17 research outputs found


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    Цель работы: установить возрастные особенности компонентов постурального баланса по данным сенсорного организационного теста у женщин 55-64 лет с постуральной стабильностью. Было обследовано 412 женщин, которых разделили на две возрастные группы: первая группа 55-59 лет (n = 175), вторая - 60-64 года (n = 237). Проводили Sensory Organization Test (SOT) компьютерного постурографического(стабилометрического) комплекса «Smart Equitest Balance Manager». Установлено, что у женщин после 59 лет наблюдается снижение качества функции равновесия в пробах 1-3; постуральной стратегии в пробах 1,2, 4-6 и результирующей оценки постуральной стратегии всего SOT. Кроме того, у женщин 60 лет и старше повышается степень предпочтения зрительной информации в контроле над балансом под воздействием факторов окружающей среды. Возрастные изменения компонентов постурального баланса у женщин после 59 лет происходят независимо от функции постуральной стабильности. Показатели качества функции равновесия в пробе 6, результирующей оценки качества функции равновесия всего SOT, а также степени участия зрительной и вестибулярной информации в контроле над балансом становятся одними из важных параметров оценки преждевременного изменения компонентов постурального баланса у пожилых людей

    Seasonal changes of external respiratory parameters in skiers of mass categories in the conditions of Russian North

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    The study results of lung volume seasonal changes in skiers of mass categories in the conditions of European North are presented. Respiratory system study was carried out in September, January, April and July in the same group of 38 men skiers aged 18-22 (middle age: 19,6 (19,2; 21,7)), born and permanently residing in Arkhangelsk (64°32’n.l., 40°32’e.l.) and Severodvinsk (64°34’n.l., 39°51’e.l.). Survey sample had experience in cross-country skiing for 3-5 years and 1-2 senior degree. Spirograph «Dinamit-С» (Complex КМ-АР-01) was used for pulmonary function test. Lung volume was esteemed: respiratory volume (RV), inspiratory (IRV) and expiratory (ERV) reserve volume, inspiratoty capacity (IC), lung capacity (LC), as well as indices of lung ventilation: respiratory rate (RR) and respiratory minute volume (RMV). It is stated that skiers have seasonal functional alternation in the external respiration system. Thus, LC maximum was in winter, LC minimum - in spring, with difference 1,21 l. RV minimum was in summer, maximum - in winter, with difference 0,58 l. IRV was maximum in autumn, ERV and IC - in winter. Not only statistic lung volumes indices, but their nature of communication change in seasonal dynamic in surveyed sportsmen skiers. Percentage ratio calculation from RV to LC showed that breathing in rest conditions skiers use from 17 % in autumn and summer to 21-23,5 % LC in winter and spring. Comparison of the results obtained in skiers and people not engaged in sport activities revealed that seasonal changes of lung volume in skiers are more evident. © 2016, Springer New York LLC. All rights reserved

    Age characteristics of postural control components in women 55-64 years old

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    The purpose of the study was to reveal age characteristics of the components of postural control in women 55-64 years old. Computer dynamic stabilometrical complex «Smart Equitest Balance Manager» was used for the comprehensive evaluation of the equilibrium function in elderly women. The following tests were used: Sensory Organization Test (SOT), Motor Control Test (MCT), Rhythmic Weight Shift (RWS). On the basis of the analysis of postural control parameters and according to the SOT data, we have found a quality decrease of the equilibrium function in the functional tests 1-4, as well as reduction in the degree of involvement of the somatosensory information in the balance control in women after 59 years. In addition, comparative analysis also revealed a weakening of postural strategy in all six functional tests SOT. However, no age-related changes have been found in the quality of the equilibrium function (functional tests 5 and 6), being the result of SOT assessment, as well as the degree of involvement of visual and vestibular information in the balance control. The analysis of the MCT test has shown deceleration of coordinated motor reactions. RWS test analysis has shown that women from 59 years had a quality deterioration of gravity control center while moving in the frontal and sagittal directions, as well as speed reduction of the gravity center movements in the sagittal direction

    Age self-assessment of 55-64 years old women as an express method for determining the parameters of life quality in the Circumpolar region

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    The purpose of this study consisted in the comparative evaluation of the quality of life parameters (QOL) among the female residents of the Arkhangelsk region aged 55-64 years old with different levels of the age self-assessment. The study group (SG) of 104 women reported that they felt at their calendar age (CA) and older. The comparison group (CG) of 252 women - subjectively felt younger than their CA for 5 years or more. For the women surveyed, aging rate (AR) was calculated by the method of V. P. Voitenko (the 3rd version). It was established that the AR indicators in women of the CG were lower than those for women of the SG (p < 0,001). To assess the quality of life, the SF-36v2 questionnaire was used. It was found that all scales and grouped indicators in women in the comparison group were higher than in the study group. The obtained results indicated that the determination of the subjective assessment of wellbeing through a subjectively experienced age (SEA) in women could be an informative indicator of the general state of their health and quality of life as well as an independent important criterion for the prediction of adverse aging risk, the diseases development, as well as the degree of adaptation to the age-related changes

    Age characteristics of postural control components in women 55-64 years old

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    The purpose of the study was to reveal age characteristics of the components of postural control in women 55-64 years old. Computer dynamic stabilometrical complex «Smart Equitest Balance Manager» was used for the comprehensive evaluation of the equilibrium function in elderly women. The following tests were used: Sensory Organization Test (SOT), Motor Control Test (MCT), Rhythmic Weight Shift (RWS). On the basis of the analysis of postural control parameters and according to the SOT data, we have found a quality decrease of the equilibrium function in the functional tests 1-4, as well as reduction in the degree of involvement of the somatosensory information in the balance control in women after 59 years. In addition, comparative analysis also revealed a weakening of postural strategy in all six functional tests SOT. However, no age-related changes have been found in the quality of the equilibrium function (functional tests 5 and 6), being the result of SOT assessment, as well as the degree of involvement of visual and vestibular information in the balance control. The analysis of the MCT test has shown deceleration of coordinated motor reactions. RWS test analysis has shown that women from 59 years had a quality deterioration of gravity control center while moving in the frontal and sagittal directions, as well as speed reduction of the gravity center movements in the sagittal direction

    Seasonal changes of external respiratory parameters in skiers of mass categories in the conditions of Russian North

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    The study results of lung volume seasonal changes in skiers of mass categories in the conditions of European North are presented. Respiratory system study was carried out in September, January, April and July in the same group of 38 men skiers aged 18-22 (middle age: 19,6 (19,2; 21,7)), born and permanently residing in Arkhangelsk (64°32’n.l., 40°32’e.l.) and Severodvinsk (64°34’n.l., 39°51’e.l.). Survey sample had experience in cross-country skiing for 3-5 years and 1-2 senior degree. Spirograph «Dinamit-С» (Complex КМ-АР-01) was used for pulmonary function test. Lung volume was esteemed: respiratory volume (RV), inspiratory (IRV) and expiratory (ERV) reserve volume, inspiratoty capacity (IC), lung capacity (LC), as well as indices of lung ventilation: respiratory rate (RR) and respiratory minute volume (RMV). It is stated that skiers have seasonal functional alternation in the external respiration system. Thus, LC maximum was in winter, LC minimum - in spring, with difference 1,21 l. RV minimum was in summer, maximum - in winter, with difference 0,58 l. IRV was maximum in autumn, ERV and IC - in winter. Not only statistic lung volumes indices, but their nature of communication change in seasonal dynamic in surveyed sportsmen skiers. Percentage ratio calculation from RV to LC showed that breathing in rest conditions skiers use from 17 % in autumn and summer to 21-23,5 % LC in winter and spring. Comparison of the results obtained in skiers and people not engaged in sport activities revealed that seasonal changes of lung volume in skiers are more evident. © 2016, Springer New York LLC. All rights reserved

    The relationship of anxiety level and regulatory profile of cardiac rhythm in military students in conditions of examination

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    The article presents the research results of a regulatory profile of cardiac rhythm in a situation of examination, depending on the level of personal and state anxiety. In order to identify the characteristics of a psychosomatic response to the situation of examination stress the level of anxiety was assessed, which made the basis for ranking groups (low-, moderate-, high - anxious cadets). Cardiac rhythm variability was investigated by the method of R. M. Baevsky, and the statistical and spectral analysis was estimated. The study involved 42 apparently healthy cadets of the first course, 35 girls and 7 boys. The average age was (17.5 ± 0.5) years. A cross-sectional (transverse) study was carried out which protocol included 2 stages: the first stage: anxiety level was determined before the exam, functioning parameters of cardiovascular system and cardiac rhythm variability were registered. The second stage: registration of above mentioned parameters immediately after the examination. The analysis of the research results showed that the level of state anxiety before the exam in all groups was above the level of trait anxiety, which was seen as a natural reaction to the situation of the examination. The reaction of the cardiovascular system and the mechanisms of the autonomic regulation of heart rhythm in a standard situation such as examination were provocative depending on the level of anxiety. Highly anxious examinees showed a higher activation of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system which indicated the generalization of anxiety and possibilities of its somatization

    Age self-assessment of 55-64 years old women as an express method for determining the parameters of life quality in the Circumpolar region

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    The purpose of this study consisted in the comparative evaluation of the quality of life parameters (QOL) among the female residents of the Arkhangelsk region aged 55-64 years old with different levels of the age self-assessment. The study group (SG) of 104 women reported that they felt at their calendar age (CA) and older. The comparison group (CG) of 252 women - subjectively felt younger than their CA for 5 years or more. For the women surveyed, aging rate (AR) was calculated by the method of V. P. Voitenko (the 3rd version). It was established that the AR indicators in women of the CG were lower than those for women of the SG (p < 0,001). To assess the quality of life, the SF-36v2 questionnaire was used. It was found that all scales and grouped indicators in women in the comparison group were higher than in the study group. The obtained results indicated that the determination of the subjective assessment of wellbeing through a subjectively experienced age (SEA) in women could be an informative indicator of the general state of their health and quality of life as well as an independent important criterion for the prediction of adverse aging risk, the diseases development, as well as the degree of adaptation to the age-related changes

    Factor analysis of hemodynamics daily parameters in students of the Northern Medical University

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    The purpose was to find out the hidden common factors characterizing the relationship between the parameters of daily hemodynamics in students of the northern medical university. Methods. A factor analysis of hemodynamics data obtained during the daily monitoring of arterial pressure and heart rate in students of Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy (35 boys and 61 girls) was carried out. Results. The analysis revealed two factors in groups. According to the first factor, the mesor factor loading of the index of functional changes (r = 0,833) and the daytime values of the IFI (r = 0,923) and the IAD DB (r = 0,708) achieved significant values in the young men. In the girls: SAD (r = 0,862), DBP (r = 0,767) and IFI (r = 0,919), daily SBP values (r = 0,889), DBP (r = 0,867), IFI (r = 0,942), IV DBP (r = 0,713) (total dispersions are 34,37 % and 39,05 %). The second factor included night hemodynamic parameters in both groups. The young men had: IFI night (r = 0,808), SAD night. (r = 0,813), DBP overnight. (r = 0,892), IV SBP overnight. (r = 0,766), IV DBP at night. (r = 0,778), night decrease of SBP (r = –0,822) and DBP (r = –0,806), in girls: SAD night. (r = 0,776), DBP overnight. (r = 0,836), IV DBP of night. (r = 0,740), SB SBP (r = –0,797) and NS DBP (r = –0,865) (the total variance is 23,04 % and 17,68 %). Conclusion. Differences were found in the structure of the relationship of hemodynamic indices associated with gender. The first factor was formed by daily and average daily hemodynamic indices; in girls its composition is determined by a large number of variables 7 against 3 in boys. The second factor was formed by the night values of hemodynamic indices in both groups. Day and night indices of hemodynamics did not correlate. © 2018 Northern State Medical University. All Rights Reserved

    The relationship of anxiety level and regulatory profile of cardiac rhythm in military students in conditions of examination

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    The article presents the research results of a regulatory profile of cardiac rhythm in a situation of examination, depending on the level of personal and state anxiety. In order to identify the characteristics of a psychosomatic response to the situation of examination stress the level of anxiety was assessed, which made the basis for ranking groups (low-, moderate-, high - anxious cadets). Cardiac rhythm variability was investigated by the method of R. M. Baevsky, and the statistical and spectral analysis was estimated. The study involved 42 apparently healthy cadets of the first course, 35 girls and 7 boys. The average age was (17.5 ± 0.5) years. A cross-sectional (transverse) study was carried out which protocol included 2 stages: the first stage: anxiety level was determined before the exam, functioning parameters of cardiovascular system and cardiac rhythm variability were registered. The second stage: registration of above mentioned parameters immediately after the examination. The analysis of the research results showed that the level of state anxiety before the exam in all groups was above the level of trait anxiety, which was seen as a natural reaction to the situation of the examination. The reaction of the cardiovascular system and the mechanisms of the autonomic regulation of heart rhythm in a standard situation such as examination were provocative depending on the level of anxiety. Highly anxious examinees showed a higher activation of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system which indicated the generalization of anxiety and possibilities of its somatization