7 research outputs found

    Pilihan-Pilihan Akuntansi dalam Aplikasi Teori Akuntansi Positif

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    Empirical researches based on the positive accounting theory or the economic consequence theory have directed to seek for the answers about the reasons that motivate managers in selecting or determining certain accounting techniques in preference to other techniques. So far the existing studies have found an association between the firms’ specific characteristics and managers’ decision to select certain accounting techniques. That is, there is specific reason of why manager prefers to use one accounting method but not the others. Further study needs to be conducted to seek the answers whether managers have specific reasons or behave opportunistically by adopting accounting techniques that affect the firm accounting performance for which the selected techniques do not against the generally accepted accounting principles (accounting standards)

    Earnings Management: Suatu Telaah Pustaka

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    Earnings management is a new phenomenon, which has contributed to the development of accounting theory. The term earnings management occurs as a direct consequence of the efforts undertaken by managers or preparers of financial statements in an attempt to affect accounting information, especially earnings, for his/her own and/or company's benefits. Earnings management can not be interpreted as a negative action since it does not solely concern with earnings manipulation. Theoretically, there are many ways or methods available for managers or preparers of financial statements to affect reported earnings, which are considerably possible from the view of positive accounting theory. The positive accounting theory suggests that managers may have the incentives and intention to behave opportunistically for obtaining his/her private gains by selecting certain accounting methods. Empirical studies have shown that earnings management is evidenced in many economic contexts. This indicates that certain economic events or variables can be utilized as a mechanism for managing earnings. This evidence provides opportunity for accounting researchers, in particular, and management researchers to examine the possibility of occurrence of earnings management in various economic contexts

    Board of Commisioner Duality Role, Governance and Earnings Management of Initial Public Offerings in Indonesia

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    Public firm is required to implement good corporate governance as assurance to reduce information asymmetry between firm and its stockholders. Corporate governance mechanism should be able to limit any improper actions of the firm\u27s management. This study investigates whether the duality role of the board affects earnings management practice of firms making initial public offering at Indonesian Stock Exchange. The study also examines other corporate governance mechanism factors, namely the number of board of commission­ners, the proportion of independent board of commissioners, size of firm, financial leverage, and profitability. Earnings management was measured using Cross-Sectional Modified Jones model. The study employs a total of 60 firms that went public from 2000 to 2006. The results show that duality status of board of commissioners positively and significantly affects earnings management in IPO firms. This could be interpreted that board of directors with duality role had a lower function in monitoring the firms\u27 performance so that management have opportunity to manage reported earnings. When board of commissioners have dual role, the level of earnings management is getting intense, and vice versa. Size of board of commissioners and profitability are positively related to earnings management

    Siklus Kehidupan Perusahaan dan Kaitannya dengan Investment Opportunity Set, Risiko dan Kinerja Finansial

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    This study examined the effect of firms financial performance that include dividend yield, leverage, profitability, and systematic risk on the investment opportunity set (IOS) measured using market to book value of assets ratio on each of the firm's life cycle. A sample of 171 firms meeting the selection criteria covering a five-year period from 1999-2003 was examined. The regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis that the examined variables affect the level of IOS in each of the firm's life cycle. The findings indicated that on the initial expansion stage, dividend yield was found to have negative effect on IOS, profitability and systematic risk had positive effect. On the final expansion stage, three variables namely leverage, profitability, and systematic risk all had positive effect on IOS. For mature stage, two variables, leverage and profitability were found to have significant effect. Whilst, for decline stage, only leverage was found to have significant effect. Overall, this study suggested that the life cycle stage affect the decisions of management in their investment strategies

    Bentuk Pasar Efisiensi Dan Pengujiannya

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    This paper discusses and summarizes the efficient market hypotheses initially proposed by Fama (1970). According to the efficient market theory, the market is said to be efficient if 'security prices reflect all available information'. Fama (1970) contends that there are three types of market efficiency, namely weak form market efficiency, semi-strong form market efficiency, and strong form market efficiency. Over the last three decades, the efficient market theory has become the center of research interest and has attracted attention, which has contributed to the development of corporate finance theory. Empirical evidence however appears to support that the American stock market is classified to be the semi-strong form. This means that the information that forms the price in the market has been dominated by historical and public information, although the clear cut is still unwarranted. Other interesting aspect of the efficient market hypothesis is the strong evident of anomaly in the market, which appear to confront the efficient market hypothesis. There are at least four types of market anomalies that have been identified, namely firm anomalies, seasonal anomalies, event anomalies, and accounting anomalies