124 research outputs found

    Status of vitamin D, paratharmone and serum calcium levels in perimenopausal women and their mutual correlation

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    Background: The present study was carried out with an aim to assess Vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and calcium status in perimenopausal women and to find out their mutual correlation.Methods: The present work was carried out on in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, in collaboration with Department of Biochemistry at Era's Lucknow Medical College and Hospitals, Lucknow, U.P. 80 healthy females aged 40-50 years were included in the study. Serum vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and calcium levels were assessed. Data was analyzed using ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient.Results: Osteopenia and osteoporosis was seen in 33 (41.3%) and 21 (26.3%) women respectively, 50 (62.5%) women had S. vitamin D levels 0.05). Correlation between Vitamin D levels and Parathyroid hormone levels was weak and not significant.Conclusions: The findings of present study highlighted that perimenopausal phase should be regarded as a transition phase where a lot of physiological changes take place resulting in bone mineral density loss and fall in serum hormonal, vitamin and mineral levels. Owing to tremendous continuing changes the relationship between these parameters is vitiated and does not show a systematic change.

    Vitamin D status in pregnant women and their newborns in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: In the recent years there has been an increased understanding of the role that vitamin D plays in regulation of cell growth, calcium absorption and immunity and its impact on the developing fetus and maternal health is of significant concern. This study aims at evaluating the Vitamin D status in pregnant women and their newborns.Methods: A cross sectional study was done on 100 pregnant females according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. At the time of delivery, maternal blood was collected, and newborn samples were taken from newborn side of umbilical cord and sent for analysis.Results: The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency has been found to be 85% of pregnant females and 91% of the newborns. Only 5% of pregnant females and 1% of the newborns showed Vitamin D sufficiency. Maternal and newborn vitamin D levels show a positive correlation. Mean maternal and newborn Vitamin D levels were found to be 16.78±7.04 ng/mL and 11.29±5.75 ng/ml.Conclusions: Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent among pregnant women in north India. Low maternal vitamin D levels lead to vitamin D deficiency in the newborns also

    Enhancing Hybrid Prediction in Pearl Millet Using Genomic and/or Multi- Environment Phenotypic Information of Inbreds

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    Genomic selection (GS) is an emerging methodology that helps select superior lines among experimental cultivars in plant breeding programs. It offers the opportunity to increase the productivity of cultivars by delivering increased genetic gains and reducing the breeding cycles. This methodology requires inexpensive and sufficiently dense marker information to be successful, and with whole genome sequencing, it has become an important tool in many crops. The recent assembly of the pearl millet genome has made it possible to employ GS models to improve the selection procedure in pearl millet breeding programs. Here, three GS models were implemented and compared using grain yield and dense molecular marker information of pearl millet obtained from two different genotyping platforms (C [conventional GBS RAD-seq] and T [tunable GBS tGBS]). The models were evaluated using three different cross-validation (CV) schemes mimicking real situations that breeders face in breeding programs: CV2 resembles an incomplete field trial, CV1 predicts the performance of untested hybrids, and CV0 predicts the performance of hybrids in unobserved environments. We found that (i) adding phenotypic information of parental inbreds to the calibration sets improved predictive ability, (ii) accounting for genotype-by-environment interaction also increased the performance of the models, and (iii) superior strategies should consider the use of the molecular markers derived from the T platform (tGBS)

    Annual Cycle of Cloud Forcing of Surface Radiation Budget

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    The climate of the Earth is determined by its balance of radiation. The incoming and outgoing radiation fluxes are strongly modulated by clouds, which are not well understood. The Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (Barkstrom and Smith, 1986) provided data from which the effects of clouds on radiation at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) could be computed (Ramanathan, 1987). At TOA, clouds increase the reflected solar radiation, tending to cool the planet, and decrease the OLR, causing the planet to retain its heat (Ramanathan et al., 1989; Harrison et al., 1990). The effects of clouds on radiation fluxes are denoted cloud forcing. These shortwave and longwave forcings counter each other to various degrees, so that in the tropics the result is a near balance. Over mid and polar latitude oceans, cloud forcing at TOA results in large net loss of radiation. Here, there are large areas of stratus clouds and cloud systems associated with storms. These systems are sensitive to surface temperatures and vary strongly with the annual cycle. During winter, anticyclones form over the continents and move to the oceans during summer. This movement of major cloud systems causes large changes of surface radiation, which in turn drives the surface temperature and sensible and latent heat released to the atmosphere

    An Improved Algorithm for Retrieving Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation from Satellite Measurements

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    Zhou and Cess [2001] developed an algorithm for retrieving surface downwelling longwave radiation (SDLW) based upon detailed studies using radiative transfer model calculations and surface radiometric measurements. Their algorithm linked clear sky SDLW with surface upwelling longwave flux and column precipitable water vapor. For cloudy sky cases, they used cloud liquid water path as an additional parameter to account for the effects of clouds. Despite the simplicity of their algorithm, it performed very well for most geographical regions except for those regions where the atmospheric conditions near the surface tend to be extremely cold and dry. Systematic errors were also found for scenes that were covered with ice clouds. An improved version of the algorithm prevents the large errors in the SDLW at low water vapor amounts by taking into account that under such conditions the SDLW and water vapor amount are nearly linear in their relationship. The new algorithm also utilizes cloud fraction and cloud liquid and ice water paths available from the Cloud and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) single scanner footprint (SSF) product to separately compute the clear and cloudy portions of the fluxes. The new algorithm has been validated against surface measurements at 29 stations around the globe for Terra and Aqua satellites. The results show significant improvement over the original version. The revised Zhou-Cess algorithm is also slightly better or comparable to more sophisticated algorithms currently implemented in the CERES processing and will be incorporated as one of the CERES empirical surface radiation algorithms

    Evaluating Surface Flux Results from CERES-FLASHFlux

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    The Fast Longwave and Shortwave Radiative Flux (FLASHFlux) data product was developed to provide a rapid release version of the Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) results, which could be made available to the research and applications communities within one week of the satellite observations by exchanging some accuracy for speed of processing. Unlike standard CERES products, FLASHFlux does not maintain a long-term consistent record. Therefore the latest algorithm changes and input data can be incorporated into processing. FLASHFlux released Version3A (January 2013) and Version 3B (August 2014) which include the latest meteorological product from Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO), GEOS FP-IT (5.9.1), the latest spectral response functions and gains for the CERES instruments, and aerosol climatology based on the latest MATCH data. Version 3B included a slightly updated calibration and some changes to the surface albedo over snow/ice. Typically FLASHFlux does not reprocess earlier versions when a new version is released. The combined record of Time Interpolated Space Averaged (TISA) surface flux results from Versions3A and 3B for July 2012 to October 2015 have been compared to the ground-based measurements. The FLASHFlux results are also compared to two other CERES gridded products, SYN1deg and EBAF surface fluxes

    Tale of GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp and GRB 171205A/SN 2017iuk: Magnetar origin?

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    We present late-time optical follow-up observations of GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp (zz = 0.33) and low-luminosity GRB 171205A/SN 2017iuk (zz = 0.037) acquired using the 4K×\times4K CCD Imager mounted at the 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope (3.6m DOT) along with the prompt emission data analysis of these two interesting bursts. The prompt characteristics (other than brightness) such as spectral hardness, T90_{90}, and minimum variability time-scale are comparable for both the bursts. The isotropic XX-ray and kinetic energies of the plateau phase of GRB 171205A are found to be less than the maximum energy budget of magnetars, supporting magnetar as a central engine powering source. The new optical data of SN 2017htp and SN 2017iuk presented here, along with published ones, indicate that SN 2017htp is one of the brightest and SN 21017iuk is among the faintest GRB associated SNe (GRB-SNe). Semi-analytical light-curve modelling of SN 2017htp, SN 2017iuk and only known GRB associated superluminous supernova (SLSN 2011kl) are performed using the MINIM\texttt{MINIM} code. The model with a spin-down millisecond magnetar as a central engine powering source nicely reproduced the bolometric light curves of all three GRB-SNe mentioned above. The magnetar central engines for SN 2017htp, SN 2017iuk, and SLSN 2011kl exhibit values of initial spin periods higher and magnetic fields closer to those observed for long GRBs and H-deficient SLSNe. Detection of these rare events at such late epochs also demonstrates the capabilities of the 3.6m DOT for deep imaging considering longitudinal advantage in the era of time-domain astronomy.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Astronomy; Received 21 April 2022, Revised 13 June 2022, Accepted 1 July 202

    Rhabdomyosarcoma of the posterior chest wall in a newborn: a case report

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue malignancy of childhood, but may occur extremely rarely in the neonatal period. There are only a few reports of rhabdomyosarcoma in neonates. Although, it may arise anywhere in the body, the head and neck, and genitourinary regions are the most frequent sites. Truncal and chest wall rhabdomyosarcoma is relatively rare occurrence. We report a neonate with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma arising from the posterior chest wall muscles at birth. Computer Tomography scan raised the possibility of rhabdomyosarcoma or neurofibroma, fine-needle aspiration cytology was inconclusive. Total excision was done and chemotherapy given. At 6 months child is without recurrence

    Six senses while considering hydatid cyst as a differential for a swelling at nape of the neck: a case report

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    While cervical swellings usually are located in anterior midline like thyroglossal cyst, thyroid swellings, or in antero-lateral aspect of neck like cold abscess, branchial cyst, lymphangioma, cervical lymphadenopathy etc. Nape of the neck swelling is even less common with differentials including lipoma, sebaceous cyst, lymphangioma, etc. Hydatid cyst (HC) is often missed as a differential resulting in intraoperative surprises. This case report might change the mind of the readers to keep HC in back of their minds while approaching a case of swelling of the neck. Here we report a case of 15 years’ female who presented with swelling of nape of neck which on evaluation was inclining towards lipoma/epidermal cyst. With an intention for surgical exploration and excision, the patient was taken for operation, where we discovered it to be HC and the same was later confirmed by histopathology as well. Because of its rare presentation the primary diagnosis of HC is often missed out in spite of having sensitive cytology and imaging modalities. Hence, by reporting this case we intend to emphasize six facts a clinician, a radiologist and also a pathologist must consider while keeping primary HC at an unusual site as a differential diagnosis.

    Fast Longwave and Shortwave Radiative Flux (FLASHFlux) Products from CERES and MODIS Measurements

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    The Clouds and the Earth s Radiant Energy Systems (CERES) project is currently producing world-class climatological data products derived from measurements taken aboard the Terra and Aqua spacecrafts (Wielicki et al., 1996). While of exceptional fidelity, these data products require a considerable amount of processing to assure quality and verify accuracy and precision. Obtaining such high quality assurance, however, means that the CERES data is typically released more than six months after the acquisition of the initial measurements. For climate studies, such delays are of little consequence, especially considering the improved quality of the released data products. There are, however, many uses for the CERES data products on a near real-time basis. These include: CERES instrument calibration and subsystem quality checks, CLOUDSAT operations, seasonal predictions, agricultural and ocean assimilations, support of field campaigns, and outreach programs such as S'Cool. The FLASHflux project was envisioned as a conduit whereby CERES data could be provided to the community within a week of the initial measurements, with the trade-off that some degree of fidelity would be exacted to gain speed. In this paper, we will report on some very encouraging initial results from the FLASHflux project in which we compared the FLASHflux instantaneous surface fluxes to the CERES surface-only flux algorithm data products
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