2,156 research outputs found

    The Stress-Energy Tensor of Flavor Fields from AdS/CFT

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    We use the AdS/CFT correspondence to study the transport properties of massive N=2 hypermultiplet fields in an N=4 SU(Nc) super-Yang-Mills theory plasma in the large Nc, large 't Hooft coupling limit, and in the presence of a baryon number chemical potential and external electric and magnetic fields. In particular, we compute the flavor fields' contribution to the stress-energy tensor. We find infrared divergences in the stress-energy tensor, arising from the flavor fields' constant rate of energy and momentum loss. We regulate these divergences and extract the energy and momentum loss rates from the divergent terms. We also check our result in various limits in which the divergences are absent. The supergravity dual is a system of D7-branes, with a particular configuration of worldvolume fields, probing an AdS-Schwarzschild background. The supergravity calculation amounts to computing the stress-energy tensor of the D7-branes.Comment: 32 pages; v2, added one footnote in section 2.2, added one reference, version published in JHE

    Bubbling Geometries for Half BPS Wilson lines

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    We consider the supergravity backgrounds that correspond to supersymmetric Wilson line operators in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence. We study the gravitino and dilatino conditions of the IIB supergravity under the appropriate ansatz, and obtain some necessary conditions for a supergravity background that preserves the same symmetry as the supersymmetric Wilson lines. The supergravity solutions are characterized by continuous version of maya diagrams. This diagram is related to the eigenvalue distribution of the Gaussian matrix model. We also consider the similar backgrounds of the 11-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. v2:typos corrected. v3:added the differential conditions and comments at the end of section 2. typos correcte

    On the one-loop Kahler potential in five-dimensional brane-world supergravity

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    We present an on-shell formulation of 5d gauged supergravity coupled to chiral matter multiplets localized at the orbifold fixed points. The brane action is constructed via the Noether method. In such set-up we compute one-loop corrections to the Kahler potential of the effective 4d supergravity and compare the result with previous computations based on the off-shell formalism. The results agree at lowest order in brane sources, however at higher order there are differences. We explain this discrepancy by an ambiguity in resolving singularities associated with the presence of infinitely thin branes.Comment: 20 page

    Meson mass and confinement force driven by dilaton

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    Meson spectra given as fluctuations of a D7 brane are studied under the background driven by the dilaton. This leads to a dual gauge theory with quark confinement due to the gauge condensate. We find that the effect of the gauge condensate on the meson spectrum is essential in order to make a realistic hadron spectrum in the non-supersymmetric case. In the supersymmetric case, however, only the spectra of the scalars are affected, but they are changed in an opposite way compared to the non-supersymmetric case.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Scalar Spectrum from a Dynamical Gravity/Gauge model

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    We show that a Dynamical AdS/QCD model is able to reproduce the linear Regge trajectories for the light-flavor sector of mesons with high spin and also for the scalar and pseudoscalar ones. In addition the model has confinement by the Wilson loop criteria and a mass gap. We also calculate the decay amplitude of scalars into two pion in good agreement to the available experimental data.Comment: Presented in the 4th International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysic

    Polarization-sensitive absorption of THz radiation by interacting electrons in chirally stacked multilayer graphene

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    We show that opacity of a clean multilayer graphene flake depends on the helicity of the circular polarized electromagnetic radiation. The effect can be understood in terms of the pseudospin selection rules for the interband optical transitions in the presence of exchange electron-electron interactions which alter the pseudospin texture in momentum space. The interactions described within a semi-analytical Hartree--Fock approach lead to the formation of the topologically different broken--symmetry states characterized by Chern numbers and zero-field anomalous Hall conductivities.Comment: 6 pages, final versio

    Zero Sound in Strange Metallic Holography

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    One way to model the strange metal phase of certain materials is via a holographic description in terms of probe D-branes in a Lifshitz spacetime, characterised by a dynamical exponent z. The background geometry is dual to a strongly-interacting quantum critical theory while the probe D-branes are dual to a finite density of charge carriers that can exhibit the characteristic properties of strange metals. We compute holographically the low-frequency and low-momentum form of the charge density and current retarded Green's functions in these systems for massless charge carriers. The results reveal a quasi-particle excitation when z<2, which in analogy with Landau Fermi liquids we call zero sound. The real part of the dispersion relation depends on momentum k linearly, while the imaginary part goes as k^2/z. When z is greater than or equal to 2 the zero sound is not a well-defined quasi-particle. We also compute the frequency-dependent conductivity in arbitrary spacetime dimensions. Using that as a measure of the charge current spectral function, we find that the zero sound appears only when the spectral function consists of a single delta function at zero frequency.Comment: 20 pages, v2 minor corrections, extended discussion in sections 5 and 6, added one footnote and four references, version published in JHE

    Higgs Phenomenon for 4-D Gravity in Anti de Sitter Space

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    We show that standard Einstein gravity coupled to a free conformal field theory (CFT) in Anti de Sitter space can undergo a Higgs phenomenon whereby the graviton acquires a nonzero mass (and three extra polarizations). We show that the essential ingredients of this mechanism are the discreteness of the energy spectrum in AdS space, and unusual boundary conditions on the elementary fields of the CFT. These boundary conditions can be interpreted as implying the existence of a 3-d defect CFT living at the boundary of the AdS space. Our free-field computation sheds light on the essential, model-independent features of AdS that give rise to massive gravity.Comment: 17 page

    Localizing gravity on exotic thick 3-branes

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    We consider localization of gravity on thick branes with a non trivial structure. Double walls that generalize the thick Randall-Sundrum solution, and asymmetric walls that arise from a Z_2-symmetric scalar potential, are considered. We present a new asymmetric solution: a thick brane interpolating between two AdS_5 spacetimes with different cosmological constants, which can be derived from a ``fake supergravity'' superpotential, and show that it is possible to confine gravity on such branes.Comment: Final version, minor changes, references adde

    The dual of Janus -:- an interface CFT

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    We propose and study a specific gauge theory dual of the smooth, non-supersymmetric (and apparently stable) Janus solution of Type IIB supergravity found in hep-th/0304129. The dual field theory is N=4 SYM theory on two half-spaces separated by a planar interface with different coupling constants in each half-space. We assume that the position dependent coupling multiplies the operator L' which is the fourth descendent of the primary Tr(X^I X^J) and closely related to the N=4 Lagrangian density. At the classical level supersymmetry is broken explicitly, but SO(3,2) conformal symmetry is preserved. We use conformal perturbation theory to study various correlation functions to first and second order in the discontinuity of g^2_{YM}, confirming quantum level conformal symmetry. Certain quantities such as the vacuum expectation value are protected to all orders in g^2_{YM}N, and we find perfect agreement between the weak coupling value in the gauge theory and the strong coupling gravity result. SO(3,2) symmetry requires vanishing vacuum energy, =0, and this is confirmed in first order in the discontinuity.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure; references adde
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