12 research outputs found


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    According to the United Nations acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) reports in 2018, the Middle East and North Africa regions are considered as areas of increased concern for human immune deficiency virus (HIV) infection due to high mortality associated with AIDS. This study aims to assess the prevalence of HIV infection among Syrians under the war. The HIV infection was screened among 485,857 Syrian subjects. Also, the antiretroviral drug profile was assessed among HIV positive subjects. The results of HIV-testing using data showed the highest incidence of HIV among Syrians (0.19%). At the end of 2011, the total number of HIV cases on the basis of surveillance started in 1987 was 762, with the figures being 441 (58%) Syrians and 321 (42%) foreigners. Among these HIV-positive individuals, 433 died at the end of 2011 from HIV infection. The geographical distribution of HIV cases in Syria reveals that the majority are found in major cities, with approximately two-thirds (41 percent) of HIV-populated in Damascus and Aleppo (23 percent). The key route for HIV transmission was sexual transmission; 62.8% were heterosexual and 10.5% homosexual. In 2014, there was a higher percentage of mother-to-child HIV transmission during the administration of an injectable medication than was recorded in 2011. Blood transfusions for various diseases is another route of HIV transmission among Syrians. In Syria and, probably, the MENA region, AIDS/HIV has become a serious problem despite the increased availability of free drug therapy. More intensive population screening is required to reduce AIDS/HIV disease distribution dramatically by 2030. Copyright (C) 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Pharmacophor

    Organization of clinical trials of photosensitizer based on 5-aminolevulinic acid hexyl ester

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    Background: This paper deals with the statistical and methodological study conducted in order to assess the possibility of combining in one study, Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials of the Russian drug Hexasense based on 5-aminolevulinic acid hexyl ester. Methods: Hexasense drug is intended for fluorescence diagnosis of bladder cancer (the route of administration - intravesical instillation of solution). The clinical trial involved a comparative study of the effectiveness of diagnostic fluorescence depending on the exposure time of the drug solution in the bladder (1 and 2 hours). This is due to the fact that the time interval of 2 hours checked on the research Phase 1 used to cause inconvenience to patients. Results: After selecting the optimal diagnostic mode (a task of Phase 2) it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected mode as compared to standard white-light cystoscopy (a task of Phase 3). Comparison of the effectiveness of two diagnostic fluorescence diagnostic modes with different exposure time of solution of 1 and 2 hours has been planned. At the second stage, the selected fluorescence diagnosis mode will be compared with the results of a standard white-light cystoscopy obtained in the same group of patients. A difference of 10% will be taken for significant differences in values of sensitivity and specificity. The statistical analysis showed that the required number of patients at a significance level of 2.5%, power of 80%, and for minimum difference in proportions of 10% subject to the correction of 10% for the dropout and unassessed patients would be 134 people (two groups of 67 patients). In this case, the same sample of patients allows comparing reliably the effectiveness of two diagnoses with the correction for multiplicity of comparison. Application: This will help to minimize the number of patients involved in the study and not reduce the accuracy of the results at the same time. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation authorized the clinical trial of the drug Hexasense with Phases 2 and 3 combined

    Self-Organisation in Lifelong Learning: Theory, Practice and Implementation Experience Involving Social Networks and a Remote Format

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    Currently, in the context of the global transition of the world education system to the remote format, it has become vitally important for a person to be able and ready to independently organise his/her educational and professional activities. The article considers methodological approaches to self-education in the context of its use in the process of lifelong learning/ continuous education. The authors discuss the existing concepts of self-education and ways of its organisation, taking into account age-specific features, forms and types of learning. The concepts of ‘self-organisation’ and ‘self-education’ are analysed. The essence of the scientific categories ‘self-learning’ and ‘self-organisation in education’ is revealed in relation to the system of higher education. The role of tutors as mediators in student self-organisation is shown and their main functions in this process are described. Based on a theoretical analysis of existing forms of self-organisation in education and the experience of using self-organisation, various directions and possibilities of their application in practice are delineated. Careful consideration is given to criticism of the use of self-organisation in learning and its advantages. The authors also discuss the prospects of using self-organisation in higher education, emphasising the importance and relevance of developing self-organisation as a student’s personality trait. A description is made of learning models based on self-organisation of students. Finally, the experience of implementing the self-organisation approach to the educational process is analysed. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that self-learning can be successful if it seems socially significant for students. The use of advanced digital technologies and Internet resources can also contribute to effective self-learning. The results of the study indicate that students should develop the ability to independently organise their educational activities as well as self-control/self-assessment skills, which is especially important in connection with the increase in independent work in curricula and the massive transition to the remote format in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic.В настоящее время в условиях глобального перехода мировой системы образования в дистанционный формат существенно актуализируются способность и готовность личности к самоорганизации учебной и профессиональной деятельности. В статье рассматриваются методологические подходы к самообразованию в контексте его использования в процессе непрерывного обучения, или обучения в течение всей жизни. Обсуждаются существующие концепции самообучения и формы его организации с учетом возрастных особенностей, форм и видов обучения. Анализируются понятия «самоорганизация» и «самообразование». Раскрывается сущность научных категорий «самообучение» и «самоорганизация в образовании» применительно к системе высшего образования. Показана роль тьютора как посредника в самоорганизации студента, описаны его основные функции в этом процессе. На основе теоретического анализа существующих форм самоорганизации в образовании и опыта ее использования описаны различные направления и возможности их применения на практике. Рассматривается критика использования самоорганизации в обучении и ее преимущества. Обсуждаются перспективы использования самоорганизации в высшем образовании. Подчеркивается важность и актуальность формирования самоорганизации как черты личности обучающихся. Описаны модели обучения, основывающиеся на самоорганизации обучающихся. Анализируется опыт реализации подхода самоорганизации к образовательному процессу. Делается вывод об успешности самообучения в случае социальной значимости обучения для субъекта, возможности применения новых технологий в обучении, основанных на цифровых методах и использовании интернет-ресурсов. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о необходимости развития способностей к самоорганизации учебной деятельности, а также навыков самоконтроля и самооценки студентов, что особенно актуально в связи с увеличением доли самостоятельной работы в учебных программах и массовым переходом на дистантные формы обучения в высшем образовании в период пандемии COVID-19

    The Social and Economic Consequences of the Dissemination of HIV Infection

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    The issue of combating HIV/AIDS is one of the priority directions of the state policy of Russia. The AIDS epidemic continues to be devastating to human life, as evidenced by the demographic indicators. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is causing a slowdown in growth or a decrease in the gross domestic product in many countries. Researchers demonstrate a correlation between rising levels of HIV-infection and worsening economic performance. However, the incidence of HIV-infection remains exceptionally high in specific segments of the population and countries, making the disease prevention a key to controlling the spread of HIV

    Organization of clinical trials of photosensitizer based on 5-aminolevulinic acid hexyl ester

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    Background: This paper deals with the statistical and methodological study conducted in order to assess the possibility of combining in one study, Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials of the Russian drug Hexasense based on 5-aminolevulinic acid hexyl ester. Methods: Hexasense drug is intended for fluorescence diagnosis of bladder cancer (the route of administration - intravesical instillation of solution). The clinical trial involved a comparative study of the effectiveness of diagnostic fluorescence depending on the exposure time of the drug solution in the bladder (1 and 2 hours). This is due to the fact that the time interval of 2 hours checked on the research Phase 1 used to cause inconvenience to patients. Results: After selecting the optimal diagnostic mode (a task of Phase 2) it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected mode as compared to standard white-light cystoscopy (a task of Phase 3). Comparison of the effectiveness of two diagnostic fluorescence diagnostic modes with different exposure time of solution of 1 and 2 hours has been planned. At the second stage, the selected fluorescence diagnosis mode will be compared with the results of a standard white-light cystoscopy obtained in the same group of patients. A difference of 10% will be taken for significant differences in values of sensitivity and specificity. The statistical analysis showed that the required number of patients at a significance level of 2.5%, power of 80%, and for minimum difference in proportions of 10% subject to the correction of 10% for the dropout and unassessed patients would be 134 people (two groups of 67 patients). In this case, the same sample of patients allows comparing reliably the effectiveness of two diagnoses with the correction for multiplicity of comparison. Application: This will help to minimize the number of patients involved in the study and not reduce the accuracy of the results at the same time. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation authorized the clinical trial of the drug Hexasense with Phases 2 and 3 combined