4 research outputs found

    Microstructure Alterations of Ti-6Al-4V ELI During Turning by Using Tungsten Carbide Inserts Under Dry Cutting Condition

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    Titanium alloys possesses a hexagonal close packed(h.c.p) structure, called phase to ambient temperature. Thisstructure changes to body center cubic (b.c.c), called phase tothe temperature of 882 C. Machining process that generates hightemperature during machining can affect on microstructures ofmachined surface, which represents as a quality of components.The turning parameters evaluated are cutting speed (55 - 95m/min), feed rate (0.15 - 0.35 mm/rev), depth of cut (0.10 - 0.20mm) and tool grade (uncoated, CVD and PVD). The aims of thispaper are to investigate the effects of machining process onmicrostructures of machined surface and chip were machinedusing tungsten carbide inserts under dry cutting condition. Theresults show that machining at high cutting speed (95 m/min)affected on the microstructure significantly at the end ofmachining. The temperature is the most significant factoraffected on microstructure of the machined surface and chip atshear zone. The changes of microstructure were also affected bythe tool pressure during cutting

    Rice Root Distribution of Four Rice Varieties to Different Depth of Submergence

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is largely cultivated in lowland area that vulnerable to flood occurrence. Root supposed to play an important role on rice tolerance to submergence stress. An experiment which conducted from January to May 2014 in Cikarawang Field Laboratory, Darmaga, Bogor, West Java aimed to study the role of root distribution on rice submergence tolerant. The experiment used Split Plot design replicated three times, with the depth of submergence as main plot and rice variety as subplot. The main plot consisted of water depth of 5 cm (optimum), 50 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm from soil surface. The subplot consisted of four rice varieties, namely Ciherang, Inpari 30 (Ciherang Sub1), Indragiri and Margasari. Each plant was planted in a root box (30 cm x 40 cm x 5 cm) which put into container (67 cm x 47 cm x 42 cm) and placed into the pond with water depth as treatment. Submergence started when the plant was 39 DAS (Days After Seeding) for ten days. Observation conducted after the submergence stopped (49 DAS). Result showed that submergence retarded plant growth, root distribution and increase root damage for all rice varieties with the biggest effect on susceptible varieties

    Konsep Maqashid Syariah dalam Pengembangan Produk Lembaga Keuangan Islam

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    Setiap hukum yang ditetapkan Allah kepada ummatnya terdapat kemashlahatan baik didunia maupun di akhirat, untuk menjawab bahwa ekonomi Islam sesuai dengan kondisi zaman maka maqashid syariah sangat diperlukan untuk menciptakan produk yang inovatif sehingga lembaga keuangan syariah bisa bersaing dengan produk lembaga keuangan konvensional dan tidak bertentangan dengan prisnsip-prinsip Islam. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji konsep maqashid syariah dalam pengembangan  produk lembaga keuangan islam, secara khusus, artikel ini juga melihat kesesuaian produk yang ditawarkan oleh perbankan syariah agar sesuai dengan konsep yang telah dituangkan dalam maqashid syariah, karena pada hakikatnya melakukan transaksi dengan sistem syariah bukan saja mencari keuntungan di dunia saja, namun juga untuk mencapai maslahah dunia akhirat, oleh karena itu, konsep maqashid syariah harus mampu di integrasikan kedalam perbankan syariah agar produk yang dihasilkan tidak kaku dan sempit sehingga terhambat terhadap perkembangan lembaga keuangan syariah. harapannya, dengan memahami konsep maqashid syariah maka diharapkan bisa menciptakan produk-produk inovatif di lembaga keuangan syariah.   Kata kunci: Maqashid Syariah, Keuangan Islam, Bank Syaria