4 research outputs found

    Grammatikvermittlung in neueren kroatischen DaF-Lehrwerken

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    The first part of the article deals with the presentation of grammar from the linguistic point of view. It gives the results of the analysis of the presentation of grammar in textbooks for German as a foreign language written by Croatian authors (in textbooks for elementary school, grammar school; for German as the first and the second foreign language). The analysis is carried out under the following criteria: explicit or implicit presentation of grammar, theoretical grammatical foundations, usage of metalinguistic terms, the language used for explanations. The second part of the article presents the analysis of grammar teaching in selected textbooks under didactical and methodical aspects (usage in texts, types of exercises and assignments). The results of the analysis are evaluated in terms of the supposed appropriateness and contemporary views regarding the grammar teaching in teaching foreign languages. What we are also interested in is the question whether and to what extent the requirements of the common international competencies description for the exam certificate have modified or changed the significance of grammar teaching in Croatian textbooks for German as a foreign language

    Parents’ intention to get vaccinated and to have their child vaccinated against COVID-19: cross-sectional analyses using data from the KUNO-Kids health study

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    A COVID-19 vaccine can be an important key for mitigating the spread of the pandemic, provided that it is accepted by a sufficient proportion of the population. This study investigated parents' intention to get vaccinated and to have one's child vaccinated against COVID-19. In May 2020, 612 parents participating with their child in the KUNO-Kids health study completed an online survey. Multivariable logistic regression models were calculated to analyze predictors of intention to vaccinate. Fifty-eight percent of parents intended to get vaccinated against COVID-19, and 51% intended to have their child vaccinated. Significant predictors for the intention to get vaccinated and for having the child vaccinated included stronger parental confidence in one's knowledge about prevention measures and lower beliefs that policy measures were exaggerated.Conclusion: COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy was considerable in our sample of parents in Germany. However, our study revealed some potentially modifiable factors which should be addressed by a comprehensive and tailored communication and education strategy. What is Known? • A COVID-19 vaccine can mitigate the spread of the pandemic. • Many parents are skeptical about vaccinations in general. What is New? • COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy was considerable in our sample of parents from Germany, not only for getting vaccinated but also for having the child vaccinated. • Negative parental attitudes regarding policy measures to contain the pandemic were associated with a lower intention to vaccinate