1,513 research outputs found

    Constraints and evolution in cosmology

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    We review some old and new results about strict and non strict hyperbolic formulations of the Einstein equations.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the first Aegean summer school in General Relativity, S. Cotsakis ed. Springer Lecture Notes in Physic

    Geometrical Hyperbolic Systems for General Relativity and Gauge Theories

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    The evolution equations of Einstein's theory and of Maxwell's theory---the latter used as a simple model to illustrate the former--- are written in gauge covariant first order symmetric hyperbolic form with only physically natural characteristic directions and speeds for the dynamical variables. Quantities representing gauge degrees of freedom [the spatial shift vector βi(t,xj)\beta^{i}(t,x^{j}) and the spatial scalar potential ϕ(t,xj)\phi(t,x^{j}), respectively] are not among the dynamical variables: the gauge and the physical quantities in the evolution equations are effectively decoupled. For example, the gauge quantities could be obtained as functions of (t,xj)(t,x^{j}) from subsidiary equations that are not part of the evolution equations. Propagation of certain (``radiative'') dynamical variables along the physical light cone is gauge invariant while the remaining dynamical variables are dragged along the axes orthogonal to the spacelike time slices by the propagating variables. We obtain these results by (1)(1) taking a further time derivative of the equation of motion of the canonical momentum, and (2)(2) adding a covariant spatial derivative of the momentum constraints of general relativity (Lagrange multiplier βi\beta^{i}) or of the Gauss's law constraint of electromagnetism (Lagrange multiplier ϕ\phi). General relativity also requires a harmonic time slicing condition or a specific generalization of it that brings in the Hamiltonian constraint when we pass to first order symmetric form. The dynamically propagating gravity fields straightforwardly determine the ``electric'' or ``tidal'' parts of the Riemann tensor.Comment: 24 pages, latex, no figure

    A Note on Positive Energy Theorem for Spaces with Asymptotic SUSY Compactification

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    We extend the positive mass theorem proved previously by the author to the Lorentzian setting. This includes the original higher dimensional positive energy theorem whose spinor proof was given by Witten in dimension four and by Xiao Zhang in dimension five

    Einstein and Yang-Mills theories in hyperbolic form without gauge-fixing

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    The evolution of physical and gauge degrees of freedom in the Einstein and Yang-Mills theories are separated in a gauge-invariant manner. We show that the equations of motion of these theories can always be written in flux-conservative first-order symmetric hyperbolic form. This dynamical form is ideal for global analysis, analytic approximation methods such as gauge-invariant perturbation theory, and numerical solution.Comment: 12 pages, revtex3.0, no figure

    Multiply Warped Products with Non-Smooth Metrics

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    In this article we study manifolds with C0C^{0}-metrics and properties of Lorentzian multiply warped products. We represent the interior Schwarzschild space-time as a multiply warped product space-time with warping functions and we also investigate the curvature of a multiply warped product with C0C^0-warping functions. We given the {\it{Ricci curvature}} in terms of f1f_1, f2f_2 for the multiply warped products of the form $M=(0,\ 2m)\times_{f_1}R^1\times_{f_2} S^2$.Comment: LaTeX, 7 page

    Hamiltonian Time Evolution for General Relativity

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    Hamiltonian time evolution in terms of an explicit parameter time is derived for general relativity, even when the constraints are not satisfied, from the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner-Teitelboim-Ashtekar action in which the slicing density α(x,t)\alpha(x,t) is freely specified while the lapse N=αg1/2N=\alpha g^{1/2} is not. The constraint ``algebra'' becomes a well-posed evolution system for the constraints; this system is the twice-contracted Bianchi identity when Rij=0R_{ij}=0. The Hamiltonian constraint is an initial value constraint which determines g1/2g^{1/2} and hence NN, given α\alpha.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Conformal ``thin sandwich'' data for the initial-value problem of general relativity

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    The initial-value problem is posed by giving a conformal three-metric on each of two nearby spacelike hypersurfaces, their proper-time separation up to a multiplier to be determined, and the mean (extrinsic) curvature of one slice. The resulting equations have the {\it same} elliptic form as does the one-hypersurface formulation. The metrical roots of this form are revealed by a conformal ``thin sandwich'' viewpoint coupled with the transformation properties of the lapse function.Comment: 7 pages, RevTe

    The Well-posedness of the Null-Timelike Boundary Problem for Quasilinear Waves

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    The null-timelike initial-boundary value problem for a hyperbolic system of equations consists of the evolution of data given on an initial characteristic surface and on a timelike worldtube to produce a solution in the exterior of the worldtube. We establish the well-posedness of this problem for the evolution of a quasilinear scalar wave by means of energy estimates. The treatment is given in characteristic coordinates and thus provides a guide for developing stable finite difference algorithms. A new technique underlying the approach has potential application to other characteristic initial-boundary value problems.Comment: Version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Hyperbolic formulations and numerical relativity II: Asymptotically constrained systems of the Einstein equations

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    We study asymptotically constrained systems for numerical integration of the Einstein equations, which are intended to be robust against perturbative errors for the free evolution of the initial data. First, we examine the previously proposed "λ\lambda-system", which introduces artificial flows to constraint surfaces based on the symmetric hyperbolic formulation. We show that this system works as expected for the wave propagation problem in the Maxwell system and in general relativity using Ashtekar's connection formulation. Second, we propose a new mechanism to control the stability, which we call the ``adjusted system". This is simply obtained by adding constraint terms in the dynamical equations and adjusting its multipliers. We explain why a particular choice of multiplier reduces the numerical errors from non-positive or pure-imaginary eigenvalues of the adjusted constraint propagation equations. This ``adjusted system" is also tested in the Maxwell system and in the Ashtekar's system. This mechanism affects more than the system's symmetric hyperbolicity.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, 9 eps figures, added Appendix B and minor changes, to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    The Cauchy problem on a characteristic cone for the Einstein equations in arbitrary dimensions

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    We derive explicit formulae for a set of constraints for the Einstein equations on a null hypersurface, in arbitrary dimensions. We solve these constraints and show that they provide necessary and sufficient conditions so that a spacetime solution of the Cauchy problem on a characteristic cone for the hyperbolic system of the reduced Einstein equations in wave-map gauge also satisfies the full Einstein equations. We prove a geometric uniqueness theorem for this Cauchy problem in the vacuum case.Comment: 83 pages, 1 figur
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