23 research outputs found

    Understanding how kurtosis is transferred from input acceleration to stress response and it's influence on fatigue life

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    High cycle fatigue of metals typically occurs through long term exposure to time varying loads which, although modest in amplitude, give rise to microscopic cracks that can ultimately propagate to failure. The fatigue life of a component is primarily dependent on the stress amplitude response at critical failure locations. For most vibration tests, it is common to assume a Gaussian distribution of both the input acceleration and stress response. In real life, however, it is common to experience non-Gaussian acceleration input, and this can cause the response to be non-Gaussian. Examples of non-Gaussian loads include road irregularities such as potholes in the automotive world or turbulent boundary layer pressure fluctuations for the aerospace sector or more generally wind, wave or high amplitude acoustic loads. The paper first reviews some of the methods used to generate non-Gaussian excitation signals with a given power spectral density and kurtosis. The kurtosis of the response is examined once the signal is passed through a linear time invariant system. Finally an algorithm is presented that determines the output kurtosis based upon the input kurtosis, the input power spectral density and the frequency response function of the system. The algorithm is validated using numerical simulations. Direct applications of these results include improved fatigue life estimations and a method to accelerate shaker tests by generating high kurtosis, non-Gaussian drive signals

    Understanding How Kurtosis Is Transferred from Input Acceleration to Stress Response and Its Influence on Fatigue Llife

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    High cycle fatigue of metals typically occurs through long term exposure to time varying loads which, although modest in amplitude, give rise to microscopic cracks that can ultimately propagate to failure. The fatigue life of a component is primarily dependent on the stress amplitude response at critical failure locations. For most vibration tests, it is common to assume a Gaussian distribution of both the input acceleration and stress response. In real life, however, it is common to experience non-Gaussian acceleration input, and this can cause the response to be non-Gaussian. Examples of non-Gaussian loads include road irregularities such as potholes in the automotive world or turbulent boundary layer pressure fluctuations for the aerospace sector or more generally wind, wave or high amplitude acoustic loads. The paper first reviews some of the methods used to generate non-Gaussian excitation signals with a given power spectral density and kurtosis. The kurtosis of the response is examined once the signal is passed through a linear time invariant system. Finally an algorithm is presented that determines the output kurtosis based upon the input kurtosis, the input power spectral density and the frequency response function of the system. The algorithm is validated using numerical simulations. Direct applications of these results include improved fatigue life estimations and a method to accelerate shaker tests by generating high kurtosis, non-Gaussian drive signals

    4-Oxocyclo­hexa­neacetic acid: catemeric hydrogen bonding and spontaneous resolution of a single conformational enanti­omer in an achiral ∊-keto acid

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C8H12O3, consists of a single conformational enanti­omer, which aggregates in the catemeric acid-to-ketone hydrogen-bonding mode [O⋯O = 2.682 (4) Å and O—H⋯O = 172 (6)°]. Four hydrogen-bonding chains of translationally related mol­ecules pass through the cell orthogonal to the 43 screw axis along c, alternating in the 110 and the 10 direction, with alignment with respect to this axis of + + − −. Successive chains are rotated by 90° around the c axis. One C—H⋯O=C close contact, involving the carboxyl group, exists

    Adults with RRM2B-related mitochondrial disease have distinct clinical and molecular characteristics.

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    Mutations in the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial maintenance gene RRM2B are an important cause of familial mitochondrial disease in both adults and children and represent the third most common cause of multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions in adults, following POLG [polymerase (DNA directed), gamma] and PEO1 (now called C10ORF2, encoding the Twinkle helicase) mutations. However, the clinico-pathological and molecular features of adults with RRM2B-related disease have not been clearly defined. In this multicentre study of 26 adult patients from 22 independent families, including five additional cases published in the literature, we show that extra-ocular neurological complications are common in adults with genetically confirmed RRM2B mutations. We also demonstrate a clear correlation between the clinical phenotype and the underlying genetic defect. Myopathy was a prominent manifestation, followed by bulbar dysfunction and fatigue. Sensorineural hearing loss and gastrointestinal disturbance were also important findings. Severe multisystem neurological disease was associated with recessively inherited compound heterozygous mutations with a mean age of disease onset at 7 years. Dominantly inherited heterozygous mutations were associated with a milder predominantly myopathic phenotype with a later mean age of disease onset at 46 years. Skeletal muscle biopsies revealed subsarcolemmal accumulation of mitochondria and/or cytochrome c oxidase-deficient fibres. Multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions were universally present in patients who underwent a muscle biopsy. We identified 18 different heterozygous RRM2B mutations within our cohort of patients, including five novel mutations that have not previously been reported. Despite marked clinical overlap between the mitochondrial maintenance genes, key clinical features such as bulbar dysfunction, hearing loss and gastrointestinal disturbance should help prioritize genetic testing towards RRM2B analysis, and sequencing of the gene may preclude performance of a muscle biopsy

    Gold remobilisation and formation of high grade ore shoots driven by dissolution-reprecipitation replacement and Ni substitution into auriferous arsenopyrite

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    Both gold-rich sulphides and ultra-high grade native gold oreshoots are common but poorly understood phenomenon in orogenic-type mineral systems, partly because fluids in these systems are considered to have relatively low gold solubilities and are unlikely to generate high gold concentrations. The world-class Obuasi gold deposit, Ghana, has gold-rich arsenopyrite spatially associated with quartz veins, which have extremely high, localised concentrations of native gold, contained in microcrack networks within the quartz veins where they are folded. Here, we examine selected samples from Obuasi using a novel combination of quantitative electron backscatter diffraction analysis, ion microprobe imaging, synchrotron XFM mapping and geochemical modelling to investigate the origin of the unusually high gold concentrations. The auriferous arsenopyrites are shown to have undergone partial replacement (~15%) by Au-poor, nickeliferous arsenopyrite, during localised crystal-plastic deformation, intragranular microfracture and metamorphism (340-460 °C, 2 kbars). Our results show the dominant replacement mechanism was pseudomorphic dissolution-reprecipitation, driven by small volumes of an infiltrating fluid that had relatively low fS2 and carried aqueous NiCl2. We find that arsenopyrite replacement produced strong chemical gradients at crystal-fluid interfaces due to an increase in fS2 during reaction, which enabled efficient removal of gold to the fluid phase and development of anomalously gold-rich fluid (potentially 10 ppm or more depending on sulphur concentration). This process was facilitated by precipitation of ankerite, which removed CO2 from the fluid, increasing the relative proportion of sulphur for gold complexation and inhibited additional quartz precipitation. Gold re-precipitation occurred over distances of 10 µm to several tens of metres and was likely a result of sulphur activity reduction through precipitation of pyrite and other sulphides. We suggest this late remobilisation process may be relatively common in orogenic belts containing abundant mafic/ultramafic rocks, which act as a source of Ni and Co scavenged by chloride-bearing fluids. Both the preference of the arsenopyrite crystal structure for Ni and Co, rather than gold, and the release of sulphur during reaction, can drive gold remobilisation in many deposits across broad regions

    Understanding the effect of microstructural texture on the anisotropic elastic properties of selective laser melted Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn

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    Due to their low Young's Modulus, high strength and suitability for additive manufacturing, non-toxic beta-type titanium alloys are emerging as next-generation biomaterials. We present novel experimental results that demonstrate significant variation of Young's Modulus with direction for selective laser melted (SLM) biocompatible Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn (Ti2448). Grain orientation data for SLM-processed Ti2448 is measured using electron backscatter diffraction. By assuming the grain orientations are fixed relative to the axes of the SLM build machine, the measured grain orientation data is used to generate a detailed microstructural finite element model of the polycrystalline SLM-processed material. The computational model provides excellent predictions of the anisotropic properties of SLM-processed Ti2448, indicating that preferential grain orientations that form during SLM processing of Ti2448 cause the experimentally measured variation of the Young's Modulus. The results show that computational models are able to accurately predict the anisotropic Young's Modulus of polycrystalline materials, and, in the context of biocompatible Ti2448 show how to tailor the modulus of SLM components by choosing the build orientation