10 research outputs found

    Potentiometric MRI of a Superconcentrated Lithium Electrolyte: Testing the Irreversible Thermodynamics Approach.

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    Superconcentrated electrolytes, being highly thermodynamically nonideal, provide a stringent proving ground for continuum transport theories. Herein, we test an ostensibly complete model of LiPF6 in ethyl-methyl carbonate (EMC) based on the Onsager-Stefan-Maxwell theory from irreversible thermodynamics. We perform synchronous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and chronopotentiometry to examine how superconcentrated LiPF6:EMC responds to galvanostatic polarization and open-circuit relaxation. We simulate this experiment using an independently parametrized model with six composition-dependent electrolyte properties, quantified up to saturation. Spectroscopy reveals increasing ion association and solvent coordination with salt concentration. The potentiometric MRI data agree closely with the predicted ion distributions and overpotentials, providing a completely independent validation of the theory. Superconcentrated electrolytes exhibit strong cation-anion interactions and extreme solute-volume effects that mimic elevated lithium transference. Our simulations allow surface overpotentials to be extracted from cell-voltage data to track lithium interfaces. Potentiometric MRI is a powerful tool to illuminate electrolytic transport phenomena

    Toward an Understanding of SEI Formation and Lithium Plating on Copper in Anode-Free Batteries.

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    Funder: Blavatnik Family Foundation"Anode-free" batteries present a significant advantage due to their substantially higher energy density and ease of assembly in a dry air atmosphere. However, issues involving lithium dendrite growth and low cycling Coulombic efficiencies during operation remain to be solved. Solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation on Cu and its effect on Li plating are studied here to understand the interplay between the Cu current collector surface chemistry and plated Li morphology. A native interphase layer (N-SEI) on the Cu current collector was observed with solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (ssNMR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) studies showed that the nature of the N-SEI is affected by the copper interface composition. An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study identified a relationship between the applied voltage and SEI composition. In addition to the typical SEI components, the SEI contains copper oxides (Cu x O) and their reduction reaction products. Parasitic electrochemical reactions were observed via in situ NMR measurements of Li plating efficiency. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies revealed a correlation between the morphology of the plated Li and the SEI homogeneity, current density, and rest time in the electrolyte before plating. Via ToF-SIMS, we found that the preferential plating of Li on Cu is governed by the distribution of ionically conducting rather than electronic conducting compounds. The results together suggest strategies for mitigating dendrite formation by current collector pretreatment and controlled SEI formation during the first battery charge

    Selective NMR observation of the SEI–metal interface by dynamic nuclear polarisation from lithium metal

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    Funder: Oppenheimer Foundation, Cambridge. Blavatnik Cambridge Fellowships.Abstract: While lithium metal represents the ultimate high-energy-density battery anode material, its use is limited by dendrite formation and associated safety risks, motivating studies of the solid–electrolyte interphase layer that forms on the lithium, which is key in controlling lithium metal deposition. Dynamic nuclear polarisation enhanced NMR can provide important structural information; however, typical exogenous dynamic nuclear polarisation experiments, in which organic radicals are added to the sample, require cryogenic sample cooling and are not selective for the interface between the metal and the solid–electrolyte interphase. Here we instead exploit the conduction electrons of lithium metal to achieve an order of magnitude hyperpolarisation at room temperature. We enhance the 7Li, 1H and 19F NMR spectra of solid–electrolyte interphase species selectively, revealing their chemical nature and spatial distribution. These experiments pave the way for more ambitious room temperature in situ dynamic nuclear polarisation studies of batteries and the selective enhancement of metal–solid interfaces in a wider range of systems

    Characterisation of CART-containing neurons and cells in the porcine pancreas, gastro-intestinal tract, adrenal and thyroid glands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The peptide CART is widely expressed in central and peripheral neurons, as well as in endocrine cells. Known peripheral sites of expression include the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the pancreas, and the adrenal glands. In rodent pancreas CART is expressed both in islet endocrine cells and in nerve fibers, some of which innervate the islets. Recent data show that CART is a regulator of islet hormone secretion, and that CART null mutant mice have islet dysfunction. CART also effects GI motility, mainly via central routes. In addition, CART participates in the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-axis. We investigated CART expression in porcine pancreas, GI-tract, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland using immunocytochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CART immunoreactive (IR) nerve cell bodies and fibers were numerous in pancreatic and enteric ganglia. The majority of these were also VIP IR. The finding of intrinsic CART containing neurons indicates that pancreatic and GI CART IR nerve fibers have an intrinsic origin. No CART IR endocrine cells were detected in the pancreas or in the GI tract. The adrenal medulla harboured numerous CART IR endocrine cells, most of which were adrenaline producing. In addition CART IR fibers were frequently seen in the adrenal cortex and capsule. The capsule also contained CART IR nerve cell bodies. The majority of the adrenal CART IR neuronal elements were also VIP IR. CART IR was also seen in a substantial proportion of the C-cells in the thyroid gland. The majority of these cells were also somatostatin IR, and/or 5-HT IR, and/or VIP IR.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CART is a major neuropeptide in intrinsic neurons of the porcine GI-tract and pancreas, a major constituent of adrenaline producing adrenomedullary cells, and a novel peptide of the thyroid C-cells. CART is suggested to be a regulatory peptide in the porcine pancreas, GI-tract, adrenal gland and thyroid.</p

    Viðbótarmeðferðir í hjúkrun fyrirbura og nýbura. Fræðileg samantekt

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    Vinsældir óhefðbundinna- og viðbótarmeðferða fara sífellt vaxandi meðal almennings og innan heilbrigðisstofnanna. Fjölmargar rannsóknir hafa skoðað áhrif ýmissa viðbótarmeð-ferða á fyrirbura og nýbura. Tilgangur þessarar fræðilegu úttektar er að skapa yfirlit yfir þekkingu á viðbótarmeðferðum sem hafa verið notaðar í hjúkrun á nýburum og fyrirburum. Í heimildarleitinni var haft í huga hvaða viðbótarmeðferðir væru mest notaðar hjá fyrirburum og nýburum og hvert notagildi þeirra væri miðað við rannsóknir. Þær viðbótar-meðferðir sem aðallega hafa verið rannsakaðar eru: nudd, kengúrumeðferð, lyktarmeðferð, tónlistarmeðferð og súkrósu notkun. Þar að auki voru rannsóknir á viðhorfum heilbrigðis-starfsfólks til notkunnar á óhefðbundnum meðferðum og viðbótarmeðferðum skoðaðar. Helstu niðurstöður sýndu að viðbótarmeðferðir hafa reynst vel hjá þessum hópi barna og sýna rannsóknir meðal annars að þær geta haft áhrif á að þyngdaraukning verði meiri, aukin tengslamyndun milli foreldra og barns, minni verkjahegðun, betri öndun, súrefnismettun og hjartsláttur betri og styttri spítaladvöl. Heilbrigðisstarfsfólk virtist einnig vera jákvætt gagnvart notkun á viðbótarmeðferðum hjá fyrirburum og nýburum. Mikilvægt er að hjúkrunarfræðingar kynni sér viðbótarmeðferðir, beiti þeim og miðli þekkingu sinni áfram þar sem þeir eru þeir aðilar sem eru oftast í mestum tengslum við börnin og aðstandendur þeirra. Vonast höfundar til þess að þessi úttekt sé hvatning til hjúkrunarfræðinga til aukinnar notkunnar og skilnings á viðbótameðferðum hjá nýburum og fyrirburum og geti þannig miðlað þekkingu sinni áfram til foreldra