33 research outputs found


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    Intellectual Capital becomes an interesting topic to discuss and to research because it provides more value for the company thereby increasing competitiveness. Therefore, it should be realized by the owners or top management that the training programs to improve employee competency needs to be improved rather than just buying land for business expansion and new machinery. Based on the research from experts proves that companies that have a more intellectual capital than its competitors the company more profitable, as well as financial performance and firm value better. Viewed from the standpoint of accounting, disclosure of intellectual capital can be seen from the financial reporting of the company through good training programs and human resource spending can increase employee competency, so that the impact effect on Free Cash Flow (FCF) is risingDOI: 10.15408/etk.v13i1.187


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    Intellectual Capital becomes an interesting topic to discuss and to research because it provides more value for the company thereby increasing competitiveness. Many companies still think that physical assets such as land, machinery, and labor that can generate profits for the company, so that the exclusion of non-physical assets (intellectual capital) such as, knowledge and competence of employees, customer relationships, innovation, and administration of computer systems, creativity in designing a unique product as well as the ability to master technology. Therefore, it should be realized by the owners or top management that the training programs to improve employee competency needs to be improved rather than just buying land for business expansion and new machinery. Based on the research from experts proves that companies that have a more intellectual capital than its competitors the company more profitable, as well as financial performance and firm value better. Viewed from the standpoint of accounting, disclosure of intellectual capital can be seen from the financial reporting of the company through good training programs and human resource spending can increase employee competency, so that the impact effect on Free Cash Flow (FCF) is risin

    Intellectual Capital Disclosure: Mandatory or Voluntary?

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    Intellectual Capital begins to be ogled by the stakeholders because of its existence as an intangible asset that is not less important than tangible assets. Therefore, these companies begin to actively move the training programs for its employees rather than expanding its business for example by buying land for expansion of land and constructing office buildings and factories. Most of the mandatory disclosure required by the accounting profession in relation to physical capital. The recognition of intellectual capital as a pivotal factors for the company, making mandatory disclosure related to physical capital becomes less relevant for the user. This has led to gaps in information related to investment decision making. Therefore, standard setters should develop guidelines for the disclosure of intellectual capital in order to protect the interests of users (Suhardjanto and Wardhani, 2010)

    The Value Relevance of Intellectual Capital and Ownership Structure on the SMEs Performance

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    Intellectual Capital (IC) consists of VACA (CE), VAHU (HC), STVA (SC), Ownership Managerial (OM), and Institutional Ownership (OI). This study aims to examine whether Intellectual Capital (IC) has a positive effect on company performance, which is proxied by ROA and ROE, with the Leverage and Total Assets as control variables. Specifically, the researcher tested eight (8) hypotheses using multiple linear regression (p-values). The results of multiple linear regression tests (p-value) show that the variables VACA (CE), VAHU (HC), STVA (SC), and Intellectual Capital (VAICtm) have a positive effect on SMEs financial performance, both with ROA and ROE proxies. However, Ownership Managerial (OM) and Ownership Institutional (OI) variables do not affect both ROA and ROE. Then for the control variable, leverage affects ROA, while Total Assets affect ROE. Therefore, the research further strengthens previous studies that Intellectual Capital and its components, which include Employed Capital, Human Capital, and Structural Capital, affect SME's financial performance, both through ROA and ROE. VAICTM is the best indicator to measure IC (Intellectual Capital). The improvement of the financial performance of Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs), it is necessary to pay attention to their employees (HC), capital structure (CE), and organizational structure in the company (SC)

    The Effect of Motivation on the Interest of Accounting Students to Follow Accounting Professional Education

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    Objective – This study aims to investigate the motivation and interest of Accounting Students at Economy Faculty of UT to participate in Accounting Professional Education, several motivational factors such as quality, career, economy, degree, and achievement. Accounting Professional Education has been implemented since September 2002, with the commencement of Accounting Professional Education, the title of accountant is no longer the monopoly of certain state universities are given special privileges by the Ministry of National Education. Thus, all Accounting graduates have the same opportunity to get an accountant degree. Opportunities have been widely opened but the problem now is the willingness of every accounting student himself to continue his education at Accounting Professional Education. Methodology/Technique – Using 296 accounting students from Bogor, Bandung, Purwokerto, Batam, Gorontalo UT Regional Offices, we run the form of Structural Equation Model (SEM) to test the accounting students’ motivation to follow Accounting Professional Education. Meanwhile for the measurement model in this study using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) which shows a latent variable measured by one or more observed variables. Findings – The result shows that quality motivation has a significant effect towards the interest of accounting students at undergraduate degree of Accounting Study Program at Universitas Terbuka to follow the Accounting Professional Education. Novelty – This finding implies that the greater the motivation of the quality of students, the greater their interest in taking the Accounting Professional Education

    Analysis of Quality of Service, Employee’s Ability and Performance toward Public Satisfaction

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    Public services cannot be separated from public area and political aspect as heterogeneous stakeholders.The first impressions of public service had not met the standard services, for example in adequacy, ability, and performance of the services. Serving the needs of the people is some kind of hard work if the staffs don’t have skill to do a good job. The fact is that there is still lack of human resources that meet the requirements to service better in the district office. The aim of the research is to gain information about public services in the district offices as a part of public services. Furthermore, the research is also trying to find the problems that appear in the district offices. This research is using survey method, to answer the research objectives, and to process data in this study is using LISREL program. The result showed that the disciplined of staff are increased, the time range of services are shorter. In order to elaborate the rules in public services, there should be a clear reward and punishment applied

    Peran Akuntansi Dalam Perkembangan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Tahun 2013

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi di Indonesia, akuntansi diharapkan mampu mengikuti perkembangan tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan akuntansi berfungsi sebagai penyedia informasi untuk pengambilan keputusan ekonomi. Pada tahun 2013, target pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah 6,8%. Hal ini disebabkan oleh investasi yang meningkat menjadi 11,2%. Oleh karena itu, akuntan diharapkan lebih responsif untuk menangkap peluang terhadap laju perkembangan ekonomi. Hal ini untuk menjaga kepercayaan stakeholders terhadap profesi akuntan. Globalisasi ekonomi ditandai dengan munculnya perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional yang melakukan transaksi antar-negara. Transaksi internasional ini harus didukung oleh standar akuntansi global yang dapat diperbandingkan. Standar akuntansi global yang dimaksud adalah International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS). Hal ini merupakan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh profesi akuntan. Oleh karena itu, konvergensi IFRS merupakan langkah nyata untuk menyikapi tantangan tersebut

    The Determinants of Intellectual Capital in Improving Indonesian Transportation Firms’ Performance

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    Previous studies that investigate the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance or market value show conflicting results. Meanwhile, intellectual capital begin to overtake physical capital as the most important assets for firms. consequently, this study aims to analyze the determinants of intellectual capital in enhancing transportation firms’ performance. We use transportation firms listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2011-2015. Specifically, based on Oktari et al. (2016), this study aims which factors that determine the ability of intellectual capital in improving firm performance. We use three independent variables in this study, namely, Value Added Capital Employed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU) and Structural Capital Value Added (STVA) as the proxies of intellectual capital that are measured using the Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM) model of Pulic (2004). The dependent variables are Return On Assets (ROA) and Return On Equity (ROE) as the proxies of firm performance. Using multivariate linear regression analysis, we show that VACA (CE), VAHU (HC) and STVA (SC) variables do not affect ROA and ROE as the proxies of firm performance. However, the VAICTM variable that combines VACA (CE), VAHU (HC) and STVA (SC) positively affect both ROA and ROE

    Tinjauan Umum Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Di Indonesia: Permasalahan dan Strategi

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    Globalisasi memberi pengaruh positif bagi iklim industri dalam negeri khususnya bagi para pelaku usaha domestik untuk berinovasi dan bersaing sehat dalam perdagangan internasional. Pemerintah sebagai pembuat kebijakan sudah semestinya menyambut baik pengaruh positif ini untuk lebih menciptakan kondisi yang kondusif bagi dunia usaha, baik berskala besar maupun kecil. Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) sebagai pelaku usaha yang kecenderungan sebagian orang pesimis akan kemampuannya ternyata memiliki andil dalam pembangunan ekonomi. UMKM pada saat krisis ekonomi mampu melakukan penyesuaian dan bertahan (survive) ketika banyak perusahaan-perusahaan besar mengalami kebangkrutan dan melakukan PHK dalam jumlah besar