upper river area. However, the water turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were quite high, which we believed was due to seasonal variation and current anthropogenic activities of the nearby river area. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the water conductivity, river width, COD and water velocity were the main factors in influencing the fish assemblages of this upper Sungai Pelus. The findings can be utilized as a guideline to manage, protect and conserve this upper river area in the near future

    Catatan Pelayar Barat Dan Karangan Cendekiawan Melayu Kisah Sejarah Negeri Perlis Sekitar Abad Ke-16 Hingga Abad Ke-20

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    Nama Perlis tidak termasyhur sepertimana nama Melaka, Johor, Kedah dan negeri-negeri Melayu yang lain. Namun tidak beerti perkataan 'Perlis' yang merupakan sebuah kawasan kemudian menjadi kerajaan berdaulat telah 'lenyap'dalam penulisan sejarah sekitar abad ke- "16 hingga abad ke-19. Perkara ini terbukti dalam penemuan catatanparapelayar Barat tentang sebuah kawasan yang bernama 'Perlis' oleh Ferano Mendes Pinto, Diogo de Medoca Furtado dan Sherard Osbom. Karangan para cendekiawan Melal,u seperti Salasilah Perlis, Salasilah DYMM Raja-Raja Perlis, Seri Indera Kayangan, Nota-Nota Sejarah Negeri Perlis, Al-Tarikh Salasilah Negeri Kedah, Peringatan Raja-Raia Kedah, Salasilah Atau Tarekh Kerja-an Kedah juga kaya dan sarat dengan kisah sejarah negeri Perlis atau peristiwa yang pemah berlaku di dalam negeri tersebut. Sehubungan itu, makalah ini berfokus kepada skop peristiwa .yang pernah dikarang oleh para pelayar Barat seperti gambaran Perlis pada sekitar abad ke- 16. Disamping dengan tinjauan terhadap karya pensejarahan tempatan dengan membincangkan kandungan sejarah negeri Perlis khusus perjalanan peristiwa dari sebuah jajahan kerajaan Kedah kepada menjadi sebuah negeri berdaulat disamping episod yang berlaku di Perlis ketika zaman pra-British. Bagi tujuan tersebut, makalah ini akan turut menerapkan aspek sejarah secara umum serta memasukkan kajian perbandingan tekstual bagi menguji nilai kesejarahannya

    Environmental influences on fish assemblages of the upper Sungai Pelus, Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia

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    This study evaluates the current environmental influences on fish assemblages of the upper Sungai Pelus, Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Fish samplings and habitat characterizations were conducted at three significant different months, which were on dry (June 2014), wet (August 2014) and moderately wet seasons (April 2015). A total of 510 individual fish were collected from the study, which consist of four orders, nine families, 20 genus and 21 species of fishes. Cyprinidae was the biggest family, followed by Bagridae, Balitoridae and Sisoridae. Neolissochilus hexagonolepis was the only species documented under the nearly threatened list, even their individual number and occurrences were the highest recorded. The readings of environmental variables, such as water temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, biological oxygen demand and total suspended solids were regarded as normal for upper river area. However, the water turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were quite high, which we believed was due to seasonal variation and current anthropogenic activities of the nearby river area. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the water conductivity, river width, COD and water velocity were the main factors in influencing the fish assemblages of this upper Sungai Pelus. The findings can be utilized as a guideline to manage, protect and conserve this upper river area in the near future

    Does the Household Save Water? Evidence from Behavioral Analysis

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    Management of water supply in urban areas is a challenge that must be faced by water supply companies to ensure the continuity of domestic water supply to the residents in the area. Hence, this study aims to identify local people’s behavior and daily activities that led to domestic water wastage. Furthermore, the relationship between the demographic factors of the population trends in reducing water use through water savings in their daily activities or installing a home-saving water system is also undertaken. The data were analyzed and interpreted using IBM SPSS software such as descriptive analysis, covering frequencies, mean and standard deviation, correlation with bivariate correlation, cross-tabulation, and multivariate analysis (MANOVA). Availability and demand in water management will only be managed if water resources and water supply engineers address all the balance sides. It will ensure a more comprehensive and interconnected water sector, ensuring the security and sustainability of water

    Environmental flow assessment of high gradient river system using integrated habitat simulation method

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    River system has a paramount role to support various ecological functions apart from its crucial importance as the main water resource for man-related activities. Despite of its countless benefits to various river developments and uses, the integrity of the river shall never be compromised to ensure the resource sustainability and balanced ecosystem. The increase in multisector’s water demand has lead to various river-uses issues with no exception of conservation and economic development perspective. The environmental flow assessment serves as a crucial first step in determining the alteration level that a river can withstand before it gets malfunctioned. This study adopted the combined methods of the hydrologic index, hydraulic rating and habitat simulation method for the environmental flow assessment of a high gradient tropical river system in Mid Perak State of Malaysia, namely Pelus River. There were two main objectives of the study; i) to correlate the by-seasons flow regimes and river physical habitat characteristics for Habitat Suitability Curve (HSC) development of the bioindicator species (Barbodes binotatus), and ii) to propose the river physical habitat and river flow tolerance range for different river management options and implications. Apart from the 30 years hydro-climatic secondary data, three sets of primary data representing normal, dry and wet seasons have been used as the main data source to increase the accuracy of the final result. The standard procedure of data sampling and processing were applied in accordance to established procedures including APHA and DID Malaysia guideline. Three HSCs of the Barbodes binotatus have been successfully constructed for depth, velocity and substrate parameter, which suggesting different Area Weighted Suitability (AWS) of the bioindicator species. Different sets of river management options and its implication have been proposed by fully-utilise the information of the tolerance range of specific flow and physical habitat characteristics to satisfy the different level of environment flow requirement. The environmental flow for a river system should be able to meet the agreed objective of the river uses set forth, and the implication must be well understood by the river stakeholders before a project can be conducted

    Integrated Hydrological-Hydraulic Model for Flood Simulation in Tropical Urban Catchment

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    In recent decades, Malaysia has become one of the world’s most urbanized nations, causing severe flash flooding. Urbanization should meet the population’s needs by increasing the development of paved areas, which has significantly changed the catchment’s hydrological and hydraulic characteristics. Therefore, the frequency of flash flooding in Malaysia’s urban areas has grown year after year. Numerous techniques have been used, including the statistical approach, modeling, and storm design methods, in flood simulation. This research integrated hydrology and hydraulic models to simulate the urban flood events in the Aur River catchment. The primary objective is to determine water level and forecast peak flow based on hydrological assessment in the drainage system using XPSWMM software. The rainfall data for 60 min was used for this study in the hydrological analysis by obtaining an intensity-duration-frequency curve and peak flow value (Q peak). XPSWMM is used to simulate the response of a catchment to rainfall events in which runoff, water depth profile, and outflow hydrograph are obtained. Peak runoff is also obtained from the modified rational method for validation purposes. The proposed method was verified by comparing the result with the standard method. This is essential to identify flash flooding, which can lead to efficient flood mitigation planning and management in the urban catchment. The increase in residential areas results in the alteration of time of concentration, water quantity, and flow rate. Thus, to mitigate present and future problems, the effects of urbanization on water resources and flood should be analyzed

    Water quality index and sediment loading analysis in Pelus River, Perak, Malaysia

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    River can be considered as one of the main water, food source and habitat for all life forms. It is important to keep the health of river at an acceptable level for optimum function to support living being. The water quality index is used to assess the water quality condition in the river. Water quality index (WQI) and JPS River Index (JRI) can be used to monitor the health of the river. In this study, a total of eight stations along the main river were used for sampling. Six selected parameters (biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended solid, and ammoniacal nitrogen) were used to calculate the water quality index. Parameters used to calculate JRI are specific flow, total suspended solid, total dissolved solid, and turbidity. Since sedimentation is a major threat in Pelus River, suspended solid concentration is used to find the sediment load in Pelus River. From the analysis, mean WQI in dry season (71.73) is higher compared to mean WQI in wet season (59.90). This indicates that the water quality during wet season (Class III-polluted) is a bit lower than the water quality during dry season (Class III-Slightly polluted). The sediment load in Pelus River per year is estimated to be 7.056 kg.ha/year during dry season and it is expected to be higher during wet season. The anthropogenic activities such as deforestation and agriculture were expected to influence the stability of the water quality in Pelus Rive

    River hydro morphology characteristic influenced by seasonal changes: a case study in Galas River, Kelantan

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    Hydro morphology is the field that deals with the structure, evolution and dynamic morphology of hydrological systems over time. Hydrological systems evolve due to variety of both natural and anthropogenic influences such as changes in land and water use caused by urbanization, agriculture, climate change, modifications to water infrastructure and water use. Natural functioning river ecosystems for each environmental driver have a natural range of variability that depends on the geomorphic character of catchment, climatic regime and local factors. The purpose of this study is to elucidate river hydro morphology characteristic in different season of Galas River, Kelantan. Three different types of season were collected to get full hydrological regime properties for complete water year cycle. Results show that, in low flow period, a shallow and narrow channel was observed compare to high flow period which record has a deeper and wider channel. Hence, a liner relationship between discharge against sampling station is R² = 0.9152 for the high flow and the low flow is R² = 0.7522. In conclusion, the results indicate that factors influence the channel morphology changes in different season was significant due to the discharge, erosion, sedimentation and enlargement

    Does the Household Save Water? Evidence from Behavioral Analysis

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    Management of water supply in urban areas is a challenge that must be faced by water supply companies to ensure the continuity of domestic water supply to the residents in the area. Hence, this study aims to identify local people’s behavior and daily activities that led to domestic water wastage. Furthermore, the relationship between the demographic factors of the population trends in reducing water use through water savings in their daily activities or installing a home-saving water system is also undertaken. The data were analyzed and interpreted using IBM SPSS software such as descriptive analysis, covering frequencies, mean and standard deviation, correlation with bivariate correlation, cross-tabulation, and multivariate analysis (MANOVA). Availability and demand in water management will only be managed if water resources and water supply engineers address all the balance sides. It will ensure a more comprehensive and interconnected water sector, ensuring the security and sustainability of water