7 research outputs found
Law of the wall in an unstably stratified turbulent channel flow
We perform direct numerical simulations of an unstably stratified turbulent
channel flow to address the effects of buoyancy on the boundary layer dynamics
and mean field quantities. We systematically span a range of parameters in the
space of friction Reynolds number () and Rayleigh number (). Our
focus is on deviations from the logarithmic law of the wall due to buoyant
motion. The effects of convection in the relevant ranges are discussed
providing measurements of mean profiles of velocity, temperature and Reynolds
stresses as well as of the friction coefficient. A phenomenological model is
proposed and shown to capture the observed deviations of the velocity profile
in the log-law region from the non-convective case
Inertial particle acceleration in strained turbulence
The dynamics of inertial particles in turbulence is modelled and investigated
by means of direct numerical simulation of an axisymmetrically expanding
homogeneous turbulent strained flow. This flow can mimic the dynamics of
particles close to stagnation points. The influence of mean straining flow is
explored by varying the dimensionless strain rate parameter
from 0.2 to 20. We report results relative to the acceleration variances and
probability density functions for both passive and inertial particles. A high
mean strain is found to have a significant effect on the acceleration variance
both directly, through an increase in wave number magnitude, and indirectly,
through the coupling of the fluctuating velocity and the mean flow field. The
influence of the strain on normalized particle acceleration pdfs is more
subtle. For the case of passive particle we can approximate the acceleration
variance with the aid of rapid distortion theory and obtain good agreement with
simulation data. For the case of inertial particles we can write a formal
expressions for the accelerations. The magnitude changes in the inertial
particle acceleration variance and the effect on the probability density
function are then discussed in a wider context for comparable flows, where the
effects of the mean flow geometry and of the anisotropy at the small scales are
Fluidelastic modeling of a weathercock stabilization in a uniform flow
International audienceThe relaxation dynamics of a weathercock free-to-rotate, in the presence of a uniform flow, as it aligns with the flow direction, is investigated experimentally in a wind-tunnel. The dynamics is observed to conveniently follow a damped harmonic oscillator behavior. At first order, the frequency is set by the aerodynamic coefficients. We show that a quasi static approach fails to precisely describe the relaxation dynamics and that non-stationary corrections are required to model the dynamics. A first strategy is to introduce added mass, added stiffness and added damping to the quasi-static approximation, following what is usually done in the context of vortex-induced vibrations. A second strategy is to introduce empirical corrections, whose scaling is obtained from the analysis of the experimental data. Finally, these two strategies are compared and we discuss the physical interpretations of the non-stationary corrections
Áhrif innkomu Costco á dagvöru- og eldsneytismarkaðinn á Íslandi
Í ritgerð þessari er fjallað um hver áhrifin urðu á íslenskan dagvöru- og eldsneytismarkað með tilkomu Costco á markaðinn. Tekin voru viðtöl við lykilstjórnendur fyrirtækja á dagvöru- og eldsneytismarkaði með því markmiði að fá betri innsýn inn í breytingar eða stefnu sem fyrirtækin fóru í til að svara tilvonandi samkeppni frá Costco. Einnig var lögð fram netkönnun til að sjá huglægni almennings í garð Costco og hvar þeirra viðskiptavinahópur lægi. Notast var því við blandaða aðferðafræði þar sem eigindleg rannsókn og megindleg rannsókn voru notaðar við greiningu. Auk þeirra rannsókna var notast við SVÓT greiningu og greiningu Porters til að greina markaðinn betur.
Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós tímabundin áhrif á mörkuðum og hefur markaður náð nýju jafnvægi. Helstu breytingar fólust í samrunum fyrirtækja Haga og Olíuverzlunar Íslands, og N1 og Festis. Auk þess luku smærri fyrirtæki á dagvörumarkaðnum rekstri vegna samkeppninnar sem skapaðist vegna tilkomu Costco. Fyrirtæki sem rætt var við fór helst í breytingar við innflutning auk lítillegar verðbreytingar. Costco tók strax mikla markaðshlutdeild til sín en hún fór þó lækkandi eftir opnunaráhrif sem urðu við opnun Costco í Kauptúni
Inertial clustering of particles in high-reynolds-number turbulence
We report experimental evidence of spatial clustering of dense particles in homogenous, isotropic turbulence at high Reynolds numbers. The dissipation-scale clustering becomes stronger as the Stokes number increases and is found to exhibit similarity with respect to the droplet Stokes number over a range of experimental conditions (particle diameter and turbulent energy dissipation rate). These findings are in qualitative agreement with recent theoretical and computational studies of inertial particle clustering in turbulence. Because of the large Reynolds numbers a broad scaling range of particle clustering due to turbulent mixing is present, and the inertial clustering can clearly be distinguished from that due to mixing of fluid particles. © 2008 The American Physical Society