4 research outputs found

    Korelasi Antar Komponen Hasil dan Hasil pada Padi Genotip F5 Keturunan Persilangan G39 X Ciherang

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    Pendugaan korelasi antar sifat menentukan keberhasilan seleksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) mengetahui korelasi antara karakter komponen hasil dan hasil dan 2) mengetahui korelasi antar karakter komponen hasil. Percobaan dilakukan di Kabupaten Banyumas pada bulan April sampai dengan Agustus 2012. Bahan yang digunakan adalah padi populasi F5 keturunan persilangan G39 dan Ciherang. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Augmented Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1. Karakter komponen hasil yang berkorelasi positif dan nyata dengan hasil adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan total per rumpun, jumlah anakan produktif per rumpun, umur berbunga, umur panen, jumlah gabah total per malai dan bobot 1000 biji. Karakter persentase gabah isi per malai dan panjang malai tidak nyata berkorelasi dengan karakter hasil. 2. Terdapat korelasi di antara karakter komponen hasil

    The Influence of Gas Composition on the Respiration Rate of Banana (Var. Janten) on Modified Atmosphere Storage

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    Respiration rate was generally used as an indicator of the rate of metabolism for agricultural comodities. The research aimed to determine the influence of gas composition to respiration rate and the changes of total acid, sweetness level and hardness level of banana (var. Janten) that was storaged at two different temperatures (room temperature (29 oC) and cold temperature(15 oC)). This research was conducted by modifying the gas composition(O2, CO2, and N2) in the storage jar. The results showed that respiration rate of banana tended to increase with time at both temperatures. Total acid declined steadily at room temperature but fluctuated at cold temperature. Sweetness level showed an increase and the hardness level showed a decrease with time at both temperatures during the storage process. Modified atmosphere was able to extend shelf life of banana to 12 days at room temperature and 26 days at cold temperature. The best gas composition for banana (var. Janten) was 4% O2, 5% CO2, and 91 % N2 (by volume)

    Pengurangan Subsidi BBM Dan Polusi Udara Melalui Kebijakan Program Konversi Dari BBM Ke BBG Untuk Kendaraan Di Propinsi Jawa Barat

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    The number of vehicle that use oil (BBM) is increasing every year in Indonesia while national oil reserve become smaller, so that the oil should be imported. The impact of using oil are increasing subsidy and air pollution. Thus, it is now becoming important to replace oil with another environmentally friendly energy, one of them is gas (BBG). Based on the number of vehicle and infrastructure in gas pipeline, part of northern West Java potentially can be chosen for the implementation of conversion program to gas (BBG). The number of vehicle in potential regions such as Depok, Cibinong, Bogor, Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang, Purwakarta, Cirebon, and Bandung are around 875,505 units. From these data, we simulated the potential profit to be gained each year by converting 10% for the first year and increasing it to 5% for every year. By investing 3.16 trillion for conversion, 14.9 trillion can be achieved in the form of fuel subsidy savings. In addition, emission reduction converted to a CDM (clean development mechanism) can become local revenues. Total CDM generated during 5 years predicted is of U.S $ 772,385. From this study, it can be concluded that converting oil (BBM) to gas (BBG) is highly beneficial

    (Technical and Engineering Design of Granulated Cocoa for Small Scale Industry)

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    The cacao production in Indonesia was increased very rapidly in the last five years. However, almost all of the cacao production in Indonesia was exported as cacao bean, meanwhile there were only a few of cacao processing industry top process the cacao bean become chocolate products. These condition was not advantaging for cacao and chocolate industry development, because the added value of cacao bean was small. Therefore, it was needed a strategic development of cacao products. In this case , divesrsification of cacao products for small scale industry was one of the alternative strategic for cacao product development. The study aimed at designing and engineering a set of equipment for small scale industry and material formulation for grain chocolate production. It was concluded that designing and engineering a set of grain chocolate equipment could be implementation for small scale industry by modification. The capacity of cacao granulator ia 4,16 kg per hour. Efficiency of the granulator is 74,8% and the temperature in the cooling tunnel is 10 - 12 C. The grain cocoa product is fullfilled the requirement of Indonesia National Standard (SNI), however the texture and appearance is still have to be improved