5 research outputs found

    The Effect of Rekattidiri Ovitrap Towards Aedes Aegypti Larval Density

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a health problem in Indonesia. The entire region of Indonesia at risk of contracting dengue disease. The study aims to prove the effect of modifications ovitrap rekattidiri on the density of larvae (HI: House Index, CI: Container Index and BI: Breteu Index) as well as comparing the differences between the mean larvae trapped between ovitrap Rekattidiri with standard ovitrap. Using a quasi experimental design, time series experimental design with Control group. Population subjects were Aedes aegypti at the endemic sites in Pontianak, West Borneo. The results showed larval density index in the intervention area decreased each ie HI from 26% to 3%, CI of 6.95% to 2.19 %, and BI from 29% to 13%. The number of larvae trapped in ovitrap rekattidiri ie 70% (12,770 larvae) more than the standard ovitrap in the control and intervention, namely: 17% (3,057 larvae) and 13% (2,334 larvae). It is concluded that there are significant modifications Rekattidiri ovitrap against larval density index (HI p-value: 0.025, CI p-value: 0.052, BI value of p: 0.04) and there are differences between the mean larvae trapped in ovitrap Rekattidiri and standard ovitrap with p value: 0.001

    Berbagai Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Gangguan Fungsi Paru dalam Ruang Kerja (Studi Kasus Pekerja Industri Rumahan Electroplating di Kecamatan Talang Kabupaten Tegal)

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    Background: electroplating home industry use chromium as the base material. Chromium is used in the form of hexavalent chromium, which has toxic effects on health. Electroplating workers exposed chromium through the air into the lungs through inhalation. Objective: Describe the various factors assosiated to the pulmonary dysfunction in a workplace at workers of electroplating home industry . Methods: This study was an observational study with cross sectional approach on 31 electroplating workers with total sampling of each industry. Vital Lung Capacity Measurements with a spirometer with SpyroAnalyzer type ST-75. Dust levels of Chromium with High Volume Sampler. Results: Results minimal amount of dust in the air of 0.0731 μg/m3, the maximum value of dust concentration in the air is 1.8433 μg/m3 μg/m3 with a mean of 0.774357. Multivariate analysis showed a variable duration of exposure to chromium is the most influential variable on the incidence of pulmonary dysfunction, (p = 0.010) with 95% CI (2.11 to 228.56), odds ratio (Exp B) = 21.97. Conclusion: The factor shown to be associated with pulmonary dysfunction in workers chromium electroplating is a duration of exposure to chromium more than 4 hours a day

    Sumbangan All-Trans Asam Retinoat (ATRA) Bagi Penyembuhan Periodontitis

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    All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) contribution to periodontitis healingBackground: In inflammation and infection of periodontal ligament i.e periodontitis, collagen fiber is damaged. All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), metabolite of vitamin A, has potency to depress damage in inflammation. Indonesia with high vitamin A deficiency, facing to delayed recovery of periodontitis. The disease is vastly suffered by common people in this country. The study aimed to know the collagen status of periodontal ligament suffering periodontitis treated with tetracycline and ATRA supplementation.Method: The experimental study using post test only design in 12 adult male Wistar rat was done in 7 days. The animal study were induced periodontitis through Porphyromonas gingivalis inoculation. Tetracycline 90 mg/kg was given, beside ATRA supplementation of 10 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg. Four experimental groups were chosen randomly. Group of periodontitis + tetracycline was the control of the study. The independent variables were ATRA supplementation of those high and low dose. The dependent variable was collagen status. Collagen status consist of degradation and synthesis of collagen, indicated by mRNA MMP-2 and mRNA P1CP respectively. They were measured by reversed transcriptase polymerizing chain reaction and thin layer chromatography. All-trans retinoic acid concentration was measured using high performance liquid chromatography. The dataanalyzed using t-test, Oneway ANOVA, post hoc duncan and least significant differences.Result: In group receiving 10 mg ATRA/kgBB, the ATRA level was highest but the collagen degradation was lower although not significant compared to the low dose ATRA group. In both groups the degradation was significantly lower than the control group (p=0.007). The synthesis of collagen in the low dose ATRA group was higher than the high dose ATRA group and the control group.Conclusion: High dose of ATRA supplementation contribution to less degradation of collagen, but in term of collagen synthesis, low dose ATRA supplementation gives better result

    Pengaruh Prenatal Yoga terhadap Lamanya Persalinan Kala I Kontraksi Uterus dan Perubahan Kadar Hormon Endorphin pada Ibu Primigravida Studi Kasus di Puskesmas Kadugede Kuningan Jawa Barat

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    Prenatal yoga merupakan suatu program latihan bagi ibu hamil sehat untuk mempersiapkan kondisi fisik ibu dengan menjaga kondisi otot-otot dan persendian yang berperan dalam proses persalinan, serta mempersiapkan kondisi psikis ibu terutama menumbuhkan kepercayaan diri dalam menghadapi persalinan. Menjelaskan pengaruh prenatal yoga terhadap kualitas persalinan Ibu Primigravida. Metode penelitian quasy-experimental(experiment semu) rancangan Non-Equivalen Control Group Desain. Sampel adalah ibu primigravida trimester III, teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling. Analisis bivariat menggunakan independent t-test dan paired t-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada pengaruh prenatal yoga terhadap lama persalinan kala I Fase aktif (p=0,000), ada pengaruh prenatal yoga terhadap kontraksi uterus (p=0,000), ada pengaruh prenatal yoga terhadap Perubahan kadar hormon endorphin pada kelompok perlakuan(p=0,002), tidak ada pengaruh Perubahan kadar hormon endorphin pada kelompok kontrol(p=0,074). prenatal yoga dapat mempengaruhi lama persalinan ibu menjadi lebih cepat, kontraksi uterus menjadi kuat dan ada peningkatan kadar hormon endorphi. Perlunya mengajarkan prenatal yoga pada ibu-ibu hamil dan membuat kelas-kelas antenatal pada setiap Bidan Praktik Swasta atau Puskesmas