311 research outputs found

    Comments on a Recent Whiteheadian Doctrine of God

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    The Lord\u27s Day in the Letter of Ignatius to the Magnesians

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    Fritz Guy

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    Toward an American Theology: A Symposium on an Important Book

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    The Future and the Present: The Meaning of the Advent Hope

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    Cilj ovoga članka je osvijetliti značenje adventističke eshatologije – odnosno razmotriti njezine glavne teme, njezinu važnost i posljedice. Nastojat ćemo odgovoriti na pitanja: Što obuhvaća adventna nada? Kako ona djeluje? Drugim riječima, kako ovaj posebni pogled na budućnost djeluje (ili bi trebalo djelovati) na naša sadašnja vjerovanja, stajališta i postupke?The aim of this article is to illuminate the meaning of Adventist eschatology—that is, to consider its principal themes, their importance, and their implications. We will attempt to answer the questions What is the advent hope all about? And what difference does it make? In other words, how does (or should) this particular view of the future affect a person’s beliefs, attitudes, and actions in the present

    Thinking Theologically

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    Ova je knjiga namjerno adventistička u svojoj perspektivi, a očito je adventistička po svom rječniku i mnogim svojim citatima. Međutim, ne kanim da ona bude isključivo adventistička u svojoj razumljivosti i primjenjivosti. Jer, biti adventist znači, prvo i najvažnije, biti kršćanin; i ono što je najvažnije u adventističkom iskustvu, praksi i vjerovanju nije ono što nas razlikuje, nego ono što nas ujedinjuje s drugim kršćanima.This book is intentionally Adventist in its perspective, and it is obviously Adventist in its vocabulary and in many of its citations. I do not, however, intend it to be exclusively Adventist in its intelligibility and applicability. For to be Adventist is to be, first and foremost, Christian; and what is most important in Adventist experience, practice, and belief is not what differentiates us from other Christians but what unites us to them

    The Dynamics of Salvation

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    A multi-patch use of the habitat: testing the First-Passage Time analysis on roe deer paths

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    A heterogeneous environment includes several levels of resource aggregation. Individuals do not respond in the same way to this heterogeneity depending on the scale at which they perceive it, and develop different foraging tactics accordingly. The development of methods to analyse animal movements has enabled the study of foraging tactics at several scales. Nevertheless, applied to large vertebrates, these methods have generally been used at large scales, such as for migration trips or the study of marine patches several kilometres large. In this study, we applied a recent method, the First-Passage Time analysis, based on a measure of the foraging effort along the path, to a much finer scale, i.e. under 500 meters. We used 30 daily paths of highly sedentary roe deer females. We modified the initial method, developed by Fauchald and Tveraa (2003), to detect a multi-patch use of the habitat. First-Passage Time analysis results showed that most of the female roe deer exploited their home range as a patchy resource, ranging from 1 to 5 areas of intensive use in their home range. These areas were identified as the most attractive sites within the roe deer female home range. Moreover, this method allowed us to rank the attractive areas according to the time spent in each area. Coupled with habitat selection analysis to identify what makes these areas attractive, the First-Passage Time analysis should offer a suitable tool for landscape ecology and management

    Software Architecture and System Design of Rubin Observatory

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    Starting from a description of the Rubin Observatory Data Management System Architecture, and drawing on our experience with and involvement in a range of other projects including Gaia, SDSS, UKIRT, and JCMT, we derive a series of generic design patterns and lessons learned.Comment: 10 pages ADASS XXXII submissio