20 research outputs found

    Assessment of Seismic Risk in Istanbul

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    The 1999 earthquakes occurred in Turkey caused destructions in every field and level in nation wide with the high number of deaths and injuries, the remarkable rates of collapsed and heavily damaged buildings and the interruption of business activities in long-term. In the last 5 year-period, various scientific researches focusing on seismic issues have investigated the relationships among seismicity, site conditions and vulnerability. Moreover, with the co-operations of central and local governments, universities and international agencies, many comprehensive projects have been carried out, such as “A Disaster Prevention/Mitigation Basic Plan for Istanbul” by Istanbul Greater Municipality - Japan International Cooperation Agency. Despite 1999 earthquakes had slight effects on Istanbul, the probability of a great earthquake (estimated to occur up to 30 years), has accelerated the attempts on risk evaluation, development of mitigation strategies, readjustment of disaster management system and so on. The primary studies on this field are focused on understanding seismicity and site conditions at large scale so that the earthquake maps produced show risky zones related to geological indicators. Aftermath of many great disasters, it has been observed that land-use decisions, demographic and economic pattern are the key components which increase or decrease the vulnerability level of settlements. In this context, the aim of this paper is to evaluate vulnerability components affecting risk levels and to explore risky zones of Istanbul. In this paper, urban and seismic indicators (i.e. site conditions, demography, land use, economy) have been aggregated and factor analysis has been used in order to reveal principal components of earthquake risk in Istanbul. According to these main factors, using cluster analysis, the critical zones of Istanbul have been indicated on urban pattern.

    Urban Transformation as a tool for Disaster Mitigation

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    Urban transformation projects are prepared with the purpose to sanitize decayed areas, to make cities beautiful and to create economic vitality. Since natural hazards threaten large metropolitan areas, urban transformation is pronounced together to mitigate disasters. This approach of urban transformation includes land use decisions related to hazard, risk and vulnerability analysis and to enhance the implementation of building codes respecting the current standards with application of urban transformation methodologies. Ideally urban transformation methodologies include not only physical and economic improvement but also provide social improvement concerning people who live in the area. Urban transformation seems to be the government’s primary tool for disaster mitigation by guiding urban development and improving the quality of housing stock in Turkey. Several attempts since 2005 to pass a bill to institutionalize this controversial strategy finally succeeded in 2010. In June, Law No. 5998, an amendment to Municipal Law No5393 of 2005, expanded item 73 on urban transformation projects to give municipalities the power to initiate Urban Transformation projects to rehabilitate urban areas or to mitigate disaster risk. According to this item in metropolitan areas, district municipalities can implement such projects within their jurisdictions with the approval of the metropolitan municipal council. Therefore Istanbul (Turkey) which is the biggest metropolitan area and waiting a big earthquake in next 30 years will be subjected to several urban transformation projects in the near future. In the paper, the urban transformation related to disaster mitigation approach will be discussed in the case of Istanbul in terms of descriptive analysis and proposals for future development.

    Assessment of Seismic Risk in Istanbul

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    The 1999 earthquakes occurred in Turkey caused destructions in every field and level in nation wide with the high number of deaths and injuries, the remarkable rates of collapsed and heavily damaged buildings and the interruption of business activities in long-term. In the last 5 year-period, various scientific researches focusing on seismic issues have investigated the relationships among seismicity, site conditions and vulnerability. Moreover, with the co-operations of central and local governments, universities and international agencies, many comprehensive projects have been carried out, such as "A Disaster Prevention/Mitigation Basic Plan for Istanbul” by Istanbul Greater Municipality - Japan International Cooperation Agency. Despite 1999 earthquakes had slight effects on Istanbul, the probability of a great earthquake (estimated to occur up to 30 years), has accelerated the attempts on risk evaluation, development of mitigation strategies, readjustment of disaster management system and so on. The primary studies on this field are focused on understanding seismicity and site conditions at large scale so that the earthquake maps produced show risky zones related to geological indicators. Aftermath of many great disasters, it has been observed that land-use decisions, demographic and economic pattern are the key components which increase or decrease the vulnerability level of settlements. In this context, the aim of this paper is to evaluate vulnerability components affecting risk levels and to explore risky zones of Istanbul. In this paper, urban and seismic indicators (i.e. site conditions, demography, land use, economy) have been aggregated and factor analysis has been used in order to reveal principal components of earthquake risk in Istanbul. According to these main factors, using cluster analysis, the critical zones of Istanbul have been indicated on urban pattern

    Urban Transformation as a tool for Disaster Mitigation

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    Urban transformation projects are prepared with the purpose to sanitize decayed areas, to make cities beautiful and to create economic vitality. Since natural hazards threaten large metropolitan areas, urban transformation is pronounced together to mitigate disasters. This approach of urban transformation includes land use decisions related to hazard, risk and vulnerability analysis and to enhance the implementation of building codes respecting the current standards with application of urban transformation methodologies. Ideally urban transformation methodologies include not only physical and economic improvement but also provide social improvement concerning people who live in the area. Urban transformation seems to be the government's primary tool for disaster mitigation by guiding urban development and improving the quality of housing stock in Turkey. Several attempts since 2005 to pass a bill to institutionalize this controversial strategy finally succeeded in 2010. In June, Law No. 5998, an amendment to Municipal Law No5393 of 2005, expanded item 73 on urban transformation projects to give municipalities the power to initiate Urban Transformation projects to rehabilitate urban areas or to mitigate disaster risk. According to this item in metropolitan areas, district municipalities can implement such projects within their jurisdictions with the approval of the metropolitan municipal council. Therefore Istanbul (Turkey) which is the biggest metropolitan area and waiting a big earthquake in next 30 years will be subjected to several urban transformation projects in the near future. In the paper, the urban transformation related to disaster mitigation approach will be discussed in the case of Istanbul in terms of descriptive analysis and proposals for future development

    Determinants of Land Prices In Istanbul: A Case Study

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    Rural changes: Their types and effects on rural capital

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    "Rural areas are changing" is the favorite quote of rural studies in the last few decades. Although this is the fact, current dynamics in rural areas have become the challenging research topic. The diversity and uniqueness of rural areas, the difficulty to define and classify them due to the last transformations occurred, have led researchers to focus on case-study specific changes. This new dynamism in rural areas can be caused by internal factors (e.i. assets of a given rural region), external factors (e.i. national politics) or their combination. It is certain that the dominant indicators and their impacts on the rural change differ according to the unique features of rural areas.. Nevertheless, it is worthy to define common points which have already created great shifts or are able to create further that give new role to rural areas in the global scene. Therefore, in this study, we try to classify the rural changes and we offer a typology of this regeneration which is followed with a SWOT analysis on the basis of the possible and current effects of these changes on rural capital

    Relationship between intracellular pathogens Toxoplasma gondii and Borrelia burgdorferi infections and migraine

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    Aim: In this study, the serological values of our patients followed up with a diagnosis of migraine were compared with the results of healthy controls in terms of possible association with intracellular pathogens, Toxoplasma gondii and Borrelia burgdorferi. Methods: Fifty patients with migraine, randomly selected among migraine patients without any additional disease, who applied to Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal Training and Research Hospital between January 1, 2015 and August 31, 2019 were included in the study. Fifty subjects without headache were included as control group. The history of infectious diseases of the patient and control groups (Toxoplasma gondii, Borrelia burgdorferi- causing Lyme disease) was determined by serological diagnostic methods. Results: The study group consisted of 64 women with a mean age of 45.5Âą13.1 (15-76) years. Migraine and control groups were found to be similar in terms of age (p=0.059) and gender (p=0.211) distributions. The frequency of Toxoplasma gondii positivity in the migraine group was 28% (n=14) and 10% (n=5) in the control group. The frequency of Lyme was 19.6% (n=11) in the migraine group and 14.3% (n=8) in the control group. The frequency of Toxoplasma gondii positivity was statistically significantly higher in the migraine group (p=0.022), while the frequency of Lyme was found to be similar in the migraine and control groups (p=0.450). Conclusion: The results of our study suggest that there are statistically significant differences between migraine and control groups only in terms of Toxoplasma gondii positivity rates, not Lyme. However, we believe that larger sample studies are needed to determine the detailed relationship between migraine and Toxoplasma gondii infection

    Uporaba analitičnega hierarhičnega procesa za vrednotenje trajnostnih dejavnikov pri načrtovanju in upravljanju povodij

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    Čedalje večja rast prebivalstva in gospodarski razvoj povzročata onesnaženje vodnih virov in slabšanje njihovega ekološkega stanja. Eden izmed pristopov k reševanju tega problema zajema trajnostno upravljanje in načrtovanje povodij. V skladu z mednarodnimi sporazumi o varovanju povodij je Turčija začela temeljito spreminjati proces upravljanja in načrtovanja povodij. Trajnostno upravljanje vodnih virov, ki vključuje razne gospodarske, socialne in ekološke vidike, pa ni preprosto. V članku so trajnostni kazalniki razvrščeni po pomembnosti z vidika zagotavljanja dolgoročne vzdržnosti vodnih virov, za vrednotenje trajnostnih dejavnikov pri načrtovanju vodnih virov in povodij pa je uporabljena metoda analitičnega hierarhičnega procesa. Ob upoštevanju, da imajo lahko različni strokovnjaki različna mnenja, sta izbrane dejavnike ovrednotili dve skupini anketirancev (tj. univerzitetni učitelji in drugi strokovnjaki), izsledki raziskave pa so pokazali stopnjo ujemanja med njihovimi pogledi. Skupini sta podobno ovrednotili družbene, upravljavske in gospodarske dejavnike, glede dejavnikov rabe zemljišč in ekoloških dejavnikov pa so se njihova mnenja močno razlikovala. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da bi bilo treba za oblikovanje ustreznega modela vrednotenja vodnogospodarskih načrtov povodij najprej ugotoviti in uskladiti nasprotujoča si mnenja različnih strokovnjakov

    Between Post-Flâneur and Smartphone Zombie: Smartphone Users’ Altering Visual Attention and Walking Behavior in Public Space

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    The extensive use of smartphones in our everyday lives has created new modes of appropriation and behavior in public spaces. Recognition of these are essential for urban design and planning practices which help us to improve the relationship between humans, technologies, and urban environment. This study aims to research smartphone users in public space by observing their altering visual attention and walking behavior, and, in this way, to reveal the emergent “new figures”. For this purpose, Korenmarkt square in Ghent, Belgium, was observed for seven days in 10-min time intervals. The gaze and walking behavior of smartphone users were encoded as geo-located and temporal data, analyzed and mapped using statistical and spatial analysis methods. Developing and implementing new methods for identifying the characteristics of smartphone users, this study resulted in a nuanced characterization of novel spatial appropriations. The findings led to a better understanding and knowledge of the different behavior patterns of emergent figures such as “post-flâneurs” and “smartphone zombies” while uncovering their altering visual interactions with and movements in the public space. The results evoked questions on how researchers and designers can make use of spatial analysis methods and rethink the public space of the future as a hybrid construct integrating the virtual and the physical.status: publishe