88 research outputs found

    Drought-Forest Fire Relationships

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    This study was carried out to determine the methods that bear the most realistic results in predicting the number of fires and burned area under the climate conditions in future. Different indices and statistical methods were used in predicting the burned area and the number of fires. With this aim, in addition to the indices used in estimating the climate, Machine Learning and multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) models are also used in predicting these factors. According to the results obtained in several studies, the relationship between the drought and fire indices burned area and the number of fires changes from region to region. While better results are obtained in predicting the burned area and the number of fires via the drought indices being used in this study and the MARS models that the combinations of these indices use, it is seen that a 30–39% success was achieved for predicting the amount of burned area via Machine Learning methods (Kernel Nearest Neighbor (kNN), Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees (RPART), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and RF), and this success ranges widely from 8 to 41% in terms of the number of fires. RPART, of these four algorithms, performed the best in fire prediction, but kNN was the worst

    The effect of age of seedling on growth and planting success in the artifıcial regeneration works of pedunculate oak (Quercus Robur L.)

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    Bu araştırmada, Devrek-Dorukhan Orman İşletme Şefliği 29b nolu bölmecikte farklı yaşlarda (2+0, 2+1 ve 1+3 yaş) dikim materyali kullanılarak yapılan saplı meşe (Quercus robur L.) yapay gençleştirme çalışmasında, fidan yaşının büyüme ve dikim başarısı üzerindeki etkisi belirlenmiştir. Bu amaçla, 0,5 ha büyüklüğündeki üç dikim grubundan tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemine göre 9 deneme alanı alınmıştır. Deneme alanlarında 17 yaşındaki meşe bireylerinin boy ve çapları (d1,30) ölçülmüş ve yaşama yüzdesi değerleri belirlenmiştir. 2009 yılında yapılan ölçüm ve sayım sonuçlarına göre, 10,6 m boy ve 17,2 cm çap gelişimi ile en iyi büyüme performansı 1+3 yaşlı fidanlar kullanılarak oluşturulan 3. dikim grubunda tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma alanında en yüksek fidan yaşama yüzdesi ise, %89 ile 2+0 yaşlı fidanlarla oluşturulan 1. dikim grubunda belirlenmiştir.In this study, the effect of the age of seedling on growth and planting success in the artificial work of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) which were made by using planting materials which were at different age (2+0, 2+1 and 1+3 age) in the 29b division in Devrek-Dorukhan Forest Range District was determined. In this purpose that 9 experimental areas which were owned field to 0,5 hectares were taken by using random sampling method in the three planting group. Height and diameters (d1,30) of oak individuals at the age of 17 were measured and survival percentage were determined in the experimental areas. According to the results of measurements and count in 2009, it was determined that the best growth performances with 10,6 m height and 17,2 cm diameter growth in the third planting group which were built up by using seedlings at the age of 1+3. The highest survival percentage with 89% was determined in the first planting group which was built up by using 2+0-year-old seedling


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    Bu çalışmada, Göller Bölgesi’ni temsilen Isparta’da tesis edilmiş olan deneme alanında, bazı kavak klonlarının adaptasyon yetenekleri araştırılmıştır. Deneme alanı, ORMA (Orman Mahsulleri İntegre Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş) kavak plantasyon alanında 14 adet Populus x euramericana ve 10 adet Populus deltoides klonu ile rastlantı blokları deneme desenine gore 6 x 6 m dikim aralığı ile tesis edilmiştir. 8 yıllık rotasyon dönemi sonucunda klonların boy, çap, yaşama yüzdesi, indeks değerleri ve hacim üretimleri değerlendirilmiştir. En yüksek indeks değerlere sahip ilk 9 klonun, hacimleri gövde analizleri yardımıyla bulunmuş ve klonların hektardaki ortalama hacim üretimleri ve artımları hesaplanmıştır. En yüksek ortalama hacim artımını Populus x euramericana “39/61” klonu göstermiş (18,9 m3/ha/yıl) ve bu klonu 17,4 m3/ha/yıl ile Populus x euramericana “I-214” klonu takip etmiştir. Bu 9 klon için büyüme değerleri, yaşama yüzdesi ve deneme alanına ait bazı yetişme ortamı özellikleri esas alınmak suretiyle uygulanan faktör analizi sonucunda, 1. faktör içindeki ortalama yıllık hacim artımı (MAI) en önemli değişken olarak saptanmıştır. Diskriminant analizine göre klonlar 3 gruba ayrılmışlar ve ilk grup içinde yer alan “39/61” ve “I-214” nolu euramerican klonları Göller Bölgesi’ne uyum sağlayan klonlar olarak belirtilebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kavak, Klon, Adaptasyon, Faktör ve Diskriminant Analizi

    Juniperus L. for Restoration of Degraded Forest Lands in Turkey

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    Degraded forests are among of the most important environmental and commercial problems around the world. Turkey has 22.74 million hectares of forest area, out of which 9.656 million ha (42%) are unproductive. To transform these unproductive forests into productive ones, forest restoration including rehabilitation is one of the best actions. In this sense, juniper species play an important role for degraded lands because they are drought-tolerant and withstand aridity and poor soils better than most timber species grown in Turkey. Therefore, this review presents the ecological considerations for the restoration of degraded forest lands in Turkey under the conditions of climate change. Within this framework, it focuses on the production of planting stock of juniper species, the significance of site-species matching, and post-planting site maintenance for successful rehabilitation

    Stability of acidified milk drinks: Comparison of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and thermal treatments

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    There is a search for effective stabiliser activity and alternative pasteurisation techniques for acidified milk drinks (AMD). In the present study, AMD were prepared at three different pH (4.0, 4.5 and 5.0) and high methoxyl pectin (HMP) levels (0.2, 0.5 and 0.8%) by thermal (75 °C, 15 min) and high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) (100, 300 and 500 MPa, 5 min) treatments. To achieve minimum steric stability, 0.5% HMP was required. HMP at 0.5%, pH 4.0 and 4.5, produced high protein solubility (60–70%), low storage sedimentation (10–15%) and mean particle size values in the range of 1.70–3.00 μm for all samples. Heat treatment induced lower particle size variation than HHP treatment. Heat-treated samples also showed lower Turbiscan stability index (TSI) values and smaller delta backscattering (ΔBS) variations. Nonetheless, HHP could replace heat treatment at 0.5% HMP concentration and pH 4.0–4.5. © 2022 Elsevier Lt

    Investigation of the effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the functional properties of pea protein isolate

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    This study investigates the effects of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on some functional properties of pea protein isolate (PPI). HHP was combined with various temperature and pH conditions to investigate the combined effects of HHP-based food processing conditions on the functional properties of PPI. Herein, PPI solutions prepared at different pH conditions (3.0, 5.0, and 7.0) were subjected to 300, 400, and 500 MPa HHP treatment at 25 and 50°C for 5 min. Water-holding capacity (WHC), solubility, and emulsification activity of PPI samples were determined. Additionally, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy experiments were performed for further analysis. Maximum WHC (p < 0.05) was observed for the samples treated at 500 MPa-pH 5.0-50°C whereas maximum solubility (p < 0.05) belonged to the samples subjected to 300 MPa-pH 7.0-50°C treatment conditions. Better emulsification activity was achieved at pH 3.0 regardless of the pressure level applied. The novelty of this study is that NMR relaxometry was introduced as a fast/nondestructive technique to investigate the changes in the functional properties of PPI samples and one of the functional parameters was correlated with NMR relaxation data. Herewith, the longest transverse relaxation time (T2) (p < 0.05) belonged to the samples with maximum WHC. The results showed that HHP is able to modify the functional properties of PPI at specific temperature-pH combinations, and NMR relaxometry technique has a high potential for such studies. Practical Applications: High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) is an emerging technology which is used for its diverse range of applications in food science and technology. Modification of physicochemical and functional properties of food ingredients is one of the latest applications of HHP treatment. This study demonstrated that HHP treatment was able to modify some functional properties of pea protein isolate (PPI) samples such as water-holding capacity (WHC), solubility, and emulsification activity. In addition to pressure level, pH and temperature were also effective on modifying the functional properties of PPI samples. For instance, a high pressure (500 MPa) was required to improve WHC whereas lower pressures (300 MPa) improved the solubility of the samples at high pH and temperature. The results of this study could be used in model HHP studies to improve some functional properties of PPI for different purposes. © 2022 Wiley Periodicals LLC

    Age-Related Changes of Some Chemical Components in the Leaves of Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.)

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    Background and Purpose: This study presents the analysis of photosynthetic pigments, proline, total soluble protein, total amino acids, glucose, sucrose, total soluble sugars, total amount of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration in the leaf samples collected from oriental beech trees, which are naturally spread in Kastamonu Province, Turkey, with differing ages, enzyme activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Material and Methods: The research was carried out on oriental beech trees (Fagus orientalis L.) of different ages located at 1300 m high elevation in Ahlat Village of Kastamonu Province, Turkey. Oriental beech trees of different ages (≥25, ≥50, ≥100, ≥200 and ≥600 years-old) constituted the material of this study. In leaf samples taken from trees of different ages, photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid), proline, total soluble protein, total amino acid, glucose, sucrose, total soluble sugars, the amount of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids, MDA, H2O2 concentration, enzyme activities of APX, CAT and SOD, as well as the relationship between the total content of C, N and H elements and the tree ages were studied. Results: As a result of the research conducted, significant differences were determined in terms of chlorophyll, total phenolic compound, flavonoid, glucose, amounts of sucrose, nitrogenous compounds, proline, total soluble protein, MDA, H2O2 concentrations, and the activities of APX, CAT and SOD in the leaves of oriental beech trees with differing ages. The highest content of chlorophyll a was found to be in the youngest age group of ≥25 years. Total chlorophyll is low in young trees and high in middle-aged, old and very old trees. According to the results obtained, it was concluded that the MDA and H2O2 concentrations in the trees did not vary depending on the age of trees only, but also on the genotype, environmental conditions and metabolic activities. It was concluded that the fact that the total chlorophyll, phenolic compounds and sucrose content in oriental beech trees are high and that MDA content is low could have an influence on the long life of ≥600 years-old oriental beech trees. Conclusions: The activity of photosynthesis is related to leaf characteristics more than the age of trees

    Challenges in dried whey powder production: Quality problems

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    Whey is a high nutritional value by-product of the dairy industry. It is generally produced in large quantities and its disposal as wastewater poses environmental risks. For this reason, whey streams are used for the production of value-added products such as dried whey powders. However, there are several challenges related to whey processing that lead to low powder yield and quality, especially caking. These challenges can be addressed by optimization of product formulation and processing parameters. In this review, we discuss the effects of dried whey protein powder production stages and process parameters on the quality of the final powder product. The initial composition of whey used for dried whey powder production affects the final quality of the product. Generally, a high mineral and/or lactic acid content is not desirable since these constituents cause lactose-containing whey particles to adhere to the drying equipment surfaces, thereby reducing the powder yield. An effective lactose pre-crystallization is essential since high amorphous lactose content increases the stickiness of the dried-whey powder particles and induces caking during storage. Therefore, whey should undergo filtration and lactose pre-crystallization before spray drying. Studies show that it is possible to retard caking and improve the quality attributes of dried whey powders by optimizing the product formulation and processing operations. © 2022 Elsevier Lt

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) study of Palm Kernel Stearin: Effects of cooling rate on crystallization behaviour

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    In this study, effects of different cooling rates (0.5,3.3,4.7 and 6.9 degrees C/min) on the crystallization behavior of palm-kernel-stearin (PKS) were studied by low-field NMR relaxometry. According to results, solid fat content (SFC), longitudinal relaxation time (T1), second moment (M2) and degree of crystallinity (%) of the samples increased with increase in cooling rate from 0.5 to 6.9 degrees C/min. In contrast, transverse relaxation time (T2) demonstrated an opposite behavior with respect to T1 and decreased when the cooling rate increased. Additionally, effects of cooling rate on the changes of polymorph structures were detected by X-ray measurements. Degree of crystallinity showed high Pearson correlation values (alpha <= 0.05) with SFC (r = 0.771) and T1(r = 0.932). Changes in the crystal polymorphs could also be explained by NMR parameters to some extent as can be observed by the strong correlation between the 13 crystal content and T2 (r = 0.927). At the highest cooling rate, 13 ' crystals were the dominant polymorphic form and constituted 75(%) of the total crystals present. Results of this study suggested that NMR relaxometry could be used as a complementary tool to interpret the crystallization behavior of PKS

    Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme (MRG) ve NMR Relaksometre Teknikleri Kullanılarak Karakterize Edilen Lipozom Sistemleri ile Yag Oksidasyonunu Önleyici Sprey Ürün Geliştirilmesi

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    TÜBİTAK TOVAG15.02.2017Lipozomlar hem hidrofobik hem de hidrofilik bileşiklerin kapsüle edilmesi amaçlı farmasötik, kişisel bakım, kimya ve gıda endüstrisinde kullanılan, polar yapılar içeren iki tabakalı küresel yağ kesecikleridir. Bu yapılardan oluşan enkapsülasyon sistemlerinin biyo-uyumlu, biyobozunur olmaları, toksik etkilerinin olmaması ve istenildiğinde kapsüllenmiş maddeyi salabilmesi özellikleri bu sistemleri birçok yönden avantajlı kılmaktadır. Ayrıca, polimer bazlı enkapsülasyon sistemleri ile karşılaştırıldığında, kullanıldığı ortamın viskozite değerini ve tekstürel özelliklerini fazla değiştirmemesi de diğer avantajlarıdır. Lipozom elde etmek için kullanılan polar yağların doğadaki başlıca kaynakları; yumurta ve soya lesitinidir. Bu çalışmada, bu iki kaynaktan elde edilen lesitinlerden hazırlanan lipozomlar hazırlanmış, soya lesiti ile hazırlananların dayanıklılıkları fazla olduğundan bu lipozomların içerisine antioksidan aktivite gösteren fenolik bileşikler kapsüle edilerek, yağ oksidasyonunu engellemek üzere kullanılacak sprey bir ürün elde edilmiştir. Sprey uygulama için oksidasyona hassas bir gıda olan fındık seçilmiştir. Elde edilen ürün, tamamen doğal kaynaklar kullanılarak üretildiği içinuygulandığı gıdaya herhangi bir kimyasal eklenti söz konusu olmamıştır. Sprey ürün geliştirme çalışmaları çerçevesinde öncelikli olarak lipozom sistemlerinin karakterizasyonu yapılmış ve ürününün dayanıklılığı incelenmiştir. Son aşamada elde edilen ürünler fındık üzerine uygulanarak, fındıkların duyusal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ürünün karakterizasyonu ve fiziksel dayanıklılığın ölçülmesi için tahribatsız bir ölçme tekniği olan Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme (MRG) , NMR Relaksometre başlıca metotlar olarak kullanılmış ancak NMR Relaksometre tekniğinin fiziksel özelliklerle daha iyi bir şekilde ilişkilendirildiği görülmüştür. Aynı zamanda karakterizasyon amaçlı, parçacık boyu analizi, zeta potansiyel, ışık mikroskopu teknikleri de kullanılmıştır. Lipozom sistemlerinin kimyasal dayanıklılık testleri için içsel oksidasyonunu ölçmek amacıyla hidroperoksit ölçümleri spektrofotometrik yöntemlerle belirlenmiş, yeşil çay özütülü lipozomlar için antioksidan, fenolik madde miktarı tayinleri de yapılmıştır. Lipozomların dayanıklılıklarını güçlendirmek için biyopolimer kullanarak kaplama da yapılmış ancak kaplamasız lipozomlara göre dayanıklılıkta ciddi bir fark gözlenmemiştir