104 research outputs found

    Schinkel, Anders. Wonder and Education:On the Educational Importance of Contemplative Wonder. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021

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    El diálogo socrático como camino hacia la admiración y la Aletheia dentro de una investigación-acción cualitativa

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    In qualitative and action research, through Socratic dialogue, the researcher can help participants past a cognitive approach to the phenomenon, into a community of wonder (thaumazein), past observation of lived experience to foreboding and finally to openness. This openness serves as a ground for truth (aletheia). Researchers who try the Socratic approach may find it rewarding in the journey and in the research produced.En la investigación-acción de carácter cualitativo el investigador puede, por medio del diálogo socrático, ayudar a los participantes a transitar desde un acercamiento cognitivo a uno fenomenológico si se ubican en el seno de una comunidad de admiración (thaumazein), desde observación de las experiencias de vida a la intuición y al estado de apertura. Esta apertura es la base de la verdad (aletheia). Los investigadores que usen el enfoque socrático encontrarán recompensas tanto en su trabajo como en los resultados de sus indagaciones

    ”Vi har lært at blive små sammen omkring de store spørgsmål.”: Hvordan forske i eksistentiel og åndelig omsorg, når fokus er på den filosofiske samtaledimension i palliativt arbejde?

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    This article describes a ‘third way’ to a work with spiritual care in palliation. Normally spiritual care is theoretically understood and practically unfolded through either a psychological (therapeutic) or theological (pastoral counselling) approach. In a 3-year action research project on a Danish hospice the action researcher and the ‘actors’ or co-inquirers from the hospice had a shared inquiry into how philosophical conversations may be another way to strengthen a palliative team’s qualifications to lead conversations with patients, relatives and other colleagues about the Big Question of Life and Death. The article focus on the special kind of Socratic and phenomenological action research that is needed compare to other more empirical-descriptive research approaches when we are working with existential, ethical and spiritual experiences