55 research outputs found

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Research of nutritional habits of prospective teachers

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    In modern society healthy nutrition is a particularly topical issue as it is one of the key elements of a healthy lifestyle which determines a person’s well-being. One of the tasks established in the European Region Health Policy “Health for All in the 21st Century” is to promote habits of healthy nutrition. The goal of the research is to identify nutritional habits of the prospective teachers. 631 prospective teachers studying at Vytautas Magnus University took part in the questionnaire survey. The period of studies is closely related to the study process, the change of the place of residence, and that often adversely affects the dietary regime. Nutritional habits during the study period are partly formed by the training institution as well as the food culture tradition spread among the students. Involvement in activities and the change of the place of residence influenced nutritional habits of prospective teachers. Having analysed the survey data, it is possible to state that most students - prospective teachers - choose food considering its taste characteristics and the price. The students choose various food products and try to follow the recommendations for healthy nutritionMokytojų rengimo institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The influence of Biomin P.E.P.-1000 on the growth and meat quality indices of chicken broilers

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    The effect of phytogenic preparation Biomin P.E.P.-1000 on the growth of chicken broilers was analysed. The active component of Biomin P.E.P.-1000 is a herbal formula consisting of phytobiotics and polyfructosans. All active substances in this preparation are of plant origin, which do not cause antibiotic resistance and do not leave residues in animal productsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Assessment for learning in lessons of technologies

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    Straipsnyje teoriniu aspektu atskleidžiama formuojamojo vertinimo kaip mokytis padedančio vertinimo svarba ugdymo procese. Remiantis 7–8 klasių mokinių anketinės apklausos duomenimis, prieita išvados, kad per technologijų pamokas nevengiama mokinių varžymosi tarpusavyje, nepakankamai dėmesio skiriama konstruktyviam mokinių įsivertinimui, tačiau mokytojų teikiamas grįžtamasis ryšys yra informatyvus ir padedantis mokiniams mokytisAssessment and evaluation are among the essential functions performed by a teacher. When a teacher assesses for learning, assessment is a continuous process providing important feedback for students who can immediately bridge their learning gaps or direct their learning to a favourable direction. Students’ involvement into the assessment process means that students are taught to handle information about their learning achievements and to understand how they could learn better, know where they are in comparison with the settled learning goals, plan and take further steps in their learning. Assessment for learning (also called formative assessment), if used effectively, can provide teachers and their students with the information they need to move learning forward. The aim of this paper is to present an expression of the assessment for learning in 7th and 8th grade technology lessons. Tasks to achieve the objective: 1) to describe the concepts of assessment for learning, 2) to reveal the 7th and 8th grade learners’ views towards the assessment for learning. The methods of research: theoretical (scientific literature and education documents analysis and generalization) and empirical (self-report anonymous questionnaire). The survey was conducted in 2014–2015 academic year. The sample of research consisted of 423 learners’ of 7th and 8th grades. The research data shows that assessment is an integral part of the technological education process, the purpose of which to support student learning. During the evaluation teachers must help the learners to know themselves, to understand their strengths and weaknesses, to assess their level of achievements, to raise further goals of teaching and learningLazdijų r. Šeštokų mokyklaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Influence of iodized water on poultry production quality

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    The study was aimed to determine the possibility to substitute iodine in the poultry (broiler chics and laying hens) feed by iodized drinking waterVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Interaction between digestibility of feed and the enzymatic activity of poultry alimentary tract

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    The effect of the multienzyme composition Vilzim F, given in different dozes (0,05; 0.075 and 0.1% of feed mass) on the enzymatic activity of alimentary tract of chicken broilers and digestibility of feed nutrients was investigated. All the investigated doses of the Vilzim F increased the enzymatic activity in the alimentary tract of chicken broilersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Formative assessment of students' achievements in teaching technologies

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    The assessment of the students' achievement has always been the topical issue of the educational process. The methods of assessment must correspond to the teaching - learning goals, content and methods. With the beginning of the educational reform and the enlargement of the documents regulating education, scientists, scientists of educology have carried out different researches on the assessment of students' achievement and progress. Teachers have started to make new assessment methods and then to improve them. The formative assessment helps to foresee a student's future educational course and actions or to consolidate the progress. It is carried out through the whole process of education, when it is tried to provide the detailed information about a student's possibilities of the future learning and perfection. Carrying out the research we have tried to reveal the application of the students' formative assessment in technology classesVilniaus Antano Vienuolio pagrindinė mokyklaVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Bioplėvelės pašalinimo iš vandens tiekimo sistemų nauda viščiukų produktyvumui, kraujo makroelementų ir elektrolitų pusiausvyrai

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    Dauguma žemės ūkio produktų gamybos šakų orientuotos į kokybiškų, saugių produktų gamybą, ypač – paukštininkystė. Paukštiena pripažinta ir vienu pagrindinių kelių, kuriuo zoonozinių ligų sukėlėjai patenka į žmonių maisto grandinę, todėl daug dėmesio skiriama jiems nustatyti ir pašalinti. Vienas iš galimų paukščių infekcijos šaltinių yra vanduo, su kuriuo prasidėjusios infekcijos, tokios kaip salmoneliozė, kampilobakteriozė, sukėlėjai pernešami visam auginamam pulkui. Bandymui buvo sudarytos dvi grupės (kontrolinė ir bandomoji), po 27 600 vienadienių viščiukų. Bandomosios grupės viščiukų geriamajam vandeniui apdoroti panaudotas prietaisas AQUA 4DPRO60, kuris elektromagnetiniais virpesiais apdoroja vandenį ir sunaikina bioplėvelę, taip pat veikia kitus vandenyje vykstančius procesus. Gauti tokie rezultatai – paukščiai augo geriau (p0,05)Most of the branches of agricultural industry are aimed at the production of qualitative, safe and a wide range of products, and this is particularly relevant in poultry farming. One of the potential sources of poultry infection is water because through it pathogens of salmonellosis and campylobacteriosis infections are transferred to the entire flock on the farm. The trial included two groups (trial and control) with 27 600 one-day-old chickens in each. The drinking water of the chickens of the trial group was treated with the device AQUA 4DPRO60 which treats water with electromagnetic vibrations and destroys the biofilm. Moreover, this device also influences different processes taking place in the water. The following results were obtained: better growth of the birds (p<0.05), the improved liveability and significantly decreased litter moisture (p<0.05). The amounts of major minerals in the blood serum of birds were within the physiological limits. The amount of phosphorus and calcium in tibia of the birds in the trial group was higher in comparison with the control group (p<0.05)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    The influence of diet supplemented with phytasic enzymes on utilization of phosphorus in laying hens

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    Bibliogr. str. galeThe present study was designed to determine the effect of phytasic enzymes on the utilization of phosphorus in laying hens. The experimental diets were formulated with reduced amount of total phosphorus and calcium. The highest influence of phytasic enzymes on phosphorus utilization among the different age hens was found in 45 and 58 weeks-aged laying hensVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij