34 research outputs found
Konsep Al-Shifa' dalam Al-Quran : kajian terhadap metode rawatan Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
This study employed an analytical analysis on the methods of therapy of Ibn Qayyim based on his writings. It was aimed at understanding and analyzing the thinking of Ibn Qayyim in his medical therapy which comprises the physical and spiritual aspects as well as the influence of the sorroundings of his on his style of writing. On the other hand, the specific objective is to uncover Ibn Qayyim’s views toward the six ayat al-shifa’ (verses of healing) in the holy Quran and his concept of al-shifa’ (healing) derived from the Quran and al-Hadith. The study also scrutinized his principles and methods of therapy and medicinal school of thought. As a result, the reseacher was able to formulate a model of Ibn Qayyim’s therapy methods as well as indentify the elements to be evaded while practising the method. The method of study was thematic and hermeneutics analysis as well as philosophical interpretation. It was found that Ibn Qayyim being a respected Muslim scholar was able to boldly promote an Islamization to the medical discipline which is more holistic in nature. In order to balance the scholarship thinking culture and societal needs, he uses the approach which was spiritually value laden and emphasizes ishtibak (traversity) in the medical practice. This is so to establish revealed sources as the primary reference with the human sources as secondary references in the al-shifa’ method of therapy. Through his method of therapy, Ibn Qayyim was able to show his inclination towards the development of spiritual potentials and inner faculties of a human being in achieving healing
Tasawur of Malay medicine In Malay traditional medicine book
This study is an attempt to present a holistic Malay medicine practice covering the whole aspects of human life in terms of psychological, emotional, mental and physical. A clear relevance between Malay medicine and the Islamic medicine is also to be presented in this study. The method of treatment and practice of Malay medicine which are wanted to be highlighted in this study is an element have has been already presence in the Malay medical system ever since a long time ago and has continued to be practiced today. The treatment methods described in this study are such as life therapy, massage therapy, bath therapies, herbal therapies and also newborn care and postnatal care practices. However, Malay medicine emphasizes the prevention of disease through the practice of self-care in life therapy rather than the aspect of disease treatment. Hence, through research that has been increasingly done by researchers and academicians today is expected to further developing in Malay medicine knowledge so that it can be applied towards cure various diseases of society today
Homoseksual: antara hukum dan kemajuan sains
Homosexuality is a phenomenon that has ling existed in human history. It is became the targer of the study to find the contri buting factors to the tennets of the Islamic perspec tive. The desire of homosexuals to change the physical conditions of a male to femare or vice versa is a good convention for sexual purposes or desore to become a mother or father status. The pace and progress of science and technology has helped homesexua ls meet their needs, even if the outcome of these treatments may bring much harm to themselves or those around them. High costs of sex change surgeries ca used many homosezual stuck to the nature of adultery and leave a negative impact on health. The purpos e of this paper is to understand the factor that cause homosexuality: Between law and science. The method used is a qualitative approach and a library. The findidngs of the study showd that the f actors that cause the occurrence of homosexuality no only dep end on environmental factors such as parents, peers, social and biological factors, but diet and drugs. There is a lack of research on the different schools of taught concerning the change of gender studies, hence it is has become prevalent in the Muslim c ommunity. If this is not handled as soon as possible, it not only gives an image that is not healthy within our communities but aslo under mine the development of Islamic civilization
Hazard level of vehicle smoke by fuzzy multiple attribute decision making with simple additive weighting method
Clean air is a necessity for human. Human needs clean and healthy air without being contaminated by vehicle smoke that can endanger human health. vehicle smoke contains harmful substances for human including carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and lead metal (Pb). This can make air quality worse and can cause human be suffered of diseases including ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection), shortness of breath, sore eyes, coughing, brain damage and mental disability in children. Decision Support System (DSS) is a system to support Managerial decision makers in semi-structured decision situations and in this research author made a study of the DSS model to determine the level of danger of vehicle smoke, this study uses the Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making method (FMADM) where this method is a way to find optimal alternative from a number of alternatives with certain criteria, from very low things that was from 0-0.25, medium from 0.3-0.50, to the most dangerous thing that was from 0.8-1. Hopefully with the existence of this research later it can be useful for the community, especially for public health
Active learning through student-centered activity in the instruction of Islamic education teachers as an implementation of the 21st century learning: a case study
Active learning through student-centered activity has a significant impact on learning as well as the mastery of the students. The implementation of student-centered activity blended with elements of active learning is among the foundation that forms the 21st century education. However, its implementation is often underestimated due to constraints faced by teachers. This article discusses the elements of active learning within student-centered activity implemented by Islamic Education teachers in primary schools applying the concept of 21st century learning in the process of teaching and learning. This study adopted the qualitative method conducted on seven teachers of Islamic Education primary school in the state of Melaka. In-depth interviews, observations and document analysis were performed for this study and the data were analyzed using NVivo 12.0. The finding indicated that there are six elements of active learning in the activities of student-centered learning that was implemented by the Islamic Education primary school teachers in the state of Melaka. All of the elements involved had demonstrated a pattern, in which all students are involved in the activities, all students perform their own activities, students learn from the activities, varied activities according to the level of students, several sets of activities in a single teaching session and edutainment activities. This study generally suggests a method that could serve as a guideline for teachers to carry out active learning through the student-centered activity in order to realize the concept of 21st century learning in the teaching and learning process
Persepsi Mahasiswa SPI Terhadap Amalan Gaya Hidup Sihat Menurut Islam Dalam Aspek Penjagaan Kesihatan Dan Pemakanan
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa SPI terhadap amalan gaya hidup sihat menurut Islam dalam aspek penjagaan kesihatan dan pemakanan. Objektif kajian ini adalah mengetahui tahap kefahaman terhadap amalan gaya hidup sihat menurut Islam, faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi penjagaan kesihatan dan pemakanan serta implimentasi terhadap penjagaan kesihatan dan pemakanan. Satu set soal selidik yang mengandungi 45 item telah diedarkan kepada 109 orang responden yang terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar SPI. Data-data yang dikumpul seterusnya dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mendapatkan nilai kekerapan, peratusan dan min menggunakan perisian statistical package for social science version 14.0 for windows. Nilai kebolehpercayaan ialah ? = 0.889. Secara keseluruhannya, dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa responden mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap penjagaan kesihataan dan pemakanan dalam gaya hidup sihat menurut Islam serta memberi maklum balas yang baik terhadap implimentasi penjagaan kesihatan dan pemakanan seperti solat, puasa, riadah pemakanan sihat, dan sebagainya dalam kehidupan seharian. Sebagai maklum balas terhadap kajian yang dijalankan, beberapa cadangan dikemukakan untuk mempertingkatkan tahap kesedaran dan pengetahuan terhadap penjagaan kesihatan dan pemakanan di kalangan masyarakat umumnya
Institusi pengajian syariah & sains era kegemilangan tamadun Islam
Buku ini membincangkan pendidikan Islam dari sudut konsep, falsafah, matlamat, dan kurikulum serta perkembangan pendidikan Islam zaman awal. Sebagai lanjutannya, perkembangan pendidikan pada era kegemilangan tamadun Islam turut dibincangkan. Fokus penulisan buku ini tertumpu kepada institusi pengajian syariah dan sains yang merangkumi masjid, kuttab, perpustakaan, madrasah, hospital, sekolah perubatan, balai cerapan (observatori) dan rumah sarjana sains. Bagi memperlihatkan keberkesanan institusi pengajian syariah dan sains yang wujud dalam era kegemilangan tamadun Islam, buku ini menampilkan sejarah dan latar belakang pendidikan beberapa orang cendekiawan Muslim antaranya al–Tabari, al–Shirazi, al–Ghazali, al–Razi, al–Farabi, Ibn Sina, al–Biruni, dan Ibn Rushd. Buku ini sesuai digunakan sebagai rujukan dan bahan bacaan oleh pelajar, guru, dan pensyarah serta pembaca umum yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut tentang institusi pengajian syariah dan sains yang wujud dalam era kegemilangan tamadun Islam
Konsep Al-Shifā’ dalam Al-Qur’an: Kajian terhadap metode rawatan Ibn Qayyim Al-jawziyyah / Zulkiflee Haron
This study employed an analytical analysis on the methods of therapy of Ibn Qayyim
based on his writings. It was aimed at understanding and analyzing the thinking of Ibn
Qayyim in his medical therapy which comprises the physical and spiritual aspects as
well as the influence of the surroundings of his on his style of writing. On the other
hand, the specific objective is to uncover Ibn Qayyim’s views toward the six ayat alshifā’ (verses of healing) in the holy Quran and his concept of al-shifā’ (healing)
derived from the Quran and al-Hadith. The study also scrutinized his principles and
methods of therapy and medicinal school of thought. As a result, the reseacher was able
to formulate a model of Ibn Qayyim’s therapy methods as well as indentify the elements
to be evaded while practising the method. The method of study was thematic and
hermeneutics analysis as well as philosophical interpretation. It was found that Ibn
Qayyim being a respected Muslim scholar was able to boldly promote an Islamization
to the medical discipline which is more holistic in nature. In order to balance the
scholarship thinking culture and societal needs, he uses the approach which was
spiritually value laden and emphasizes ishtibak (traversity) in the medical practice. This
is so to establish revealed sources as the primary reference with the human sources as
secondary references in the al-shifā’ method of therapy. Through his method of therapy,
Ibn Qayyim was able to show his inclination towards the development of spiritual
potentials and inner faculties of a human being in achieving healing
Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Penerapan Kemahiran Generik Dalam Aktiviti Kokurikulum Di Kalangan Pelajar Tahun Dua Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti persepsi pelajar di Jabatan Pembangunan Sosial terhadap penerapan kemahiran generik dalam aktiviti kokurikulum yang diceburi. Dalam konteks kajian ini, tumpuannya meliputi empat aspek iaitu kemahiran komunikasi, kemahiran bekerjasama, kemahiran keusahawanan serta etika dan moral profesional. Populasi kajian yang diambil ialah pelajar-pelajar Fakulti Pendidikan, UTM yang mengikuti program 2SPI, 2SPL dan 2SPS iaitu seramai 113 orang. Oleh kerana bilangan mereka tidak begitu ramai, kesemua populasi seramai 113 orang pelajar tersebut telah dijadikan sampel dalam kajian ini. Satu set soal selidik yang mengandungi 37 item telah diedarkan kepada responden. Kajian rintis yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan nilai kebolehpercayaan soal selidik pada nilai Alpha Cronbach ?=0.87. Dapatan kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) versi 12. Penganalisaan dibuat mengikut kaedah statistik deskriptif iaitu dalam bentuk kekerapan dan peratusan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa penerapan kemahiran berkomunikasi, kemahiran bekerjasama serta etika dan moral profesional dalam aktiviti kokurikulum yang telah diceburi adalah berada pada tahap yang tinggi manakala penerapan kemahiran keusahawanan dalam aktiviti kokurikulum menunjukkan penerapannya ditahap yang sederhana. Di akhir kajian ini pengkaji turut mengemukakan beberapa cadangan sebagai panduan dan tindakan yang sewajarnya diambil oleh pihak-pihak tertentu
Sains tamadun Islam
Buku ini menjelaskan pencapaian sains dalam tamadun Islam, sumbangan sains Islam kepada dunia, dan perubahan yang berlaku dalam perkembangan sains mutakhir di barat hari ini yang menjurus kepada penyatuan antara sains dan agama. Zaman sains Islam yang melatari perkembangan ilmu sains telah berlangsung selama 800 tahun. Dalam jangka masa yang begitu panjang, sains Islam telah berjaya mencorakkan landskap dunia dengan ketamadunan unggul. Setelah dunia Barat mengambil alih kepimpinan sains pada kurun ke–16, dunia sains maju dalam bidang material tetapi telah menyingkirkan aspek spiritual–agama. Ini menyebabkan ilmu sains tidak lagi menjadi wasilah untuk manusia mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan semesta alam. Akibatnya, dunia sains moden menghala ke arah mulhid lebih dekat berbanding menghampiri sempadan akidah tauhid. Buku ini sesuai sebagai rujukan para pelajar sekolah, mahasiswa yang berada di institusi pengajian tinggi, guru sains, dan para pengkaji sains Islam