27 research outputs found
Restricting the nonlinearity parameter in soil greenhouse gas flux calculation for more reliable flux estimates
The static chamber approach is often used for greenhouse gas (GHG) flux measurements, whereby the flux is deduced from the increase of species concentration after closing the chamber. Since this increase changes diffusion gradients between chamber air and soil air, a nonlinear increase is expected. Lateral gas flow and leakages also contribute to non linearity.
Several models have been suggested to account for this non linearity, the most recent being the Hutchinson±Mosier regression model (HMR). However, the practical application of these models is challenging because the researcher needs to decide for each flux whether a nonlinear fit is appropriate or exaggerates flux estimates due to measurement artifacts. In the latter case, a flux estimate from the linear model is a more robust solution and introduces less arbitrary uncertainty to the data. We present the new, dynamic and reproducible flux calculation scheme, KAPPA.MAX, for an improved trade-off between bias and uncertainty (i.e. accuracy and precision). We develop a tool to simulate, visualise and optimise the flux calculation scheme for any specific static N2O chamber measurement system.
The decision procedure and visualisation tools are implemented in a package for the R software.
Finally, we demonstrate with this approach the performance of the applied flux calculation scheme for a measured flux dataset to estimate the actual bias and uncertainty. The KAPPA.MAX method effectively improved the decision between linear and nonlinear flux estimates reducing the bias at a minimal cost of uncertainty
Climate effects of recycled fertilizers and biochar: emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and ammonia in a field experiment
Nitrogen (N) fertilizers are essential for crop production. Farmyard manure and slurry traditionally constitute about half of the total N inputs into crop production in Switzerland. Recycled fertilizers such as biogas slurry, liquid digestates and compost enable simultaneous energy production and closing of nutrient cycles. There is evidence that recycled fertilizers can help to increase N use efficiencies and to improve N supply in organic farming. Biochar amendment has shown a potential to mitigate soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in particular nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Here, we combine one of the liquid recycled fertilizer treatments with biochar. In a 2.5-years on-farm experiment, we quantify GHG emissions and further gaseous N-losses via ammonia (NH3) emissions
Nutrient limitations regulate soil greenhouse gas fluxes from tropical forests: evidence from an ecosystem-scale nutrient manipulation experiment in Uganda
Abstract. Soil macronutrient availability is one of the abiotic controls that alters the exchange of greenhouse gases (GHGs) between the soil and the atmosphere in tropical forests. However, evidence on the macronutrient regulation of soil GHG fluxes from central African tropical forests is still lacking, limiting our understanding of how these biomes could respond to potential future increases in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition. The aim of this study was to disentangle the regulation effect of soil nutrients on soil GHG fluxes from a Ugandan tropical forest reserve in the context of increasing N and P deposition. Therefore, a large-scale nutrient manipulation experiment (NME), based on 40 m×40 m plots with different nutrient addition treatments (N, P, N + P, and control), was established in the Budongo Central Forest Reserve. Soil carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes were measured monthly, using permanently installed static chambers, for 14 months. Total soil CO2 fluxes were partitioned into autotrophic and heterotrophic components through a root trenching treatment. In addition, soil temperature, soil water content, and nitrates were measured in parallel to GHG fluxes. N addition (N and N + P) resulted in significantly higher N2O fluxes in the transitory phase (0–28 d after fertilization; p<0.01) because N fertilization likely increased soil N beyond the microbial immobilization and plant nutritional demands, leaving the excess to be nitrified or denitrified. Prolonged N fertilization, however, did not elicit a significant response in background (measured more than 28 d after fertilization) N2O fluxes. P fertilization marginally and significantly increased transitory (p=0.05) and background (p=0.01) CH4 consumption, probably because it enhanced methanotrophic activity. The addition of N and P (N + P) resulted in larger CO2 fluxes in the transitory phase (p=0.01), suggesting a possible co-limitation of both N and P on soil respiration. Heterotrophic (microbial) CO2 effluxes were significantly higher than the autotrophic (root) CO2 effluxes (p<0.01) across all treatment plots, with microbes contributing about two-thirds of the total soil CO2 effluxes. However, neither heterotrophic nor autotrophic respiration significantly differed between treatments. The results from this study suggest that the feedback of tropical forests to the global soil GHG budget could be disproportionately altered by increases in N and P availability over these biomes.Abstract. Soil macronutrient availability is one of the abiotic controls that alters the exchange of greenhouse gases (GHGs) between the soil and the atmosphere in tropical forests. However, evidence on the macronutrient regulation of soil GHG fluxes from central African tropical forests is still lacking, limiting our understanding of how these biomes could respond to potential future increases in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition. The aim of this study was to disentangle the regulation effect of soil nutrients on soil GHG fluxes from a Ugandan tropical forest reserve in the context of increasing N and P deposition. Therefore, a large-scale nutrient manipulation experiment (NME), based on 40 m×40 m plots with different nutrient addition treatments (N, P, N + P, and control), was established in the Budongo Central Forest Reserve. Soil carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes were measured monthly, using permanently installed static chambers, for 14 months. Total soil CO2 fluxes were partitioned into autotrophic and heterotrophic components through a root trenching treatment. In addition, soil temperature, soil water content, and nitrates were measured in parallel to GHG fluxes. N addition (N and N + P) resulted in significantly higher N2O fluxes in the transitory phase (0–28 d after fertilization; p<0.01) because N fertilization likely increased soil N beyond the microbial immobilization and plant nutritional demands, leaving the excess to be nitrified or denitrified. Prolonged N fertilization, however, did not elicit a significant response in background (measured more than 28 d after fertilization) N2O fluxes. P fertilization marginally and significantly increased transitory (p=0.05) and background (p=0.01) CH4 consumption, probably because it enhanced methanotrophic activity. The addition of N and P (N + P) resulted in larger CO2 fluxes in the transitory phase (p=0.01), suggesting a possible co-limitation of both N and P on soil respiration. Heterotrophic (microbial) CO2 effluxes were significantly higher than the autotrophic (root) CO2 effluxes (p<0.01) across all treatment plots, with microbes contributing about two-thirds of the total soil CO2 effluxes. However, neither heterotrophic nor autotrophic respiration significantly differed between treatments. The results from this study suggest that the feedback of tropical forests to the global soil GHG budget could be disproportionately altered by increases in N and P availability over these biomes
Die Alpen für eine klimapositive Schweiz
Um den Umbau der alpinen Energieproduktionslandschaft ökonomisch, ökologisch und sozial verträglich zu gestalten, ohne weiterhin wertvolle Zeit zu verlieren, sind die nächsten Jahre in einem konzertierten Vorgehen aller Akteure die folgenden Punkte zu beachten, welche den Anspruch auf den neuesten Stand von Praxis und Forschung erheben. Die Gesamtstudie wird in Zukunft im Jahresrhythmus je nach Praxis- und Wissensstand neu überarbeitet und ergänzt – bis die Schweiz territorial klimapositiv ist. Aus heutiger Sicht ist für die Rolle der alpinen Stromproduktion im Hinblick auf die Dekarbonisierung der gesamten Schweiz einem neuen Gleichgewicht zwischen Produktion, Speicherung und Übertragung (1), der Abhängigkeit der Versorgungssicherheit von der Netzstabilität (2), den regulatorischen Beschleunigungen (3), der Biodiversität (4) sowie einem neuen Narrativ (5) ein besonderes Augenmerk zu schenken
Effect of biochar and liming on soil nitrous oxide emissions from a temperate maize cropping system
Biochar, a carbon-rich, porous pyrolysis product of organic residues may positively affect plant yield and can, owing to its inherent stability, promote soil carbon sequestration when amended to agricultural soils. Another possible effect of biochar is the reduction in emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O). A number of laboratory incubations have shown significantly reduced N2O emissions from soil when mixed with biochar. Emission measurements under field conditions however are more scarce and show weaker or no reductions, or even increases in N2O emissions. One of the hypothesised mechanisms for reduced N2O emissions from soil is owing to the increase in soil pH following the application of alkaline biochar. To test the effect of biochar on N2O emissions in a temperate maize cropping system, we set up a field trial with a 20t ha−1 biochar treatment, a limestone treatment adjusted to the same pH as the biochar treatment (pH 6.5), and a control treatment without any addition (pH 6.1). An automated static chamber system measured N2O emissions for each replicate plot (n = 3) every 3.6 h over the course of 8 months. The field was conventionally fertilised at a rate of 160 kg N ha−1 in three applications of 40, 80 and 40 kg N ha−1 as ammonium nitrate.
Cumulative N2O emissions were 52 % smaller in the biochar compared to the control treatment. However, the effect of the treatments overall was not statistically significant (p = 0.27) because of the large variability in the data set. Limed soils emitted similar mean cumulative amounts of N2O as the control. There is no evidence that reduced N2O emissions with biochar relative to the control is solely caused by a higher soil pH.ISSN:2199-3971ISSN:2199-398
Soil Nitrous Oxide Emission and Methane Exchange From Diversified Cropping Systems in Pannonian Region
Diversified farming systems are promoted to improve ecosystem services in agriculture while maintaining productivity. Intercropping could improve soil quality, the stability of yields and climate resilience. Whether direct emissions of greenhouse gases from soil are reduced as well, depends on the specific measures of diversification. Here, we determined the greenhouse gas emissions from soils of two diversification experiments in the Pannonian climate of Hungary. Firstly, in an asparagus field, oat and field pea was introduced as intercrop between the asparagus berms. Secondly, grass and aromatic herbs were intercropped in a vineyard between the grape rows. The results show that especially for nitrous oxide, average treatment emissions can increase with additional legumes (+252% with intercropped field peas) but decrease with aromatic herbs (−66%). No significant changes were found for methane exchange. This shows that, while other ecosystem services can be increased by intercropping, changes in soil greenhouse gas emissions by intercropping are highly context dependent.ISSN:2296-665
Editorial: Agricultural diversification: Benefits and barriers for sustainable soil management