650 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh outdoor education terhadap kohesivitas dan komunikasi siswa, juga melihat perbedaan pada kedua kelompok sampel. Program outdoor education yang digunakan adalah rivercamp. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 80 orang siswa SMP Putra Siliwangi Lembang yang dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok, 40 siswa kelompok ekperimen dan 40 siswa kelompok kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala kohesivitas kelompok dan skala komunikasi. Analisis data menggunakan uji t berpasangan atau Paired sample t test untuk melihat pengaruh perlakuan yang diberikan, dan independent sample t test untuk melihat perbedaan antara kedua kelompok sampel. Analisis dilakukan pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05. Berdasarkan analisis dan pengolahan data, diperoleh hasil kohesivitas dengan t = 9,503 dan sig = 0,000 < 0,05, sedangkan untuk hasil komunikasi dengan t = 9,661 dan sig = 0,000 < 0,05. Untuk perbedaan antara kelompok sampel pada kohesivitas diperoleh nilai t = 6,751 dan sig = 0,000 < 0,05, sedangkan untuk komunikasi diperoleh nilai t = 5,407 dan sig = 0,000 < 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan outdoor education terhadap kohesivitas dan komunikasi siswa. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Oleh karena itu dengan menggunakan outdoor education dapat meningkatkan nilai-nilai sosial (kohesivitas dan komunikasi) siswa.--------

    Lumpectomy with or without postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer with favourable prognostic features: results of a randomized study

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    The aim of this trial was to study the value of adding post-operative radiotherapy to lumpectomy in a subgroup of breast cancer patients with favourable patient-, tumour-, and treatment-related prognostic features. 152 women aged over 40 with unifocal breast cancer seen in preoperative mammography were randomly assigned to lumpectomy alone (no-XRT group) or to lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy to the ipsilateral breast (50 Gy given within 5 weeks, XRT group). All cancers were required to be invasive node-negative, smaller than 2 cm in diameter and well or moderately differentiated, to contain no extensive intraductal component, to be progesterone receptor-positive, DNA diploid, have S-phase fraction ≤7 and be excised with at least 1 cm margin. During a mean follow-up time of 6.7 years, 13 (18.1%) cancers recurred locally in the no-XRT and 6 (7.5%) in the XRT group (P = 0.03). There was no difference between the groups in the ultimate breast preservation rate (95.0% vs. 94.4% in XRT and no-XRT, respectively, P = 0.88), distant metastasis-free survival (P = 0.36), or 5-year cancer-specific survival (97.1% in XRT and 98.6 in no-XRT). Radiation therapy given after lumpectomy reduces the frequency of ipsilateral breast recurrences even in women with small breast cancer with several favourable clinical and biological features. However, the breast preservation rate may not increase due to more frequent use of salvage mastectomies in patients treated with postoperative radiotherapy. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Test, episode, and programme sensitivities of screening for colorectal cancer as a public health policy in Finland: experimental design

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    Objectives To report the sensitivities of the faecal occult blood test, screening episode, and screening programme for colorectal cancer and the benefits of applying a randomised design at the implementation phase of a new public health policy

    Cervical cancer screening programmes and policies in 18 European countries

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    A questionnaire survey was conducted by the Epidemiology Working Group of the European Cervical Cancer Screening Network, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, between August and December 2003 in 35 centres in 20 European countries with reliable cervical cancer incidence and/or mortality data in databanks held at IARC and WHO. The questionnaire was completed by 28 centres from 20 countries. The final tables included information on 25 centres from 18 countries. Six countries had started screening in the 1960s, whereas 10 countries or regions had started at least a pilot programme by 2003. There were six invitational and nine partially invitational programmes, the rest employing opportunistic screening only. Recommended lifetime number of smears varied from seven to more than 50. Coverage of smear test within the recommended screening interval (usually 3 or 5 years) was above 80% in three countries. Screening registration took place in 13 programmes. Eight programmes reported the rates of screen-detected cervical cancers and precursor lesions. There was wide variation in the CIN3 detection rates. International guidelines and quality assurance protocols are useful for monitoring and evaluating screening programmes systematically. Our survey indicated that the recommendations as currently given are met in only few European countries. Health authorities need to consider stronger measures and incentives than those laid out in the current set of recommendations

    Whole, turret and step methods of rapid rescreening : is there any difference in performance?

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    We compared the performance of the Whole, Turret and Step techniques of 100% rapid rescreening (RR) in detection of falsenegatives in cervical cytology. We tested RR performance with cytologists trained and among those without training. We revised 1,000 consecutive slides from women participating in an ongoing international screening trial. Two teams of experienced cytologists performed the RR techniques: one trained in RR procedures and the other not trained. The sensitivities in the trained group were Whole 46.6%, Turret 47.4% and Step 50.9%; and in the non-trained group were 38.6, 31.6 and 47.4%, respectively. The j coefficient showed a weak agreement between the two groups of cytologists and between the three RR techniques. The RR techniques are more valuable if used by trained cytologists. In the trained group, we did not observe significant differences between the RR techniques used, whereas in the non-trained group, the Step technique had the best sensitivity
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