19 research outputs found
Актуальные количественные и качественные показатели медиапотребления российской аудитории
Media competence and media literacy of the Russian audience continue to be a pressing issue. This is due to the very fast dynamics of social practices, depending on growth and activity of media consumption, as well as the rapid development of digital technologies and communication systems. The need to improve the quality of media of Russians increases every year. This article discusses the main media channels, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of media consumption by Russians. It presents the current dynamics of using media channels by different age groups, and also gives an estimation of the confidence level by Russians in various sources of information.Медийная компетентность и медийная грамотность российской аудитории на сегодняшний день продолжают оставаться актуальной проблемой. Это связано с очень быстрой динамикой социальных практик, зависящих от роста и активности медиапотребления, а также от стремительного развития цифровых технологий и коммуникационных систем. Необходимость в повышении качества медиапотребления россиян ежегодно возрастает. В данной статье рассмотрены основные медиаканалы, качественные и количественные характеристики медиапотребления россиян, представлена актуальная динамика использования медиаканалов различными возрастными группами, а также приведена оценка уровня доверия россиян к различным источникам получения информации
Content article points out that GOST R 54315-2011 "Cattle for slaughter, beef and veal carcasses, half carcasses and quarters" should be harmonized with the standards of other countries based on indicators that complement the objective determination of the quality of meat produced from animals of different ages, sex, direction of productivity and feeding level.Содержимое статьи указывает на то, что ГОСТ Р 54315-2011 «Крупный рогатый скот для убоя, говядина и телятина в тушах, полутушах и четвертинах» необходимо гармонизировать со стандартами других стран с учетом показателей, которые дополняют объективность определения качества получаемого мяса от животных разного возраста, пола, направления продуктивности и уровня кормления
International engagement of Russian federation in the field of disaster risk reduction
Science and knowledge are important factors in ensuring preventive measures, such as assessing the risk of various emergency situations, in order to prepare for and respond to natural disasters. Perspectives on risk assessment, risk reduction and sustainable disaster recovery are reflected in such global programs as the Hyogo Framework Program (2005-2015), the Sendai Framework Program (2015-2030) and the Sustainable Development Goals (IMC) (2016- 2030). Close interaction of nature and humans led to more systemic view that the increase of natural disasters, depletion and environmental degradation are directly related to climate change, ecosystem functioning, human health and socio-economic security. The Russian Federation actively supports international framework programs and researches which contribute to a better understanding of risk in all its aspects. Interdisciplinary researches and development in the field of natural disasters and man-made disasters allow to create innovative methodology for forecasting and monitoring man-made and natural hazards. On the other hand, research efforts in support of risk management and crisis management greatly contribute to emergency preparedness and response and help to reduce the loss of human lives and economic costs. This article discusses issues of international cooperation of Russia in the field of monitoring, early detection and prevention of emergency situations, as well as in the field of disaster risk reduction. © IAEME Publication
Students' teaching special aspects of administering first aid to the injured in emergency situation
The reasons of erroneous actions are considered at administering first aid to the injured in emergency situation. The authors note that emergency situations require adoption of quick and competent decisions, effective creative approach and evaluation in terms of legality. It is important to teach the student necessity for knowledge in the field of forecasting and monitoring of possible emergencies, causes of their occurrence, improving organization of response to them, including administering first aid to the injured. In class it is substantiated the necessity of using visual material, mock-ups, medical means for mastering the skills of self and mutual help. It is studied academic progress of students and showed errors reduction when using situational problems in learning process. Based on the conducted research, the authors point out the importance of teaching students by rules and basics of administrating first aid in higher education institutions. © 2017. revistaESPACIOS.com
Prospects for the elimination of toxic waste at the polygon of "Krasny Bor"
They’ve investigated the history and current state of the largest in the North-West region industrial toxic waste polygon "Krasny Bor", as well as possible ways to eliminate the accumulated environmental damage at the landfill. The design of the "Krasny Bor" testing ground was started in the 1960s, during the period of industrial growth, when the developing industry of Leningrad - metallurgy, heavy engineering, chemistry, petrochemicals, pulp and paper - began to produce more and more toxic waste, dumps of domestic waste was unsafe. More than 10 squares were surveyed in Lomonosov, Tosnensky, Volkhov and Vsevolozhsk districts of Leningrad region. The most suitable was the site located 6.5 km southeast of Leningrad border in Tosnensky district of Leningrad region near the village of Krasny Bor. The main advantage of this section was the presence of powerful deposits of blue Cambrian clays (up to 70 m deep) located close to the surface of the earth, possessing almost absolute waterproof properties (filtration coefficient 1,2х10-9 sm /s). The most rational way to eliminate the environmental damage accumulated at the site is a comprehensive method in which wastes contained in open maps are completely or partially processed by one of the above methods, and waste in sealed cards is isolated in a way that excludes their negative impact on the environment. In the event of any emergencies, for example, the burning of oil-containing wastes or the breakthrough of dams on the fence of open maps, atmospheric air will be contaminated with dangerous combustion products or pollutants enter the surface and underground water bodies of Leningrad Region, and through them into the Gulf of Finland and Baltic Sea. © IAEME Publication
Prospects for the elimination of toxic waste at the polygon of "Krasny Bor"
They’ve investigated the history and current state of the largest in the North-West region industrial toxic waste polygon "Krasny Bor", as well as possible ways to eliminate the accumulated environmental damage at the landfill. The design of the "Krasny Bor" testing ground was started in the 1960s, during the period of industrial growth, when the developing industry of Leningrad - metallurgy, heavy engineering, chemistry, petrochemicals, pulp and paper - began to produce more and more toxic waste, dumps of domestic waste was unsafe. More than 10 squares were surveyed in Lomonosov, Tosnensky, Volkhov and Vsevolozhsk districts of Leningrad region. The most suitable was the site located 6.5 km southeast of Leningrad border in Tosnensky district of Leningrad region near the village of Krasny Bor. The main advantage of this section was the presence of powerful deposits of blue Cambrian clays (up to 70 m deep) located close to the surface of the earth, possessing almost absolute waterproof properties (filtration coefficient 1,2х10-9 sm /s). The most rational way to eliminate the environmental damage accumulated at the site is a comprehensive method in which wastes contained in open maps are completely or partially processed by one of the above methods, and waste in sealed cards is isolated in a way that excludes their negative impact on the environment. In the event of any emergencies, for example, the burning of oil-containing wastes or the breakthrough of dams on the fence of open maps, atmospheric air will be contaminated with dangerous combustion products or pollutants enter the surface and underground water bodies of Leningrad Region, and through them into the Gulf of Finland and Baltic Sea. © IAEME Publication
Hydrological Risk Management of Urbanized Areas in Framework of the Smart City Concept
The emergence of new technologies, such as blockchain, Big Data, etc., provides fundamentally new opportunities for the formation of distributed databases necessary for assessing and managing hydrological risks in urbanized areas. At the same time, the use of the most modern technologies is based on adequate modeling and forecasting of hydrological processes, which, in the context of climatic changes and poorly predicted meteorological events for the long term, require close attention and understanding. The article deals with the tasks of risk assessment and prevention of damage from hazardous hydrological processes (rainfall floods, floods, mudflows, etc.) in framework of the Smart City Concept. Natural and anthropogenic factors of floods, methods of risk assessment and risk management in flooded areas are discussed. The issues of hazardous hydrological processes predictability and damage assessment are discussed. Sufficiency and effectiveness of the decisions made in the field of minimizing the negative impact of water, sufficiency of forces and means to ensure population safety and economic facilities are assessed on the example of the Kuban River basin. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
Reducing the level of cognitive distortions when assessing the vulnerability of complex technical systems based on criterial modeling methods
Cognitive distortions are systematic errors made by people who participate in managing a complex technical system. From 60 to 90% of disasters occur due to cognitive distortions in the complex technical system management. The purpose of this work is to develop a mathematical apparatus for estimating cognitive distortions when assessing the complex technical system vulnerability by using the criterial modeling methods. In this study, cognitive distortions are interpreted as various kinds of systematic errors, as well as traditional distortions that occur in certain situations and that are based on the misrepresentations about the vulnerability of complex technical system and on the need to make decisions about their parrying. Complex technical systems have allocated parts (managed subsystems), participation in the system of people, machines and the natural environment, material, energy and information links between parts of systems, as well as the links between the system under consideration and other systems, etc. The object of this study is to find cognitive distortions that have an impact on estimating complex technical system vulnerabilities. The subjects of this study are criterial modeling methods that make it possible to estimate cognitive distortions when assessing vulnerability at all the levels of complex technical system management and thereby reduce the risks of accidents and disasters. Examples of criterial modeling methods implementation for cognitive distortions estimation in the vulnerability of the banking and transport systems are given. © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved