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    The analysis of articles and normative documents for quality control and regional origin of wines was carried out. Chemical composition of the grapes and the wine has been considered, qualitative and quantitative changes during vinification, maturation and aging of wine were shown. The basic group of compounds contents and ratios which determine the qualitative characteristics of wines, as well as have an important role in the formation of aroma and taste of the drink was found. The prerequisites for the development of the market of counterfeit products and wine falsification methods were discussed. The analysis of scientific literature and regulatory framework governing the quality of the wines on the territory of Russia and the European Union and the existing approaches to determine their authenticity was conducted, the advantages and disadvantages are shown. The examples of using different criteria for the establishment of natural and adulterated wines have been discussed, as well as their approaches to identify and create a comprehensive system of wine production quality evaluation using methods of physicochemical analysis. The main methodological approaches to establish a wine regional origin, combining the capabilities of modern methods of analysis, mathematical modeling and statistics are analyzed, examples of their use in practice are shown.Keywords: wine, methods of analysis, quality, authenticity, regional origin, falsification, mathematical modeling (Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.4.001 Yu.F. Yakuba1, A.A. Kaunova2, Z.A. Temerdashev2, V.O. Titarenko2, A.A. Halafjan2 1North Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Krasnodar, Russian Federation2 Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian FederationREFERENCES1. 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    Discussed the evaluation of the integral characteristics of the wines produced in the course of establishing their quality, given the strengths and weaknesses of the existing procedures. The methods of instrumental evaluation of wine quality, which often result in ambiguous results. The possibility of a more simple solutions using mathematical modeling methods for certain parameters tasting. Analyzed and set parameters that shape the quality of wine, using a mathematical model which is able to give an assessment of wine tasting, which allows to solve operational problems and significantly reduce the duration of the study. Methods of mathematical statistics established the presence of the relationship between ratings and tasting the volatiles, built adequate statistically significant linear regression equation, using which it is possible to predict the ratings for tasting wines of high, medium and low quality. For the purpose of testing the proposed model predicted tasting evaluation of some wines.Keywords: wine, correlation, statistics, model, a component, regression  (Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.4.003  1Yu F.Yakuba, 2Z.А.Temerdashev, 2A.A.Khalaphyan  1North Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Krasnodar, Russian Federation2 Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian FederationREFERENCES1. Valuiko G.G., Shol‘ts-Kulikov E.P. Teoriia i praktika degustatsii vina [Theory and practice of degustation of wine]. Simferopol‘, Tavrida, 2005. 232 p. (in Russian).2. Rodopulo A.K. Osnovy biokhimii vinodeliia [Fundamentals of Biochemistry winemaking]. Moscow, Legkaia i pishchevaia promyshlennost‘ Publ., 1983. 240 p. (in Russian).3. Shol‘ts E.P., Ponomarev S.V. Tekhnologiia pererabotki vinograda [Technology conversion of grapes]. Moscow, Agropromizdat, 1990. 447 p. (in Russian).4. Yakuba Yu.F. 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    Grape wines, problems of their quality and regional origin evaluation

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    Проведен анализ опубликованных работ и нормативных документов, посвященных вопросам контроля качества и региональной принадлежности вин. Рассмотрен химический состав винограда и изготавливаемой из него винодельческой продукции, показано его качественное и количественное изменение в процессе винификации, созревания и выдержки вин. Установлены основные группы соединений, содержания и соотношения которых определяют качественные характеристики вин, а также играют важную роль в формировании аромата и вкуса напитка. Обсуждены предпосылки развития рынка поддельной продукции и способы фальсификации вин. Проведен анализ научной литературы и нормативной базы, регламентирующей качество вин на территории России и стран Европейского союза, существующих подходов к определению их подлинности, указаны достоинства и недостатки. Обсуждены примеры использования различных критериев для установления натуральных и фальсифицированных вин, а также подходов их комплексной идентификации и создания системы оценки качества винодельческой продукции с помощью методов физико-химического анализа. Проанализированы основные методические подходы к установлению региональной принадлежности вин, сочетающие возможности современных методов анализа, математического моделирования и статистики, продемонстрированы примеры их использования на практике.The analysis of articles and normative documents for quality control and regional origin of wines was carried out. Chemical composition of the grapes and the wine has been considered, qualitative and quantitative changes during vinification, maturation and aging of wine were shown. The basic group of compounds contents and ratios which determine the qualitative characteristics of wines, as well as have an important role in the formation of aroma and taste of the drink was found. The prerequisites for the development of the market of counterfeit products and wine falsification methods were discussed. The analysis of scientific literature and regulatory framework governing the quality of the wines on the territory of Russia and the European Union and the existing approaches to determine their authenticity was conducted, the advantages and disadvantages are shown. The examples of using different criteria for the establishment of natural and adulterated wines have been discussed, as well as their approaches to identify and create a comprehensive system of wine production quality evaluation using methods of physicochemical analysis. The main methodological approaches to establish a wine regional origin, combining the capabilities of modern methods of analysis, mathematical modeling and statistics are analyzed, examples of their use in practice are shown