7 research outputs found

    GABA - abhängige Modulation trainingsinduzierter Plastizität im menschlichen Kortex

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    Ziel war der Nachweis plastischer Veränderungen im primär somatosensorischen Kortex nach Ausüben einer synchronisierten, repetitiven Bewegung. Der Einfluß des GABA-ergen Systems auf motorisches Lernen und kortikaler Medianuslokalisation sollte untersucht werden. 24 Probanden wurden unterteilt in gleich große Gruppen, wobei eine mit Benzodiazepinen lernte, die andere nativ. Sie wurden später getauscht. Lerneffekt und -intensität wurden gemessen. Bei 10 Probanden wurde vor und nach dem Training eine Dipolquellen-Lokalisation des N. medianus errechnet. Die native Gruppe zeigte eine signifikante Medialisierung der Lokalisation gegenüber der Kontrollseite und der Benzodiazepingruppe. Es ergab keine signifikante Korrelation zwischen Parametern des Lernens und Quellenlokalisation. Repetitive synchrone Bewegungen erzeugen plastische Veränderungen im kontralateralen S I, was durch propriozeptive Integration zu erklären ist. GABA-erger Einfluß unterdrückt Plastizität und motorisches Lernen

    Repetitive transcranial direct current stimulation induced excitability changes of primary visual cortex and visual learning effects

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    Studies on noninvasive motor cortex stimulation and motor learning demonstrated cortical excitability as a marker for a learning effect. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive tool to modulate cortical excitability. It is as yet unknown how tDCS-induced excitability changes and perceptual learning in visual cortex correlate. Our study aimed to examine the influence of tDCS on visual perceptual learning in healthy humans. Additionally, we measured excitability in primary visual cortex (V1). We hypothesized that anodal tDCS would improve and cathodal tDCS would have minor or no effects on visual learning. Anodal, cathodal or sham tDCS were applied over V1 in a randomized, double-blinded design over four consecutive days (n\it n = 30). During 20 min of tDCS, subjects had to learn a visual orientation-discrimination task (ODT). Excitability parameters were measured by analyzing paired-stimulation behavior of visual-evoked potentials (ps-VEP) and by measuring phosphene thresholds (PTs) before and after the stimulation period of 4 days. Compared with sham-tDCS, anodal tDCS led to an improvement of visual discrimination learning (p\it p < 0.003). We found reduced PTs and increased ps-VEP ratios indicating increased cortical excitability after anodal tDCS (PT: p\it p = 0.002, ps-VEP: p\it p = 0.003). Correlation analysis within the anodal tDCS group revealed no significant correlation between PTs and learning effect. For cathodal tDCS, no significant effects on learning or on excitability could be seen. Our results showed that anodal tDCS over V1 resulted in improved visual perceptual learning and increased cortical excitability. tDCS is a promising tool to alter V1 excitability and, hence, perceptual visual learning

    Parallel modulation of intracortical excitability of somatosensory and visual cortex by the gonadal hormones estradiol and progesterone

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    The levels of the gonadal hormones estradiol and progesterone vary throughout the menstrual cycle thereby affecting cognition, emotion, mood, and social behaviour. However, how these hormones modulate the balance of neural excitation and inhibition, which crucially regulate processing and plasticity, is not fully understood. We here used paired-pulse stimulation to investigate in healthy humans the action of low and high estradiol and progesterone on intracortical inhibition in somatosensory (SI) and visual cortex (V1). We found that paired-pulse suppression in both SI and VI depended on estradiol. During high estradiol levels, paired-pulse suppression was significantly reduced. No comparable effects were found for progesterone, presumably due to a confounding effect of estradiol. Also, no hormone level-depending effects were observed for single-pulse evoked SEPs (somatosensory evoked potentials) and VEPs (visual evoked potentials) indicating a specific hormonal action on intracortical processing. The results demonstrate that estradiol globally modulates the balance of excitation and inhibition of SI and VI cortex

    Transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation shows no effect on paired stimulation suppression of the somatosensory cortex

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    Transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS) is a safe and convenient method of neuromodulation. It has been proven to alter sensory processing at cervicomedullary level by amplitude changes of the P30 response of tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (TN SEPs). With knowledge that tsDCS affects cortical circuits, we hypothesized that tsDCS may also affect intracortical excitability of the somatosensory cortex assessed by paired stimulation suppression (PSS). Fourteen healthy men were included in this prospective, single-blinded, placebo-controlled crossover study. Single (SS) and paired stimulation (PS) TN SEPs were recorded over the scalp before, immediately as well as 30 and 60 min after applying 15 min of tsDCS over the twelfth thoracic vertebra. Each volunteer underwent three independent and randomized sessions of either cathodal, anodal or sham stimulation. tsDCS showed no effect on peak-to-peak amplitudes or latencies of cortical P40-N50 response after SS. Furthermore, tsDCS failed to induce significant changes on amplitude ratios of PSS, thus showing no impact on intracortical excitability of the somatosensory cortex in healthy subjects. Further research is required to reveal the different mechanisms and to strengthen clinical use of this promising technique

    Painful cutaneous electrical stimulation vs. heat pain as test stimuli in conditioned pain modulation

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    Different paradigms can assess the effect of conditioned pain modulation (CPM). The aim of the present study was to compare heat pain, as an often used test stimulus (TS), to painful cutaneous electrical stimulation (PCES), having the advantage of the additional recording of PCES-related evoked potentials. In 28 healthy subjects we applied heat and PCES at the dominant hand as test stimulus (TS) to compare the CPM-effect elicited by hand immersion into cold water (10 °C) as conditioning stimulus (CS). Subjects rated the pain intensity of TS at baseline, during and 5 min after CS application and additionally of CS, on a numerical rating scale (NRS) (0–100). The "early" (during CS–before CS) and 'late' (after CS–before CS) CPM-effects were analyzed. Parallel to the PCES, the related evoked potentials were recorded via Cz to evaluate any changes in PCES-amplitudes. CS reduced significantly the pain intensity of both PCES and heat pain as TS. On a group level, the CPM-effect did not differ significantly between both paradigms. Both early and late CPM-effect based on PCES correlated significantly with the CS pain intensity (r\it r = −0.630 and −0.503, respectively), whereas using heat pain the correlation was not significant. We found a significant reduction of PCES-amplitudes during CS, but this did not correlate with the PCES-induced pain intensity. Correlation with the CS painfulness r\it r = −0.464) did not achieve the significance level after Bonferroni correction. The extent of the CPM effects was similar in both testing paradigms at group level, despite intraindividual differences. Future studies should further elicit the exact mechanisms explaining the modality of these specific differences

    Distraction by a cognitive task has a higher impact on electrophysiological measures compared with conditioned pain modulation

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    Background\bf Background Conditioned pain modulation (CPM) evaluates the effect of a painful conditioning stimulus (CS) on a painful test stimulus (TS). Using painful cutaneous electrical stimulation (PCES) as TS and painful cold water as CS, the pain relief was paralleled by a decrease in evoked potentials (PCES-EPs). We now aimed to compare the effect of CPM with cognitive distraction on PCES-induced pain and PCES-EP amplitudes. Methods\bf Methods PCES was performed using surface electrodes inducing a painful sensation of 60 (NRS 0–100) on one hand. In a crossover design healthy subjects (included: n = 38, analyzed: n = 23) immersed the contralateral hand into 10 °C cold water (CS) for CPM evaluation and performed the 1-back task for cognitive distraction. Before and during the CS and 1-back task, respectively, subjects rated the pain intensity of PCES and simultaneously cortical evoked potentials were recorded. Results\bf Results Both CPM and cognitive distraction significantly reduced PCES-EP amplitudes (CPM: 27.6 ±\pm 12.0 μ\muV to 20.2 ±\pm 9.5 μ\muV, cognitive distraction: 30.3 ±\pm 14.2 μ\muV to 13.6 ±\pm 5.2 μ\muV, p < 0.001) and PCES-induced pain (on a 0–100 numerical rating scale: CPM: 58 ±\pm 4 to 41.1 ±\pm 12.3, cognitive distraction: 58.3 ±\pm 4.4 to 38.0 ±\pm 13.0, p < 0.001), though the changes in pain intensity and PCES-amplitude did not correlate. The changes of the PCES-EP amplitudes during cognitive distraction were more pronounced than during CPM (p = 0.001). Conclusions\bf Conclusions CPM and cognitive distraction reduced the PCES-induced pain to a similar extent. The more pronounced decrease of PCES-EP amplitudes after distraction by a cognitive task implies that both conditions might not represent the general pain modulatory capacity of individuals, but may underlie different neuronal mechanisms with the final common pathway of perceived pain reduction

    Dichotic listening performance and interhemispheric integration after administration of hydrocortisone

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    Chronic stress has been shown to have long-term effects on functional hemispheric asymmetries in both humans and non-human species. The short-term effects of acute stress exposure on functional hemispheric asymmetries are less well investigated. It has been suggested that acute stress can affect functional hemispheric asymmetries by modulating inhibitory function of the corpus callosum, the white matter pathway that connects the two hemispheres. On the molecular level, this modulation may be caused by a stress-related increase in cortisol, a major stress hormone. Therefore, it was the aim of the present study to investigate the acute effects of cortisol on functional hemispheric asymmetries. Overall, 60 participants were tested after administration of 20 mg hydrocortisone or a placebo tablet in a cross-over design. Both times, a verbal and an emotional dichotic listening task to assess language and emotional lateralization, as well as a Banich–Belger task to assess interhemispheric integration were applied. Lateralization quotients were determined for both reaction times and correctly identified syllables in both dichotic listening tasks. In the Banich–Belger task, across-field advantages were determined to quantify interhemispheric integration. While we could replicate previously reported findings for these tasks in the placebo session, we could not detect any differences in asymmetry between hydrocortisone and placebo treatment. This partially corroborates the results of a previous study we performed using social stress to induce cortisol increases. This suggests that an increase in cortisol does not influence dichotic listening performance on a behavioral level. As other studies reported an effect of stress hormones on functional hemispheric asymmetries on a neuro-functional level, future research using neuronal imaging methods would be helpful in the characterization of the relation of hemispheric asymmetries and stress hormones