6 research outputs found

    Ephemeris Updates for Seven Selected HATNet Survey Transiting Exoplanets

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    We refined the ephemeris of seven transiting exoplanets HAT-P-6b, HAT-P-12b, HAT-P-18b, HAT-P-22b, HAT-P-32b, HAT-P-33b, and HAT-P-52b. We observed 11 transits from eight observatories in different filters for HAT-P-6b and HAT-P-32b. Also, the Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD) observations for each of the seven exoplanets were analyzed, and the light curves of five systems were studied using Transiting light Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data. We used Exofast-v1 to simulate these ground- and space-based light curves and estimate mid-transit times. We obtained a total of 11, 175 and 67 mid-transit times for these seven exoplanets from our observations, ETD and TESS data, respectively, along with 155 mid-transit times from the literature. Then, we generated transit timing variation (TTV) diagrams for each using derived mid-transit times as well as those found in the literature. The systems' linear ephemeris was then refined and improved using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. All of the studied exoplanets, with the exception of the HAT-P-12b system, displayed an increasing trend in the orbital period in the TTV diagrams.Comment: 11 Pages, submitted to the Astrophysics journa

    Estimation of the wastage rate of MMR and pentavalent vaccines in open and closed vials in three western provinces of Iran

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    Background: Vaccine wastage is one of quality indicators of immunization program and high vaccine wastage will increase overall costs and impede efforts towards a more efficient and sustainable program. We aimed at estimating of the wastage rates of Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) and pentavalent (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-hepatitis B -Haemophilus influenza type b) vaccines in different vaccine vial sizes. Study design: Multicentre descriptive study using existing data. Methods: This study was in three provinces (Hamadan, Kermanshah and Kordestan) of Iran including 131,135 populations with 2,548 under-1years children. Twenty-seven health facilities were selected randomly from nine districts in three provinces of western part of Iran. Six-months data including vaccination and vaccine stock records collected from April to September 2017. Finally, number of opened vials and number of target population vaccinated were collected and data were analysed to estimate the wastage rates in both unopened and opened vials of both antigens. Results: The wastage rate for combined MMR 2-dose and 5-dose opened vials for three provinces was 29%(Hamadan 18%, Kermanshah 14% and Kordestan 52%). The wastage rate for combined pentavalent single-dose and 10-dose vials for three provinces was 17% (in Kordestan33%, 11% Kermanshah 11% and Hamedan 3%). The total average of pentavalent single-dose and 10-dose vials wastage rate was 5% and varied 13% for urban and 3% for rural areas. The average of discarded unopened vials wastage rate in all facilities for MMR was 3.9% (3.2% for MMR 2-dose vial and 10.2% for MMR 5-dose vial). This rate was 1.7% for pentavalent total (1.9% for single dose vial and 0.4% for 10 dose vial). Conclusion: The vaccine wastage rates in Iran are in line with other countries and lower than the suggested rate based on WHO policies for multi-dose vials. The wastage rates were different for in provinces, districts and health facilities. The MMR total wastage rate in rural is higher than those in urban areas. However, the pentavalent total wastage rate was higher in urban area

    Fondation des centrales nucléaires

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    Après une description rapide des études menées par E.D.F. pour le choix des sites et les caractéristiques géotechniques des sols, les problèmes d'interaction sol-structures dans le domaine statique sont exposés dans leur généralité et à l'aide d’exemples précis.Enfin, les études de développement liées au retour d'expérience donnent des orientations pour l'avenir

    Corresponding Author Optimized Root Production During Micropropagation of New Iranian Apple Hybrid Rootstock (AZ X M9): Effects of Fe-EDDHA and Thiamine

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    Abstract In vitro propagation of AZ x M9 new apple rootstock resulted of breeding program of vegetative apple rootstock in Iran was investigated. Nodal explants were inoculated in Murashige and SKoog (MS) medium supplemented with various concentrations of 6-benzylaminon purine (BAP) (0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 mg/l) alone or with naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (0.1 mg/l). We examined the effect of different concentrations of iron sequestrene (Fe-EDDHA) and thiamin vitamin in ½ MS and Linsmaier and Skoog (LS) media supplemented with indol-3-butric acid (IBA) (1 mg/l) on rooting of attained plantlets. According to our results, 0.4 BAP + 0.1 NAA treatment in MS medium was the best component which resulted in the highest proliferation rate (6.73). As well, we estimated the highest root number in ½ MS + 0.15 g/l Fe-EDDHA + 2.4 g/l thiamin