9 research outputs found

    Strategy For Chinese Ethnic Minority (Social, Economic And Political) In Medan City

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the survival strategies of ethnic minorities in Medan in the socio-economic and political fields. This type of research is library research Literature study is a type of research that relies on the power to collect secondary data and theoretical data from various literary sources as well as data that can support and strengthen this research. Then analyze the data qualitatively by describing the findings from various literary sources. The results of this study indicate that the Chinese Ethnic has the potential or strength to survive in the socioeconomic and political fields by adapting, working hard, and actively participating in political activities. The ethnic Chinese build good communication skills with the community as a form of their readiness to live in an environment of culturalism

    The Political Communication of Executive, Legislative and Religion Institution in Improving Religious Development in North Sumatra, Indonesia

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    This study aims to find out and analyze the political communication of legislatives and executives and the research paradigm used is phenomenological paradigm. The subject and the object of the research obtained in the field on the research to the data burnout. The data collection technique used is interviews and observation. Data analysis according to Miles and Huberman is the data reduction, data display, and conclusion. For understanding, the theory used is the theory of relational dialectics of Baxter. The results showed that the political communication of legislatives and executives performed by the dialogue communication approach and transactional communications. The dialogue is to equalize their ideas, opinions and attitudes about the use of budgets and expenditures in order to improve development, especially the development of religion in North Sumatra. Transactional communication is a communication that directly creates actions and reactions political communication which is raised by the members of the legislature both formal and informal meetings with the executives. The actions and reactions are verbal and non-verbal. The relationship built by religious institutions with the executives and legislatives is harmony in structural relationships. However, if in view of the implications of religious institutions relationship with the executives and legislatives at the practical level, it can be said not harmonious yet. This can be seen from the number of fund receivers from religious institutions and the amount of the funds given by the government in order to help the development of the religious institutions in North Sumatra especially Majelis Ulama Indonesia Sumatera Utara (Indonesian Ulema Council of North Sumatera) and Aljam’iyatul Al-washliyah Sumatera Utara

    Implementation of Interpersonal Communication of The Principal of RA Al-Kautsar in Motivation of Teacher Professionalism

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the principal's implementation of interpersonal communication in increasing teacher professionalism motivation at RA Al-Kautsar Jl Karya Gg. West Medan District Violation This study is a qualitative descriptive study with a naturalistic approach, collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. This study is descriptive, with four research subjects: the principal and three teachers. According to the study's findings, the use of principal interpersonal communication in improving teacher professionalism at RA Al-Kautsar Jl Karya Gg. In the West Medan Sub- district, the offenses include: 1) the use of the principal's interpersonal communication at RA Al-Kautsar Jl Karya Gg. The West Medan District has been violated on a regular and ongoing basis. Interpersonal communication between school principals and teachers takes the form of direct consultation (face to face) or the use of media (mobile phones) for assignment distribution. 2) Facilitating factors for the implementation of interpersonal communication, namely: a good communication climate between the principal and teachers, communication media availability, and each teacher's loyalty and dedication. The impediments to the implementation of interpersonal communication are: work barriers from the principal and each teacher, making it difficult to determine the right time to implement interpersonal communication

    Tapanuli Central Regency Parent Communication Model in Coastal Traditional Marriage in Sorkam District

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    This study uses Aristotelian communication theory, which has three elements of communication aspects, namely speaker, message, and listener, to determine the communication model of the host in traditional coastal marriages in the Sorkam sub-district, Central Tapanuli Regency. This study's methodology employs qualitative data collection methods such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings revealed that the mother's communication model in marriage was a.) giving advice or direction to the bride and groom regarding manners, religion, and customs. b.) bathing the bride and groom by placing the two brides on a winnowing and bargaining temping. c.) bridal makeup, which includes everything from traditional attire to make-up. d.) assisting one another in avoiding mistakes or deficiencies in the mating process Meanwhile, the Sibolga community views the host as playing an important role in educating the younger generation about the customs of the coastal community of Sibolga

    Marketing Communication Strategy of Sibolga Community on Pandan Beach Tourism Object Development

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the Sibolga community's strategy for developing pandanus beach tourism objects. Advertising, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion are all used in the marketing communication strategy. This study will concentrate on the marketing communication mix used in introducing pandanus beach tourist destinations. Pandan Beach is a popular natural tourist destination in Central Tapanuli Regency. This study employs a qualitative descriptive research method in order to display and explain the phenomena observed in the field. This study's data collection technique is an observation technique, which involves making direct observations on the object of research. Interview and documentation techniques are also used in data collection. Interviews were conducted with a variety of informants, including tour guides, people selling souvenirs, and Pandan Beach managers. According to the findings of this study, Pandan Beach employs a marketing communication mix to increase brand awareness, which includes advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations and publicity, and sales promotion. Pandan Beach advertises on social media to reach domestic tourists, and advertisements are also published in local print media. Meanwhile, direct marketing is carried out by collaborating with Medan travel tours. Personal selling is implemented by all pandan beach managers, and all pandan beach managers and guides are trained in personal selling. All managers also serve as Public Relations officers, whose responsibility it is to maintain relationships between internal and external communities. Meanwhile, Pandan Beach is promoting its products by offering attractive price packages to tourists