3 research outputs found

    NetWork Kansas Financing of Small Businesses

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    NetWork Kansas is a statewide network of non-profit business-building resources that help entrepreneurs and small business owners startup and grow successful businesses. The NetWork Kansas Referral Center helps connect you with the right resource at the right time in your business development. NetWork Kansas funding programs include StartUp Kansas and E-Communities, as well as the Kansas Capital Multiplier Loan Fund

    Addressing Business Needs of Rural Grocers through NetWork Kansas

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    Common business needs of rural grocers and various ways to access these resources, including some notes from the field providing TA to rural grocers e.g., common business/ops support needs

    Panel: Leveraging Public and Private Resources for Rural Grocery Stores

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    David Carter presents on Finding and Funding Energy Efficiencies in Rural Grocery Stores and how that can impact a store’s bottom line. Services available to assist with an energy audit. Virginia Barnes presents on Grants through its Pathways to a Healthy Kansas Communities Program for access to healthy foods. David Kramer presents on funding for energy updates, changes in ownership, and equipment updates of the USDA Rural Development program. Imagene Harris presents on Financing through the Kansas Healthy Food Financing Initiative. What type of projects are they looking for, and how to go about applying to the fund