356 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Numbered Heads Together in Teaching Readingviewed From Students' Locus of Control

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    This writing applied an experimental design. The population of the research was the eighth graders of Senior High School academic year of 2011/2012 consisting of three classes. Two out of the three classes, consisting of 40 students, were used as the sample using the technique of cluster random sampling. The experimental group was taught using the NHT strategy, while the control group using expository strategy. A questionnaire and test of reading were used to collect the research data. The result of analysis shows that NHT is proved as an effective teaching strategy to teach reading for the eighth grade. The effectiveness is affected by students' level of Locus of Control

    Peningkatan Mutu Minyak Jelantah Menggunakan Adsorben Zeolit dan Reaktor Sistem Fluid Fixed Bed

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    - Investigation of increasing waste cooking oil quality have been done using H-zeolite as an adsorbent and fluid fixed bed reactor which was operated in a various temperatures. H-zeolite adsorbent was prepared through physical and chemical treatments as follows : washing, acid, calcination and oxidation. The characterization of this adsorbent covered cations contain (Pb, Cu, Zn, Na, K, Ca and Fe) using AAS, Si/Al ratio using AAS, surface area spesific, pore volume and pore diameter using surface area analyzer NOVA 1000 and acidity using gravimetric method with amonia adsorption. Quality parametric of cooking oil that was investigated covered water contain, acid and peroxide value and density. Waste cooking oil as a sample was cooking oil which have been used for frying kerupuk, tempe and tahu three times. Fifty milliliter waste cooking oil was flowed throught 10 g H-zeolite adsorbent in fluid fixed bed reactor which was operated at various temperatures (50, 70, 90, 110 oC). The oil was placed in the bottle to be analyzed. The results of this research showed that the adsorpstion process for increasing quality of waste cooking oil using H-zeolite adsorbent and fluid fixed bed reactor could reduce the water contain, acid and peroxide value and density. The optimum temperature was 70 oC

    Conversion 9-Methyl Octadecene to 1-Octadecanol

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    The investigations of methyl oleate (methyl 9-octadecenoate) to convert 1-octadecanol, has been done. The conversion was carried out using ZSiA catalysts and fixed bed reactor that was operated at 400, 450, and 500 oC. ZSiA catalyst was prepared by washing zeolite with aquadest, followed by dipping in HCl 2M solution, adding Na2SiO3 5% b/b, dipping in NH4Cl 2M, calcination at 500 oC under nitrogen with flow rate of 20 mL/min for 2 hours, oxydation under oxygen flow rate of 20 mL/min. Characterization of the catalyst included determination of metal content using AAS, acidity using gravimetric method, surface area using Gas Sorption Analyzer NOVA 1000, and crystallinity using XRD. The fixed bed reactor was filled by catalyst and heated up to 400 oC under hydrogen flow rate of 20 mL/min. Then the feed (methyl oleate or methyl 9-octadecenoate) in evaporator was heated up to 400 oC under hydrogen flow rate of 20 mL/min. The reaction product was collected in glass tube and analyzed using GC-MS. Catalytic hydrogenation of methyl oleate produced 87,21% of 1-octadecanol as major product. 1-octadecanol product decreased significantly by the increase of hydrogen flow rate from 20 to 60 mL/min and for 5 to 15 grams catalysts

    Pemodelan Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Berbasis Efisiensi Penggunaan Radiasi Surya,ketersediaan Air Dan Nitrogen(crop Modeling of Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Based on Radiation Use Efficiency,water and Nitrogen Available)

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    A number of crop growth simulation models have been developed using the radiation use efficiency (RUE) concept to predict crop growth and yield in various environments. These models generally calculate daily biomass production as the product of the quantity of radiation intercepted and RUE. Besides that biomass production was deterimined by water and nitrogen available factor. So, this research was carried out to quantify the RUE, biomass and leaf area index on Jatropha under rainfall condition, four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N) and two and three population densities (P) planted twice. The experiments used a systematic Nelder fan design with 9 spokes and 4 – 5 rings were conducted at SEAMEO-BIOTROP field experiment in 2007. Data from the first experiment were used for parameterization and calibration and the second experiment data for model validation. Based on parameterization, we found that RUE can prediction above ground biomass accumulation of Jatropha were 0.94 (r=0.83) g MJ-1 to 1.3 (r=0.75) g MJ-1. Water availability was between ψ=-30 kpa and ψ=-1.5 MPa for field capacity and wilting point, respectively. Nitrogen demand of root, stem, leaf and grain N were (Ndemr=0.75), (Ndems=0.60), (Ndeml=2.53), and (Ndemg=2.41), respectively. Validation showed that model can simulate crop growth and development of Jatropha

    Efisiensi Penggunaan Radiasi Surya dan sebagai Dasar dalam Model Jarak Pagar(radiation Use Efficiency AS Basis The Crops Modeling Of Jatropha)

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    Plant growth interpretation in term of accumulated intercepted solar radiation and the radiation use efficiency (RUE) was used to study the growth and analysis of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.). A number of crop growth simulation models have been developed using the RUE concept to predict crop growth and yield in various environments. These models generally calculate daily biomass production as the product of the quantity of radiation intercepted and RUE. This research was carried out to quantify the RUE, biomass and leaf area index on Jatropha under rainfall condition, four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N) and three population densities (P) planted twice. The experiments used a systematic Nelder fan design with 9 spokes and 4 – 5 rings were conducted at SEAMEO-BIOTROP field experiment in 2007. Data from the first experiment were used for parameterization and calibration and the second experiment data for model validation. Values of RUE were determined by nitrogen fertilizer and plant density. Based on parameterization, we found that RUE for prediction above ground biomass accumulation of Jatropha were 0.94 (r=0.83) g MJ-1 to 1.3 (r=0.75) g MJ-1. Validation between model prediction and field experimental data showed that model can simulate crop growth and development of Jatropha

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Pemberian Insentif Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Nusantara Card Semesta ( Studi Kasus Karyawan Divisi Sales Dan Marketing Jakarta)

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    The company is part of the Organization, an organization must be able to deceive its employees. The company's activity on the pemberdayaaan leading to the objectives of the company through the development of its human resources is good and will bring progress for the company, therefore, efforts to improve the performance of employees is a challenge the company's most serious because of the success to achieve the goal and the survival of the company depends on the quality of the performance of its employees. This study examines the performance of employees at PT. Nusantara Card Semesta sales and marketing division of Jakarta which are obtained from the respondents, to do with the discipline of work and granting of incentives.The purpose of this research is to know how the discipline of work and granting of incentives on performance of employees of PT. Nusantara Card Semesta Division salesand marketing. This research type is explanatory research. The technique of sampling using a method using saturated. As for the number of samples taken as many as 40 of the respondents i.e. all employees.Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, showed the results of research that the discipline of working in a high category of 65.0%. Variable grant of incentives on the category quite well, as big as a variable and 40.0% performance in the categories high, amounting to 60.0%, Multiple correlation coefficient calculation based on yield value 0.729 which means have a strong correlation. Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination indicates that the variable is the discipline of work and granting incentives contributed to the influence of 53.2% against the performance of employees.Suggestions in this study was to give the award to employees in the form of praise,salary increases, job promotion, or granting allowances to employees who have been doing work with full discipline. the company is expected to provide an adequate incentive because the granting of incentives can lead to high motivation for employees for Moreover, necessary supervision against employees so that employees can work in a good and up

    Media Pembelajaran Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Metode Kohonen Berbasis Multimedia

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    Peningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan salah satu unsur konkrit yang sangat penting dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Sejalan dengan itu, hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan adalah masalah prestasi belajar. Masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh peserta didik khususnya mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Jaringan Saraf Tiruan adalah masih banyak mahasiswa yang belum dapat memahami dengan baik tentang materi kohonen, hal ini dilihat dari kuisioner pertanyaan tentang materi kohonen kepada 20 mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Jaringan Saraf Tiruan, 82,5% menyebutkan bahwa materi kohonen dirasa sulit untuk dipahami. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, maka diperlukannya pembuatan multimedia pembelajaran sebagai alat bantu untuk mempelajari materi kohonen bagi mahasiswa dan untuk membantu pengajaran bagi dosen. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah aplikasi multimedia sebagai media pembelajaran Jaringan Saraf Tiruan untuk Metode Kohonen. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka, metode observasi,dan metode wawancara. Aplikasi disusun dengan prosedur yang mencakup indentifikasi masalah, studi kelayakan, analisis kebutuhan sistem, merancang konsep, merancang isi, merancang naskah, merancang grafik, memproduksi sistem, pengetesan sistem dengan black box dan alpha test. Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi multimedia sebagai media pembelajaran Jaringan Saraf Tiruan khususnya materi Metode Kohonen bagi mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan yang berdasarkan hasil uji coba tersebut dapat disimpulkan, bahwa aplikasi pembelajaran ini dapat membantu proses pembelajaran pada mahasiswa untuk memahami materi dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu dosen untuk menunjang pembelajaran Jaringan Saraf Tiruan di kelas

    Analisis Tingkat Kekritisan Bahan Baku dengan Menerapkan Model Kraljic Portfolio Matrix (Studi Kasus PT Nyonya Meneer Semarang)

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    Purchasing activities are part of procurement activities on a company that has a strategic role. In an enterprise, procurement activities will determine the products produced by the company. Which if procurement activities goes well then the resulting product the better. So the purpose of this research is to determine the positioning of raw materials ginger, turmeric, kencur, bitter and gotu kola into Kraljic Portfolio Matrix. Where do the grouping is done on 5 items of raw materials by using the Kraljic Portfolio Matrix models. Through the calculation of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFN), the Multidimensional Scale, and the output mapping using SPSS 16, the obtained results the raw material of jahe, temulawak and kencur included into the category of critical quadrant., while sambiloto and pegagan belongs to the category of routine quadrant. The aim of this article is to address some of these problems. It proposes the use of a fuzzy multi-attribute decision making approach to assign the importance weights to different supply risk and profit impact dimensions, and further, to incorporate a Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) approach to objectively position the commodities in a continuous scale of -1 to +1 for appropriate classification in the Kraljic Portfolio Matrix (KPM)

    Integrasi Metode Analytical Network Process (Anp) Dan Technique for Others Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (Topsis) Dalam Menentukan Prioritas Supplier Bahan Baku (Studi Kasus PT Nyonya Meneer Semarang)

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    One of the factors that influence the company performance is the presence of suppliers which supplies raw materials. Selection of suppliers is a Multi-Criteria Decison Problem, because many factors are qualitative and quantitative data can affect the performance of suppliers. So the purpose of this research is to determine the priority supplier companies to meet the raw material needs of jahe, temulawak, kencur, sambiloto and pegagan. Then do the classify 5 principal materials using Kraljic Portfolio Matrix. Based on the results of the calculations, the raw material of jahe, temulawak and kencur included into the category of critical quadrant. Analytical Network Process (ANP) can be used as an alternative to solve a problem that has many interrelated sub-criteria or influence in decision-making and Technique For Orders Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method for rangking suppliers. There are 13 sub-criteria used in the prioritization of suppliers. Based on the weighted sub-criteria by using the ANP, subcriteria that most influence in determining the priority of suppliers are offering price of 0.2736. Furthermore, to the supplier prioritization is done by using the TOPSIS method where the weight of sub-criteria obtained from ANP method
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