118 research outputs found


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    The article reveals the aspects of environmental and economic assessment of the land use regulation effectiveness. It is emphasized that in order to use land resources rationally and successfully implement scientifically sound farming methods, it is necessary to have holistic and reliable information about land, its productive properties, natural and economic condition. It is noted that the efficiency of land use should have quantitative parameters characterizing each of the aspects directly involved in the process of land use regulation.W artykule przedstawiono aspekty środowiskowej i ekonomicznej oceny skuteczności regulacji dotyczących użytkowania gruntów. Podkreśla się, że aby racjonalnie wykorzystywać zasoby ziemi i skutecznie wdrażać naukowo uzasadnione metody gospodarowania, konieczne jest posiadanie całościowej i rzetelnej informacji o ziemi, jej właściwościach produkcyjnych, warunkach przyrodniczych i ekonomicznych. Należy zauważyć, że efektywność użytkowania gruntów powinna mieć parametry ilościowe charakteryzujące każdy z aspektów bezpośrednio zaangażowanych w proces regulacji użytkowania gruntów


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    The article considers information systems in commercial activity. It isproved that in competitive market conditions the introduction and use ofinformation technology becomes an essential factor of successfulcommercial and production activities. It is important to determine theeffectiveness of information systems and their components. To do this, it is necessary to identify a set of appropriate criteria, apply adequate tools and models for their comparison and analysis. In particular, the use ofmulticriteria evaluation methods is proposed.The problem of evaluating the effectiveness of implementation and useof information systems to improve the commercial activity of enterprises is considered. It is established that the effective use of modern information systems for support, support and model business processes is becoming one of the decisive competitive advantages in today’s market conditions. But the lack of reliable statistical information, significant uncertainties and ambiguities in the indirect determination of the cumulative economic effect of the implementation of information systems make the use of classical expert and probabilistic methods difficult, and sometimes simply impossible. In such conditions, the most appropriate is the use of methods of multicriteria analysis.When using the fuzzy-multiple approach to the definition of integratedefficiency, it is advisable to structure the expected results into severalgroups. One of them includes direct economic results that are wellcalculated and measured (expenditures, profits and the like). Another ismore complex financial effects, which are difficult to directly, directlymeasure and fix (for example, changes in the value of shares, fixed assets of the company, various risk components). The information components should be singled out. Finally, there are socially-oriented results that affect both the staff of the enterprise and the environment (customers, customers, competitors, retail customers).It is noted that in any case the definition of a specific set, evaluation ofcriteria, construction of rules of fuzzy inference should be based on expert assessments taking into account the competence of experts, theirrepresentativeness, specifics of the subject area (industry and direction ofdevelopment, implementation, use of information system).В статье рассмотрены информационные системы в коммерческой деятельности. Доказано, что в конкурентных рыночных условиях внедрения и использования информационных технологий становится существенным фактором успешной коммерчески-производственной деятельности. При этом важно определить эффективность использования информационных систем и их компонентов. Для этого необходимо выделить набор соответствующих критериев, применить адекватные средства и модели их сравнения и анализа. В частности, предлагается использование методов многокритериального оценивания.У статті розглянуто інформаційні системи в комерційній діяльності. Доведено, що в конкурентних ринкових умовах впровадження та використання  інформаційних технологій стає суттєвим фактором успішної комерційно-виробничої діяльності. При цьому важливо визначити ефективність використання інформаційних систем та їх компонент. Для цього необхідно виділити набір відповідних критеріїв, застосувати адекватні засоби й моделі їх порівняння та аналізу, зокрема запропоновано використання методів багатокритеріального оцінювання


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    International economic relations of the world cannot develop effectively without their analysis and development of qualitative forecasts. It is noted that one of the main functions of management is the function of forecasting, which comes directly from the nature of the concept of management, as it must solve both current problems and future problems. In general, the forecast in science means a probable, scientifically sound judgment about the future. Political and socio-economic forecasting in the international arena are extremely closely linked, as the social system is interconnected with the political system, moreover, its development and structure depend on the processes of transformation or modernization of the political system. Thus, the development of effective and adequate international social forecasts is impossible without similar work in the international political sphere and vice versa. The problem of determining forecasting methods in the system of international economic relations remains debatable. Thus, some researchers include expert methods, methods of extrapolation andmodeling. Another group of scientists divides forecasting methods into general scientific and partial scientific. In our opinion, the most optimal is the selection of a general scientific group of forecasting methods, whichconsists of analysis, synthesis, extrapolation, interpolation, induction, deduction, analogy, hypothesis, experimentation, etc. Innovative methods that focus on collective thinking include brainstorming, expert surveys, testing, and the Delphi method. A key factor in effective socio-economic forecasting in the international arena is the availability of highly professional specialists and institutions capable of developing and presenting forecasts. Methods of content analysis and event analysis are analyzed. When using the method of content analysis, attention is paid to the most commonly used words that define the main idea and concept of the document, which allows us to conclude about its functional orientation. The method of event analysis is based on the observation of the dynamics of events in the international arena in order to determine the main trends in the political situation in individual countries. It is substantiated that the use of these methods of analysis and forecasting will allow to respond more adequately to the latest challenges, will contribute to the development of alternative options for reforming strategic areas of the political and socio-economic system.В статье рассмотрены методологические аспекты анализа и прогнозирования в системе международных экономических отношений. Отмечено, что чем выше и детальнее уровень разработки прогнозов и их качество, чем достовернее и эффективнее они, тем результативнее является планирование и управление международным экономическим развитием общества. Проанализированы методы контент-анализа и ивент-анализа.У статті розглянуто методологічні аспекти аналізу та прогнозування в системі міжнародних економічних відносин. Зазначено, що чим вищий і детальніший рівень розробки прогнозів та їх якість, чим достовірнішими та ефективнішими вони є, тим результативнішим є планування та управління міжнародним економічним розвитком суспільства. Проаналізовано методи контент-аналізу та івент-аналізу


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    The article considers current trends in the international transfer of innovative technologies. It has been proven that at the international level, multinational companies are stimulators of immigration processes, distributors of the latest information technologies. They are the core of global innovation, which determines the pace and direction of development of the world market. Today, in the global innovation market, multinational corporations operate in a dynamic, aggressive and multifaceted competitive environment. It is important to note that scientists distinguish three fundamental models of innovation systems, both at the enterprise level and at the state level: American, European and Asian.Unlike multinational companies in the United States and the European Union, Japanese multinational companies are characterized by gradual integration into the country where their foreign research laboratories are located in order to gradually prepare for production in the host country.Moreover, any preliminary stages are only a preparation for future production. Transnational companies in the United States and the European Union are characterized by the gradual transformation of research laboratories from fully dependent (relative to the parent company) to relatively independent laboratories, which only rely on the parent laboratory for some innovative product orders.The above differences in the characteristics of innovation developmentmodels in the United States, Europe and Asia indicate the unique competitiveadvantages of multinational companies.It has been established that the sphere of innovation is increasingly attracting the attention of multinational companies, as it has the most important competitive advantage, which has long-term consequences for markets and countries around the world. It is noted that the formulated strategy of innovation can shape the technological policy of a multinational company in accordance with the market position and objectives of its development. In fact, the technology policy of a multinational company is determined by many factors, and its implementation involves the interaction of participants with different and sometimes even opposing interests.В статье рассмотрены современные тенденции международного трансфера инновационных технологий. Доказано, что на международном уровне транснациональные компании являются стимуляторами иммиграционных процессов, дистрибьюторами новейших информационных технологий. Они являются стержнем глобальных инноваций, определяют темпы и направления развития мирового рынка. При этом важно отметить, что ученые выделяют три фундаментальные модели инновационных систем как на уровне предприятий, так и на уровне государств: американскую, европейскую и азиатскую.У статті розглянуто сучасні тенденції міжнародного трансферу інноваційних технологій. Доведено, що на міжнародному рівні транснаціональні компанії є стимуляторами імміграційних процесів, дистриб’юторами новітніх інформаційних технологій. Вони є стрижнем глобальних інновацій, що визначає темпи та напрямки розвитку світового ринку. При цьому важливо зазначити, що науковці виділяють три фундаментальні моделі інноваційних систем як на рівні підприємств, так і на рівні держав: американську, європейську та азійську


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    Analysis of land management problems is an urgent need of today, as their solution allows to establish a balance between availability and demand for land resources, quality and cost-effectiveness. That is why the study of the peculiarities of land use management is an extremely important issue. The article considers the features of land use management, their characteristics are investigated. It is noted that taking into account these features will make it possible to adapt the management mechanism of balanced land use to the conditions of agricultural production. Approaches to economic  assessment of land use are analyzed.Different approaches to economic evaluation of land use have been repeatedly considered in the economic literature. There were attempts to find a generalized indicator (index), which would make it possible to simultaneously determine the economic efficiency of land use and the level of economic development as a whole. However, most often these indicators were quite conditional, giving almost no idea of the degree of land use, material and labor resources. Therefore, a system of individual  indicators is often used to comprehensively assess land use. The most common is a system of factorial and performance indicators. Factorial indicators that reflect changes in the structure of land and capital investment, allow to characterize the degree of rationality and intensity of land use, as well as to develop a set of measures to increase agricultural production. For a more complete and comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of land use, it is also advisable to use performance indicators.The analysis of materials and special literature gives grounds to conclude that the reason for the instability of the choice of criteria for land use efficiency is the shift of factorial and performance indicators. It should be noted that factorial indicators affect performance, and vice versa. In addition, indicators of rationality and efficiency of land use are not identical, but the former significantly affect the efficiency of land use. Using the above indicators in the calculations will make it possible to investigate the level of efficiency of land use, they can be used to compare the economic activities of all categories of farms.В статье рассмотрены особенности управления землепользованием, исследовано их характеристику. Указано, что учет перечисленных особенностей сделает возможным адаптацию механизма управления сбалансированным землепользованием к условиям сельскохозяйственного производства. Проанализированы подходы к экономической оценке использования земель.У статті розглянуто особливості управління землекористуванням, досліджено їх характеристику. Зазначено, що врахування перелічених особливостей зробить можливим адаптацію механізму управління збалансованим землекористуванням до умов сільськогосподарського виробництва. Проаналізовано підходи до економічної оцінки використання земель


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    The article deals with the organizational and economic vectors of theagricultural land market regulation. The tools of the land market regulation are investigated. A model of agricultural land market circulation is proposed and issues of market infrastructure improvement are highlighted.Land reform has always been a fundamental link to radical changes inthe economy in the agro-industrial system. The transition to marketrelations and the development of the mechanism of the land market, causes a fundamental change in the entire land system of the country. The problems of market circulation of agricultural land and the development of organizational and economic vectors for its regulation are of paramount importance for the practical implementation of agrarian reform and the strengthening of incentives for rational land use. However, despite the significant relevance of the problem of market circulation of land in modern agrarian policy and processes of transformation of the industry, their theoretical development lags behind the current requirements of rational use and protection of land, and this has a very negative impact on the social and environmental aspects of the development of the entire agrarian sector.Therefore, the launch of an effective agricultural land market in Ukraine, as well as the vectors of its organizational and economic regulation, remain strategic issues, from which depend on the further development of land relations and the national economy as a whole.In our opinion, Ukraine needs a new organizational and economicparadigm in terms of forming effective land relations and the relevantagricultural land market, especially in conditions where the country’seconomy has already begun reformatting to market bases, and the internal mechanism of self-regulation of these relations is either not expanding or is scarce to all sectors of the national economy, including the agricultural sector. Therefore, we propose an appropriate toolkit for regulation of the agricultural land market, the use of which will help to solve a number of tasks in this area. Thus, the directions of organizational and economic regulation should be directed not at making decisions in the context of individual land-use objects, but at the formation of total conditions and rules that will allow landowners and land-users to develop individual plans of agricultural land use within certain norms and established restrictions.В статье рассмотрены организационно-экономические векторырегулирования рынка земли сельскохозяйственного назначения.Исследован инструментарий регулирования рынка земли. Предложеномодель рыночного оборота земель сельскохозяйственного назначения.Раскрыты основные задачи землеустройства. Освещены вопросыусовершенствования рыночной инфраструктуры.У статті розглянуто організаційно-економічні вектори регулювання ринку землі сільськогосподарського призначення. Досліджено інструментарій регулювання ринку землі. Запропоновано модель ринкового обігу земель сільськогосподарського призначення. Розкрито основні завдання землеустрою. Висвітлено питання удосконалення ринкової інфраструктури


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    The article considers the peculiarities of the use of recreational lands. The legal basis for the use of recreational lands is analyzed in detail. It is noted that a number of legislative acts have been adopted regulating relations in the field of formation, preservation and rational use of recreational lands on the basis of sustainable development of Ukraine. Legislative aspects of integrated management of the country's recreational potential are implemented in accordance with the current Land Code. The essence of the concept of recreational areas and the order of their use are revealed. The issue of providing land plots for recreational facilities has been studied. It is noted that land plots of state and communal ownership are provided for ownership and use for placement of recreational facilities by the decision of the executive authorities or local governments in the manner prescribed by the Land Code. Recreational lands can be used in general and special order. The general use of recreational lands is provided by citizens free of charge to meet the needs of recreation, tourism, sports and cultural and entertainment activities.Recreational lands of general use include lands occupied by parks, squares, boulevards, sports grounds, and other recreational facilities. By way of special use, recreational lands are provided for the placement of recreational facilities (rest homes, boarding houses, yacht clubs, stationary and tent tourist and health camps, other similar facilities) for the purpose of conducting economic activities related to operation. such lands, other natural resources in accordance with their intended purpose. Special use of recreational lands is provided for a fee. Also, the use of recreational land can be carried out on the basis ofland easement. In order to ensure the rational use and protection of recreational lands in the surrounding areas, if necessary, protection zones should be created.The size and regime of protection zones should be determined in accordance with the purpose of the lands on which such zones are created, taking into account the nature of economic activity in the surrounding areas and the results of assessment of its impact on the environment.Construction of industrial and other facilities, development of economic activity, which may lead to a negative impact on recreational lands, should not be allowed in protected areas. The assessment of such impact is determined by the results of ecological expertise It is emphasized that an important task is to improve the regime of use of recreational lands, the priority of which should be to grant special status to particularly valuable of them.В статье рассмотрены особенности использования земель рекреационного назначения. Детально проанализирована правовая базу использования рекреационных земель. Раскрыта суть понятия рекреационных зон и порядок их использования. Отмечено, что важной задачей является усовершенствование  режима использования земель рекреационного назначения, приоритетным направлением которого должно быть предоставление специального статуса особо ценным из них.У статті розглянуто особливості використання земель рекреаційного  призначення. Детально проаналізовано правову базу використання рекреаційних земель. Розкрито суть поняття рекреаційних зон та порядок їх використання. Зазначено, що важливим завданням є удосконалення режиму використання земель рекреаційного призначення, пріоритетним напрямом якого має бути надання спеціального статусу особливо цінним з них


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    The article deals with the role of farm accounting in an agricultural enterprise. The components of the system of internal accounting – budgeting, internal control of production costs, management reporting in the system of cost management are investigated. The key problems and ways of improvement of business accounting are highlighted. For today, simply keeping records of economic processes is not enough. It is important that the account performs not only the classical information and control-analytical functions, but also provided the opportunity for planning for the future, contributed to the consistent work of all levels of management and their relationship with production.Historically, accounting services at any enterprise should deal solely with the registration of economic transactions, to formulate financial statements, and the economic service - to analyze, make calculations of production reserves and plan activities. All these functions are capable of combining only the business accounting. It is an information component of an enterprise management system that provides management of economic information for making managerial decisions about effective functioning in the conditions of restrictive production resources and market factors. The practice of accounting in agricultural enterprises does not fully correspond to modern realities. In order to improve the system of domestic accounting, a number of measures have been proposed. Increasing the inform level of management personnel will facilitate the adoption of effective management decisions for measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of agricultural production and monitoring it implementation. It is also necessary to develop appropriate methodological recommendations for the organization of internal accounting, which will complement the current methodological recommendations. This will allow to systematize in one normative document the basic theoretical, methodological and organizational provisions of the internal economic accounting. In order to improve the quality of management costs of agricultural enterprises, it is proposed to develop internal management reporting in the enterprise that regulates the procedure for formation, the system of reports on the implementation of production budgets and nominal cost centers and the schedule of workflow. Using such reporting will adapt the cost management system to the current needs of providing users with quality information.В статье рассмотрена роль внутрихозяйственного учета насельскохозяйственном предприятии. Исследовано составляющиесистемы внутрихозяйственного учета – бюджетирование, внутрен-ний контроль издержек производства, управленческая отчетностьв системе управления затратами. Освещены ключевые проблемы ипути улучшения внутри-хозяйственного учета.У статті розглянуто роль внутрішньогосподарського обліку на сільськогосподарському підприємстві. Досліджено складові системивнутрішньогосподарського обліку – бюджетування, внутрішній контроль витрат виробництва, управлінська звітність в системі управління витратами. Висвітлено ключові проблеми та шляхи покращення внутрішньогосподарського обліку