242 research outputs found

    Multi-Label MRF Optimization via Least Squares s-t Cuts

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    There are many applications of graph cuts in computer vision, e.g. segmentation. We present a novel method to reformulate the NP-hard, k-way graph partitioning problem as an approximate minimal s-t graph cut problem, for which a globally optimal solution is found in polynomial time. Each non-terminal vertex in the original graph is replaced by a set of ceil(log_2(k)) new vertices. The original graph edges are replaced by new edges connecting the new vertices to each other and to only two, source s and sink t, terminal nodes. The weights of the new edges are obtained using a novel least squares solution approximating the constraints of the initial k-way setup. The minimal s-t cut labels each new vertex with a binary (s vs t) "Gray" encoding, which is then decoded into a decimal label number that assigns each of the original vertices to one of k classes. We analyze the properties of the approximation and present quantitative as well as qualitative segmentation results

    Missing MRI Pulse Sequence Synthesis using Multi-Modal Generative Adversarial Network

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is being increasingly utilized to assess, diagnose, and plan treatment for a variety of diseases. The ability to visualize tissue in varied contrasts in the form of MR pulse sequences in a single scan provides valuable insights to physicians, as well as enabling automated systems performing downstream analysis. However many issues like prohibitive scan time, image corruption, different acquisition protocols, or allergies to certain contrast materials may hinder the process of acquiring multiple sequences for a patient. This poses challenges to both physicians and automated systems since complementary information provided by the missing sequences is lost. In this paper, we propose a variant of generative adversarial network (GAN) capable of leveraging redundant information contained within multiple available sequences in order to generate one or more missing sequences for a patient scan. The proposed network is designed as a multi-input, multi-output network which combines information from all the available pulse sequences, implicitly infers which sequences are missing, and synthesizes the missing ones in a single forward pass. We demonstrate and validate our method on two brain MRI datasets each with four sequences, and show the applicability of the proposed method in simultaneously synthesizing all missing sequences in any possible scenario where either one, two, or three of the four sequences may be missing. We compare our approach with competing unimodal and multi-modal methods, and show that we outperform both quantitatively and qualitatively.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    Adaptable Precomputation for Random Walker Image Segmentation and Registration

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    The random walker (RW) algorithm is used for both image segmentation and registration, and possesses several useful properties that make it popular in medical imaging, such as being globally optimizable, allowing user interaction, and providing uncertainty information. The RW algorithm defines a weighted graph over an image and uses the graph's Laplacian matrix to regularize its solutions. This regularization reduces to solving a large system of equations, which may be excessively time consuming in some applications, such as when interacting with a human user. Techniques have been developed that precompute eigenvectors of a Laplacian offline, after image acquisition but before any analysis, in order speed up the RW algorithm online, when segmentation or registration is being performed. However, precomputation requires certain algorithm parameters be fixed offline, limiting their flexibility. In this paper, we develop techniques to update the precomputed data online when RW parameters are altered. Specifically, we dynamically determine the number of eigenvectors needed for a desired accuracy based on user input, and derive update equations for the eigenvectors when the edge weights or topology of the image graph are changed. We present results demonstrating that our techniques make RW with precomputation much more robust to offline settings while only sacrificing minimal accuracy.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Fully Convolutional Neural Networks to Detect Clinical Dermoscopic Features

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    The presence of certain clinical dermoscopic features within a skin lesion may indicate melanoma, and automatically detecting these features may lead to more quantitative and reproducible diagnoses. We reformulate the task of classifying clinical dermoscopic features within superpixels as a segmentation problem, and propose a fully convolutional neural network to detect clinical dermoscopic features from dermoscopy skin lesion images. Our neural network architecture uses interpolated feature maps from several intermediate network layers, and addresses imbalanced labels by minimizing a negative multi-label Dice-F1_1 score, where the score is computed across the mini-batch for each label. Our approach ranked first place in the 2017 ISIC-ISBI Part 2: Dermoscopic Feature Classification Task challenge over both the provided validation and test datasets, achieving a 0.895% area under the receiver operator characteristic curve score. We show how simple baseline models can outrank state-of-the-art approaches when using the official metrics of the challenge, and propose to use a fuzzy Jaccard Index that ignores the empty set (i.e., masks devoid of positive pixels) when ranking models. Our results suggest that (i) the classification of clinical dermoscopic features can be effectively approached as a segmentation problem, and (ii) the current metrics used to rank models may not well capture the efficacy of the model. We plan to make our trained model and code publicly available.Comment: Accepted JBHI versio

    Multi-Region Probabilistic Dice Similarity Coefficient using the Aitchison Distance and Bipartite Graph Matching

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    Validation of image segmentation methods is of critical importance. Probabilistic image segmentation is increasingly popular as it captures uncertainty in the results. Image segmentation methods that support multi-region (as opposed to binary) delineation are more favourable as they capture interactions between the different objects in the image. The Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) has been a popular metric for evaluating the accuracy of automated or semi-automated segmentation methods by comparing their results to the ground truth. In this work, we develop an extension of the DSC to multi-region probabilistic segmentations (with unordered labels). We use bipartite graph matching to establish label correspondences and propose two functions that extend the DSC, one based on absolute probability differences and one based on the Aitchison distance. These provide a robust and accurate measure of multi-region probabilistic segmentation accuracy.Comment: 8 pages. 5 figure

    Incorporating prior knowledge in medical image segmentation: a survey

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    Medical image segmentation, the task of partitioning an image into meaningful parts, is an important step toward automating medical image analysis and is at the crux of a variety of medical imaging applications, such as computer aided diagnosis, therapy planning and delivery, and computer aided interventions. However, the existence of noise, low contrast and objects' complexity in medical images are critical obstacles that stand in the way of achieving an ideal segmentation system. Incorporating prior knowledge into image segmentation algorithms has proven useful for obtaining more accurate and plausible results. This paper surveys the different types of prior knowledge that have been utilized in different segmentation frameworks. We focus our survey on optimization-based methods that incorporate prior information into their frameworks. We review and compare these methods in terms of the types of prior employed, the domain of formulation (continuous vs. discrete), and the optimization techniques (global vs. local). We also created an interactive online database of existing works and categorized them based on the type of prior knowledge they use. Our website is interactive so that researchers can contribute to keep the database up to date. We conclude the survey by discussing different aspects of designing an energy functional for image segmentation, open problems, and future perspectives.Comment: Survey paper, 30 page

    Automatic Spatially-Adaptive Balancing of Energy Terms for Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation techniques are predominately based on parameter-laden optimization. The objective function typically involves weights for balancing competing image fidelity and segmentation regularization cost terms. Setting these weights suitably has been a painstaking, empirical process. Even if such ideal weights are found for a novel image, most current approaches fix the weight across the whole image domain, ignoring the spatially-varying properties of object shape and image appearance. We propose a novel technique that autonomously balances these terms in a spatially-adaptive manner through the incorporation of image reliability in a graph-based segmentation framework. We validate on synthetic data achieving a reduction in mean error of 47% (p-value << 0.05) when compared to the best fixed parameter segmentation. We also present results on medical images (including segmentations of the corpus callosum and brain tissue in MRI data) and on natural images.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Vulnerability Analysis of Chest X-Ray Image Classification Against Adversarial Attacks

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    Recently, there have been several successful deep learning approaches for automatically classifying chest X-ray images into different disease categories. However, there is not yet a comprehensive vulnerability analysis of these models against the so-called adversarial perturbations/attacks, which makes deep models more trustful in clinical practices. In this paper, we extensively analyzed the performance of two state-of-the-art classification deep networks on chest X-ray images. These two networks were attacked by three different categories (ten methods in total) of adversarial methods (both white- and black-box), namely gradient-based, score-based, and decision-based attacks. Furthermore, we modified the pooling operations in the two classification networks to measure their sensitivities against different attacks, on the specific task of chest X-ray classification.Comment: Accepted in MICCAI, DLF, 201

    Improved Inference via Deep Input Transfer

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    Although numerous improvements have been made in the field of image segmentation using convolutional neural networks, the majority of these improvements rely on training with larger datasets, model architecture modifications, novel loss functions, and better optimizers. In this paper, we propose a new segmentation performance boosting paradigm that relies on optimally modifying the network's input instead of the network itself. In particular, we leverage the gradients of a trained segmentation network with respect to the input to transfer it to a space where the segmentation accuracy improves. We test the proposed method on three publicly available medical image segmentation datasets: the ISIC 2017 Skin Lesion Segmentation dataset, the Shenzhen Chest X-Ray dataset, and the CVC-ColonDB dataset, for which our method achieves improvements of 5.8%, 0.5%, and 4.8% in the average Dice scores, respectively.Comment: Accepted to MICCAI 201

    Star Shape Prior in Fully Convolutional Networks for Skin Lesion Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation is an important preliminary step towards automatic medical image interpretation. Recently deep convolutional neural networks have become the first choice for the task of pixel-wise class prediction. While incorporating prior knowledge about the structure of target objects has proven effective in traditional energy-based segmentation approaches, there has not been a clear way for encoding prior knowledge into deep learning frameworks. In this work, we propose a new loss term that encodes the star shape prior into the loss function of an end-to-end trainable fully convolutional network (FCN) framework. We penalize non-star shape segments in FCN prediction maps to guarantee a global structure in segmentation results. Our experiments demonstrate the advantage of regularizing FCN parameters by the star shape prior and our results on the ISBI 2017 skin segmentation challenge data set achieve the first rank in the segmentation task among 2121 participating teams.Comment: Accepted in MICCAI 201
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